Meet Ahnselm Morrow

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Postby Morrow » Sat Mar 24, 2012 2:53 am

Tooltip wrote:What can you tell us about the teams behind Valor? The programming team, the PR team, the art team, the moderator team?

There are many theories about the creators of our world, and I have documented many of them. A traditional explanation is that there is but one creator, a benevolent being reaching unto the world to bestow it with order and reason. The belief goes that it is through this creator's grace that we exist and thrive.

Naturally, there is some disagreement on the subject. I found one particularly tragic cult spending their time worshipping a well worn shoe, insisting it was the fount of all life. Imagine their disturbance when I suggested it was naught but the cast off of a foreign dignitary, displeased with the hole in its heel.

Among the heretics was one particular group I found somewhat interesting in their tomfoolery. They believed our world was not created, but engineered by a team of magical scientists. These beings toil away tirelessly, working to improve our world. Some of the zealots have gone so far as to investigate the supposed nature of this cadre of so called "engineers" saying there is more than two dozen. Of course, these heretics were burned at the stake some time ago. Nonsense often begets violence.

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Postby Goldnagger » Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:26 am

Have there been heroes in other worlds that have truly achieve the true path of Valor.

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Postby Percy1324 » Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:34 am

All Hail Sir Cluckles

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Postby Greyzz » Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:36 am

Greetings to you Mr. Morrow, seems that u've looked and exist on many events happened on our world, could you possibly predict on what will happen in the future of our world ?


Postby Morrow » Sat Mar 24, 2012 4:51 pm

Goldnagger wrote:Have there been heroes in other worlds that have truly achieve the true path of Valor.

I often ponder the paths people take in Valor. We live in a fragmented land, torn apart by vicious battles and little by the way of safety or security. We suffer from a lack of unity, the failure of any Lord to bring the diverse peoples of the land together. Valor still needs a king.

Some Lords who have walked far down this path, assembling as many as 1000 cities under their banner. I have watched some guilds, such as KORTBurningrage or ZN Sanctuary, meticulously build alliances and amass power. But I am cautious. Do these Lords mean good or evil? Do they seek power for its own sake or for the sake this war torn land?

I cannot influence events, only observe. One can only hope that the stories will be noble.


Postby Morrow » Sat Mar 24, 2012 5:00 pm

Greyzz wrote:Greetings to you Mr. Morrow, seems that u've looked and exist on many events happened on our world, could you possibly predict on what will happen in the future of our world ?

I possess no crystal ball and Sir Cluckles is no oracle. Some call me sorcerer, but I am merely blessed with the powers of observation, which grant me much by the way of foresight.

Lately, I have noticed a great number of new constructions among the guild halls of Valor. Lords whisper of a new means of communication, a way to avoid the tedium of foot couriers and speak in real time. I am skeptical, but I promise to document these new constructions in full and release the findings to my readers. Perhaps these lords speak truly, but time shall be the arbitrator on that matter.

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Postby Greyzz » Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:35 pm

hope that those things comes out faster and still keep the balance of valor, and not becoming the factor of crashes .. :)

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Postby Destroyer75 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:59 am

Has there ever been a Victorian of a world as in the one who rules all

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Postby Duke24 » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:07 am

Do you know of a place to mine gold?

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Postby Notch » Sun Mar 25, 2012 8:43 pm

Oh wise one, please tell me how i can get a life! jk i dont need one. Tell me how i can get an awesome chicken instead

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