Android Map Issue *Update Resolved!*

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Android Map Issue *Update Resolved!*

Postby Orlor » Sun Oct 21, 2012 12:41 pm


The issue where Android users are unable to see cities on the map is being looked into right now.

Once I have any additional information on this I will share it in this post.

Thank you for your patience until that issue is resolved.


The issue with the cities not appearing on your maps should now be resolved.

If you don't see all the cities already please do a quick restart of Valor. If you still don't see them please use the "clear cache" option on your device for Valor and then all of the cities should appear on the map.

Do know that using the clear cache will delete your in game bookmarks and default the settings in game.

I want to thank everybody for their patience while this issue was being resolved.

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Postby GreatKahn » Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:24 pm

If that's the case then you should refund or extend the Que extender and other benefits because this delays the game for us

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Postby byteme » Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:29 pm

yet another brick. I lost guild position due to the world 100 bu issue. I have reported problems with maps even loading in the past and now we cannot even see cities...should we all just quit? Quit buying gold? Just quit? Leave negative feedback on the android marketplace?

Orlor, this is not directed at you but if this is due to a change in the game, then regression testing by the developers is not getting done. If this is a new event, stuff happens, I know, but at some point we have to either accept that this is working for the android platform or it is not. If it is not, then this really should be listed beta, or even pilot software versions.

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Postby crosswave » Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:01 pm

i'm glad you guys already know about the map problem. i'm sure you guys will have it fixed in no time. love the game keep up the great work.

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Postby ipWnu » Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:29 pm

Cheers to crosswave and also the Valor staff for being on top of this already and not waiting all week to look into it! I agree this game is incredibly neat minus some minor bugs, which when having a free game, I tend to not care at all. I consider myself lucky to get a free queue extender or mineral boosts, since other people pay for them. This post wont make noobs shut the he ll up about their petty issues but at least Valor knows there are two members who do not rage about every little thing.

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Postby davejjr » Mon Oct 22, 2012 8:41 am

Is there going to be compensation? we lost valuable time and resources do to this glitch. we should be compensated!

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Postby AtiAti » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:08 pm

Thanks for getting the mapped fixed. Saw that briefly before my game kicked into a never ending "Please check your connection" issue. Any idea what is causing this? FYI I can watch Netflix, run speed tests, and surf the internet on my phone so my internet seems to be working fine. Have tried from both Wi-Fi and Cellular (4GLTE). Neither will let me in the game. I have uninstalled and re-installed the game with no success.

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Postby ikeelyou » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:08 pm

Thanks for taking care of that buglet... I was kind of enjoying not having neighbors. But not being able to see my targets was a little dicey... @DaveJJR and Kahn, quit complaining. You had access to all your interfaces. The only thing you couldn't do was farm for day or so. Your portal buttons still worked--there's no reason why you should get an extension on something that wasn't affected by this bug. I mean, points for trying and all, but......

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Postby ikeelyou » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:10 pm

lol, Ati. Game is down due to AWS issues. Now *that* will be grounds for discussing extensions/refunds of purchased gear. Especially since I had scholars in flight...

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Postby AtiAti » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:22 pm

I hope it gets resolved quickly! But complaining about it won't help. So here we are. I am somewhat relieved to find out that it is not just my phone that is causing the issue though.

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