Android Needs and Feature Requests, please reply

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Android Needs and Feature Requests, please reply

Postby Mk2102 » Wed Nov 07, 2012 6:51 pm

Hey there,

I'm in SQA for a living and have enjoyed playing valor for the past 8 months or so. Great game, love every design element, but some things have really bothered me as a droid player.

1. Make it so that we can apply/request into guilds. It's very tiresome to drop to support and have to inform crowns they need to invite me rather than just go and accept me. This is especially true in hardcore/top world guilds with several factions. In 75 we had 8 guilds at one point and funneled into a single support chat room on kakao, support requests came all the time. This is a convenience that needs to be addressed.

2. Nicety: Leaderboards, at least as far as top guilds in Rxx go. Also, a majority of the time the players in the overall leaderboard show up, when clicked on from that listxx, with guild: none. This is a bug.

3. Fix diplomacy: When I enter the new diplomacy menu (HTC EVO 4G, Sprint) and click on Allies and click on a guild no matter what guild I click on next it keeps going to the first one. This seems like a caching issue. In more depth; i click on ally A, then puruse their guild, click back, click on ally B, and am presented again with ally A. Frustrated, I close out the menu and go back in and click on ally C. I'm again presented with ally A. etc. etc. ad infinium.

4. Stop charging me 55 gold for prestige when it's listed as 50. I was cool with it the first 10 times and am happy to spend money on a hobby. But I've been charged 55 gold every prestige purchase for 6 months. I'll submit a ticket if need be but I'm tired of ragged gold totals. Check player mk2102 for proof on that.

5. Map crashes are still persistent. I may need a new phone but you can tell from my auto-debug submissions in w100 that the game crashes more often on map updates than anywhere else. From experience, the most common crash point is when the following are true: I have several (15+) scout runs out and am on the map and clicking on the next target or shifting the tiles in any direction.

The following is a non-ios feature request that, especially in the beta proposals, would be a huge hit with players:
Build a checkbox, or similar, based 'build scholars' menu. Prevent players from having to go to city A, slide to max, buy scholarships, go to city B, slide to max, buy scholarships, go to city C.... Hard enough to type and a waste of 3h of real time in the morning at 100+ cities and puts weak connections (i.e. you're at work in a cubicle farm with limited connection, 2 bars or less) at a big time sinked disadvantage. There's no reason to make us go to each and every city/town/hovel to build scholars. Ideally, in my playstyle it would be threshold based. I.e. I have 50 cities, give me a button to 'purchase scholarships for cities 1-30?'. Time saved is more time for other worlds, competitively, not time spent away from game entirely.


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Joined: Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:06 pm

Postby Mk2102 » Wed Nov 07, 2012 7:00 pm

Additionally, am I the only droid player in w100 whose Marketplace still restricts me from sending resources to my satellite cities? I still get the message regarding the two week freeze period prior to being able to use trade routes.

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Postby Aethlstan » Sat Nov 10, 2012 3:12 pm

Search button, or even a glance at the first page of the forums, would point you to a feature request thread. I searched for one, looked for one, and there wasnt one, so i created one a few weeks ago. Just an fyi

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