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Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 2:04 pm
by burford_bunny
TheHeartlessKiller wrote:Thank you! I need more facts, more data. I may be a seasoned veteran in this game, but I need more to work with. Could you give me the week her next vision hits?

Yes. I can. It's hitting....right....NOW.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:28 pm
by TheHeartlessKiller
Oh please I need a third vision people! This is nothing to work with!

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:43 pm
by Fire820
Ok. So since I came at the visions backwards I will only write what I didn't in Aurora's Vision 2.

The shadow is obviously the change in Valor coming soon. But since it's a shadow, not a light, it means that it may bring bad times. More ruthlessness. More competitiveness. NOT COMPETITIONS. At least, not now. So a bloody change.

Everything else I've already detailed in the other vision and I won't waste my time not yours to rewrite my thoughts.

Thanks for reading! And would a Playmesh employee private message me telling me what I got correct and incorrect. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 9:41 pm
by Law
Have to agree with Ibcnu and any others I missed. A time of ending, as all things must, should come to the worlds of valor. Perhaps begin adding count down clocks for expiring worlds. Then the victor is truly the victor, not the one with the greatest patience to simply wait.

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 2:27 pm
by colorfullegume
I've only read the first lore so far, so this might be missing the point in light of the other lore. However, the first thing I noticed that was odd about Valor when I started playing was that the lumbermill, quarry and iron mine are unlimited! So I see two possibilities.

1. The resources in a city run out. You need to have multiple cities to survive and you need fresh ones. Or you need to create new resource collectors in your own city (more than one lumbermill, etc)

2. The resources decay or rot over time. If you don't use them they decrease - you can't store them indefinitely in your warehouse. This will discourage inactivity.

Linkage to the prophecy: the worm is nature itself. Real worms causing the decay. The come from the centre of the world (through the roots of the trees, deep in quarry and in the depths of the mines).