Aurora: Vision 1

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Postby Kasper » Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:26 pm

I think they are going to make barbarians more active n redo the world n eliminate inactive lords.

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Postby TheHeartlessKiller » Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:32 pm

Haha I bet that: 1. The barbarians attack people back randomly. 2. The barbarians will be able to support each other and build guilds. And 3. THEY WILL KILL US ALL!!!!

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Postby Alexander310399 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:46 pm

My interpretation of the dream is that the old worlds are about to be wiped out and eaten by worms. Perhaps the worms will seek out inactives and devour them.

What ever is going to happen it is obvious to me that it is going to happen to all the old worlds.

I am guessing that W100 will be named "Valor" and be the shining flowers as depicted in the deem and art work. There has been much talk of many active groups all joining W100.
Now whether you are forced to drop old worlds or you have an option to transfer into this new world I am not sure.

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Postby TheGhost » Mon Oct 08, 2012 7:53 pm

PwnLaw wrote:I like this guy.

And I thought you liked all of us equally.


Postby PwnLaw » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:30 pm

TheGhost wrote:And I thought you liked all of us equally.

I play favorites.

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Postby MrSky » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:32 pm

PwnLaw wrote:I play favorites.

I also play favorites, aurora is my favorite.

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Postby DarthBamf666 » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:45 pm

Yeah in regards to all this talk of barbs attacking players...

Doing that defeats the point of Valor. The point of the gameplay in Valor is to brace yourself and except PLAYER attacks, not AI attacks. I understand the vulnerability concept and awareness concept but trust me, that is already accomplished by the mere threat of a player attack.

Barbs are defined as abandoned cities not owned by players, which means they are not to attack as the point was only players are to fight not AI's, so if they start attacking then you may as well not call them barbs anymore, as they no longer fit the definition of a barb, may as well say they are neutral players or neutral AI's. But that's not even the point...

Players use much time to build up, and do you honestly think any of us will be amused to find an AI smashed or took our city while we were asleep? Wrong. When players do it it's one thing, that's the game, but AI's... That's stupid.

You make barbs attack us and you may as well call Playmesh Skynet, as it'll resemble Skynet by allowing mere AI's to smash players, and once again, defeating the point of Valor in only fighting Players.

If I want to go fight some AI's I could just play a console game. By battling only players Valor made itself something different. Having AI barbs attack is turning Valor into the same console games of fight AI's or fight both AI's and players. Not really a new thing.

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Postby DeathViruzX » Mon Oct 08, 2012 8:53 pm

The idea of barbs attacking seems interesting, but as Darth said it wouldn't be fun if we get crushed by a mere barb without even knowing it. Perhaps you should have it changed a little, like perhaps barbs can only make a certain amount of troops to attack you with and that they cannot produce scholars? Anyway, whoever drew that new pic of Aurora is amazing. Good job artists. Time to go do something...

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Postby Grizzard » Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:06 pm

Having calmed from my initial disappointment that we seem to be searching for story and complex improvement instead of focusing on making what we have the best it can be, I have re-read the vision and am ready to weigh in. Looking at it objectively and taking into account valor history I agree with most everyone that Barbs will attack. As someone that is waiting for W100 to open I am in only 1 world and it is basically dead. But if I sit back for a day or 2 there is actually a notification that will pop up notifying me to get back in game before barbarians attack. I feel this will used this to overcome inactivity by attacking inactive players with barbarian cities. It's only a small change if that type of activity is already being monitored. I also agree with Mason that worlds will not battle each other UNLESS major changes are made to the worlds themselves in the future. As for the worms they are tricky. It could be any number of things. I see opportunity for it to range from programmer guilds in the worlds with us to world time limits before that particular world is "destroyed". The scholar on the other hand I think we are think far to much out of the box. I think it is simply the scholars we have now but they will be used in a way to "combat the darkness" whatever it may be. I'm sure there are a lot of great ideas out there. Just remember to think in the confines of the game. If you go to far with things like interlinked worlds and roaming dragons and such you are changing the game completely and it's no longer Valor.

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Postby RogueJedi » Mon Oct 08, 2012 9:08 pm

I think there closing old worlds!

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