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Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:33 pm
by Fire820
Not at all what I thought of. I thought like red-haired 5 foot tall men. Big, strong, and stout. Not fat. With like a 4 foot red beard. Bushy eyebrows. A growling, grizzly voice when they speak. And an all-or-nothing attitude. Gonna kill til they die

Posted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 8:01 pm
by TheGhost
I alway think of the Conan the barbarian comics

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2012 3:05 pm
by Bl1ndFury
lol, same here Ghost. I always saw Berzerkers as Big guys, lots of muscles, killers, especially since they have the strongest attack points. Lancers I always envisioned as men with spears and shields (like the spartans in 300). Sentries with armor, swords, and shields, due to their Valor Stats and what graphics we've seen. Knights as excellent horse riders with less armor but different weapons like bows or a multitude of weaponry, and Guardians i always thought of as fully armored with battle flags and lances for jousting, like traditional knights in armor from the middle ages.

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:57 am
by burford_bunny
This stuff is great. Thanks for your input guys.

If you're interested in how our art team imagines the different units, keep your eyes on facebook over the next couple weeks. There's a Berserker picture up there now, and more coming :)



Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:26 am
by Nannada
Baked. How about explaining how more worlds just keep popping up? Or why? Is there some god dude up there that demands more bloodshed?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:16 am
by burford_bunny
Nannada wrote:Baked. How about explaining how more worlds just keep popping up? Or why? Is there some god dude up there that demands more bloodshed?

The god-orchestrated option is a totally viable one. And that is definitely the next question: if these worlds are being spawned by a deity, then why is she doing it? Does she enjoy men in medieval castles butchering each other? Is this some kind of curse on mankind to be caught in a never-ending cycle of violence? Even when your cities are wiped out, you are simply reborn on a different part of the world, and the slaughter continues.

Or maybe there is a purpose driving the conquest. Maybe the worlds of Valor are all training grounds where a benevolent power lets great leaders come and hone their skills. Maybe there is an apocalypse coming, and if we cannot fight, we will all be destroyed.

I hope you guys are excited about these questions, because they're something we at Playmesh have been hashing out for weeks now. Thoughts?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:58 am
by Nannada
Hellz yeah on the Valhalla-style idea

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 1:00 am
by Nannada
She? ;) spoiler alert

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:29 pm
by Westifer87
I think berserkers should be more bloodthirsty, sacrificing all defense, tact and cunning, for relentless powerful offensive capabilities. Wielding two weapons of course or one very large totally Un-proportional weapon that they realistically couldn't carry in real life! Haha. These fierce warriors thirst for blood, short tempered and quick to act, perhaps slow at speech and somewhat simple minded they serve one purpose quick bloody deaths! They have to look crazy! Have zero composureure and reluctantly obey thier lord!

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:15 am
by Samhan
I dunno whether this is related or not but I was always curious and somewhat dis-satisfied with the guilds diplomacy part.
You know in medieval times countries used to exchange some their royal kin to seal alliances. It would keep each country loyal to the other as their kin would be at the mercy of others. I always thought something on that lines should be introduced to seal diplomacy pacts btwn guilds. Like forging scholars, there shud be an option for forging alliances too.
This will take the game play to a whole new level. Allies would be few and precious. And that will introduce a certain brand of ruthlessness in the game.