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Postby Morrow » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:17 pm

Greyzz wrote:hope that those things comes out faster and still keep the balance of valor, and not becoming the factor of crashes .. :)

The world spins as it will, and there is little mortals such as you and I can do to help it along. I do feel a certain tension in Valor, an excitement that is building up to something greater. Sir Cluckles has even taken to white corn, which I take as an omen of serious portent. My suspicion is that we are about to enter an era of change for Valor, a renaissance of innovation.

That or Sir Cluckles just took a liking to white corn. It's very tough to know for certain.


Postby Morrow » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:30 pm

Duke24 wrote:Do you know of a place to mine gold?

Once, the hills and mountains of Valor teemed with gold. Man has long since exhausted the easiest to access stores, and the mother loads are buried beneath a mountain of rock. That doesn't mean that there aren't means to access it, but the Lords have found easier methods to acquire resources: ransacking their neighbors.

I wonder whether we will ever delve into those dark depths to harvest the precious minerals within. I would personally very much like to witness such a feat. Not just for the engineering marvels involved, but also because I have some affection for quartz crystals, which often inhabit the same territory as gold. I once made Sir Cluckles and I matching quartz pendants. Very fetching.

Alas, they are no longer in our possession. A gentlemen of the road asked to see them and rewarded our generosity with a dazzling display of knife work. So impressed were we with the bladesmanship that we forgot to ask for their return. I am sure he will feel quite foolish when he realizes his mistake.


Postby Morrow » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:33 pm

Notch wrote:Oh wise one, please tell me how i can get a life! jk i dont need one. Tell me how i can get an awesome chicken instead

Dear Notch, you possess all the vitality you need to accomplish great things in this realm. I cannot imagine you finding anything other than success. Or failure. One of the two. I'm not sure which.

One may always find a chicken, but it is far rarer to find a true traveling companion. The origin of Sir Cluckles and my holy alliance is a tale of woe and heartbreak, and I cannot bear to recount it in such a public forum until I have grown to know my readers better.


Postby Morrow » Mon Mar 26, 2012 2:39 pm

Destroyer75 wrote:Has there ever been a Victorian of a world as in the one who rules all

Valor knows no king. I have seen many pretenders to the throne, but the path to glory is painted in blood. Blood is apparently a slippery substance since all who have walked the path have fallen, never to rise again.

So many gone. When will we know peace? Who will take the mantle of Lord of Lords? This is one chapter that remains unwritten in my journals. I hope it happens before I run out of ink. It would be a shame to miss it.

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Postby Notch » Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:41 pm

What about a wolf? If i tame one it would be the best of companions i think that would be awesome

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Postby Tim » Tue Mar 27, 2012 11:25 am

Hi Morrow, it has been said in old times that you were quite gifted in dealing with the ladies. Are the stories true?


Postby Morrow » Tue Mar 27, 2012 3:01 pm

Tim wrote:Hi Morrow, it has been said in old times that you were quite gifted in dealing with the ladies. Are the stories true?

I have seen many, ahem, "sights" in my day. You of course must be familiar with my masterwork on the subject of seduction: "From Tonight to ToMORROW". Naturally there are some rumors pertaining to my various relations, but I cannot possibly remark on the veracity of them individually or as a general matter. Alas, the road has been long, and I can no longer recall many of the stops along the way.

I can provide a few pieces of advice for gentlemen aspiring to the hand of a maiden: 1) Listen first, think second and speak third, 2) Wash often, horse offal is not a pleasant smell, and 3) A bouquet of flowers is far more endearing when it hasn't been ripped apart, been pinned inside a book and meticulously labeled.

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Postby Beartato » Wed Mar 28, 2012 12:13 pm

Your profile says you are a scientists. Can you elaborate on you scientific pursuits?

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Postby freakyPAT » Thu Mar 29, 2012 9:25 am


When selecting to join a world in valor, we have as choice four quadrants; NW, NE, SW and SE, or simply a random selection. What are the regions does each quadrants cover, and does it vary in each world or are they all the same?


Postby Morrow » Thu Mar 29, 2012 12:17 pm

Beartato wrote:Your profile says you are a scientists. Can you elaborate on you scientific pursuits?

An observation creates awareness of a phenomenon. Experimentation creates understanding of that phenomenon. Observation without experimentation ensures you will be a blithering idiot on a great many subjects. Science is substance to thought. Not surprisingly, my scientific pursuits are as diverse as my journeys throughout Valor.

I am the Senior Plenipotentiary of the Academy of Mycology, and my work on the medicinal properties of mushrooms in speckled toad populations is widely regarded. I am fairly certain I would have healed the entirety of the toad population's health maladies with additional experimentation. Alas, it turns out the poison of the violet morel is somewhat stronger than its healing qualities.

I am also a Founding Advisor at the Muellings Center for Avian Human Studies. My particular area of expertise focuses on the interspecies relationship dynamics in man-bird friendship, with a specialization in chickens. Through my considerable influence with Muellings, I was able to secure Sir Cluckles a consulting scientist position, which entitles him to a modest stipend. Unfortunately, Sir Cluckles elected to directly invest the stipend in a speculative clay mining operation and we've yet to see a return.

Naturally, my pursuits are far broader than the two positions above, but it should give you an indication of my dedication to science. I invite you to travel with me for a time, you might learn something. A great many somethings.

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