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Postby Joshuasky » Sat Sep 01, 2012 12:07 am

A quistion for cluckles, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

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In the shadows

Postby Metzo » Sat Sep 08, 2012 1:28 pm

Dear morrow,
As a young soldier I have but only 40 miles i've travelled in search for the wisdom you possess.
I presume that since the beginning of all time, barbarians have wondered the worlds of men. Have you heard intelligence to suggest that they will one day raise up against us, form their own guilds and wage war?
Have you seen Brigands lurking in the forrest awaiting an opportunity to pillage our resources, could their camps become empires to fear?

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Postby Brendo36 » Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:12 pm

Morrow you say things are complicated with Aurora is this because you saw her skinny dipping once?


Postby Morrow » Mon Sep 10, 2012 4:32 pm

Joshuasky wrote:A quistion for cluckles, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Ahhh, there is a worthy topic of discussion. Sir Cluckles is pleased. The Chicken-First and Egg-First schools of thought have long battled it out on the plains of academic inquiry. For several decades this question was crucial to the struggle for leadership of the intellectual community. When the Chicken-First boys were in power, it was unwise to mention you were an Egg-First adherent. The Egg-First party was definitely more tolerant, but even so they kept the very best positions for their own kind.

In any case, Sir Cluckles and I are proud to belong to the Libertarian school. It is the group of us that, rather than argue about whether or not avians preceded their ovum, believes it would be more productive and noble to spend our time trying to free our fowl brethren from the clutches of agricultural slavery.

But let me allow my esteemed colleague to answer your question for himself. Open your mind and let the sweet light of wisdom slowly fill your consciousness.

“Byuck-bawwwk, cackle pieep-pieep! Coo coo, trrrrrr,” flap flap, flutter. “Ba-gawk, bok bok, gaggle gaggle gok, trr, coo.”

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Postby Shekina » Tue Sep 11, 2012 8:36 am

Morrow, I am glad to hear you are of the libertarian school of thought. Not many identify with that school of thought with label; however, far fewer disagree with it.

My Valor question:
I'm currently in World 84 where level 3 research is part of the stats. This is only my second level 3 research world. So much fun in a fast world!
Anyways, if I have level 3 Gaurdians and support a city with level 1 guardians would my guardians in that city be treated as level 1 or level 3 guardians?


Postby Morrow » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:16 pm

Metzo wrote:Dear morrow,
As a young soldier I have but only 40 miles i've travelled in search for the wisdom you possess.
I presume that since the beginning of all time, barbarians have wondered the worlds of men. Have you heard intelligence to suggest that they will one day raise up against us, form their own guilds and wage war?
Have you seen Brigands lurking in the forrest awaiting an opportunity to pillage our resources, could their camps become empires to fear?

Metzo, your question fascinates me. Let’s unpick it together, shall we?

First of all, what makes you say that time has a beginning? There are certainly some who believe time moves unidirectionally, but others contend it weaves, or spirals, or even perhaps makes pretty butterfly designs as it moves along. We would definitely have to apply to the leading metaphysicians in order to resolve that issue.

Next there is the matter of your giving implied ownership of “the worlds” to men, as if women do not have just as much right to claim this universe as their own. I myself am not one to quibble about matters of gender. I am more likely to take umbrage at how little animals are acknowledged to be equal masters of our vast cosmos.

And then your questions themselves! My dear Metzo, these questions are what we among the scientific community call, “leading.” It sounds like you have a specific answer in mind. Do YOU believe the barbarians are plotting to band together against our enlightened civilization? Have YOU encountered brigands of any kind in your military forays? If you have information, then don’t withhold it from the rest of us knowledge-seekers!

There is another scientist of my acquaintance by the name of burford_bunny who is interested in all matters pertaining to the “why” and the “how.” She is collecting the observations of Valor’s lords to compile together in a history of our world. You might want to amble over to her thread to add what you know. She, and I, would be most grateful.

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Postby Fire820 » Mon Sep 17, 2012 7:51 pm

Sir Morrow. Another question, if I may. Will peace ever grace the worlds? Or are the worlds destined to always be in turmoil, ravaged by blood-thirsty kings and queens?


Postby Morrow » Tue Sep 18, 2012 10:53 am

Shekina wrote:Morrow, I am glad to hear you are of the libertarian school of thought. Not many identify with that school of thought with label; however, far fewer disagree with it.

My Valor question:
I'm currently in World 84 where level 3 research is part of the stats. This is only my second level 3 research world. So much fun in a fast world!
Anyways, if I have level 3 Gaurdians and support a city with level 1 guardians would my guardians in that city be treated as level 1 or level 3 guardians?

Military strategy! How dull. If you really persist in pursuing the answer to such a question, I hear there is another site where you may discover the information you seek. Not that I ever frequent the place myself. I am far to busy probing the depths of life’s questions to care about the tedious attacking and defending with which lords fill their waking hours.


Postby Morrow » Tue Sep 18, 2012 11:55 am

Brendo36 wrote:Morrow you say things are complicated with Aurora is this because you saw her skinny dipping once?

Away with you! How dare you clutter this enlightened space with your base insinuations? Do you really think, if I ever saw Lady Aurora bathing, that I would tell the likes of you?


Postby Morrow » Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:58 pm

Fire820 wrote:Sir Morrow. Another question, if I may. Will peace ever grace the worlds? Or are the worlds destined to always be in turmoil, ravaged by blood-thirsty kings and queens?


Tedium! tedium! Save me from the tedium of smaller minds!! Would that I could enter all of your brains directly and give them much-needed boosts of...of...I can’t even begin to analyze what they need. I think of it, and that NEED is so overwhelming, I myself am reduced to gaping in horror at what it must feel like to experience such a deprived existence...

Sir Cluckles, look at me! It’s all right. No, Sir Cluckles! No! Don’t do it! There will be another tomorrow! It can’t be as hopeless as it looks! They don’t seem to be in much pain! Wait--Argswkqmcvbxzhg...

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