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Growing pains

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 7:46 pm
by TheMoehlinator
Hey there, Interwebz

I am fairly new to valor (world 98 for a little over 3 weeks), but somewhat experienced with the genre. I started my city, built steadily, joined a small local guild, and continued expanding. As I type this, I am attacking a barb city near me to take and my point value is about 18k. This is just to give you an idea of my progress and situation.

My problem is this: most of the large guilds have point value requirements in my world (at least the ones near me in my world do), but my current guildmates and I keep coming under attack from large players with several tens of thousands of points more than we have before we meet the point requirements for membership in guilds that could be protective. So to join a large guild, we have to be a certain size, but when you are nearing that size you are a very tempting target for nearby players in the very guilds you are trying to join. They see a 13k city sitting there with little or no guild to retaliate...I can't say I blame them, it just makes it tough to survive beyond about 20k points. Any advice on this?



Also, yay first post on these forums ^.^

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 8:02 pm
by ThatValorPlayer
Moe, welcome to the forums!

This is basically the way most players will start out.
In your position, I would suggest looking around your area for players in a bigger guild that you want to join. Strike up a conversation with them, and see if you can use your communication skills to get in. Most bigger guilds have point requirements to keep inactive players out. If you are playing actively and engage with them through mails, they might just recruit you.

Secondly, this is your first world. Down to the core, you are there to learn everything you can about the game. I you decide to change guilds and you survive, great! If not, and you get attacked, do your best to defend. Learn everything you can, and in your next world, try starting in a more promising guild.

Your guild leader may also be able to speak with another guild to see about diplomacy with them, or perhaps a merge.

All in all, I hope you get picked up by someone in there. (if that's what you want) If I played there I'd make a spot for you, because you seem keen to learn.

Best of luck!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:55 pm
by Fire820
Hi Moe. I am obviously Fire. I started Valor in World 47. Boy, that world has been a ride. I started just like you. Building at my own pace in odd little ways I'd never do now. I joined the first guild to "recruit me". The guild became inactive. I also noticed that I was nowhere near them. So I used these reasons to join a closer and more active guild. Was still small though. After a while, drama happened between me and the leader and frankly I disagreed with just about everything he did. So I used this reason, along with my bargaining/communication skills or whatever you want to call them, to get into one of the three coalitions there. That was the first decent guild I got in. From there I kept going to better and better guilds through my skills. Advice: turn anything you can, into your favor. Earn your way in through communication and activity instead of just points. That'll show you're active and understand some basics.

Every Valor player has been at this point. I wonder what W1 players felt like? Anyway. Use your first world as a trial run. Put into use anything you think would be useful. Pick up tips. Use them. But try your hardest to get in a good guild. Then ask those people for tips. Because likely they met in an older world and learned there. Good luck!

Posted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:03 am
by MyName999
All those advices are great, but another one from me: never forget RESPECT... Even for the one attacking you!

Being respectful and fun with your opponent may make you being his best ally in another world (I lived this several times :-D).