Scholars missing in R66

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Scholars missing in R66

Postby b3d3 » Sun May 27, 2012 1:36 pm

I was wondering where my 2 scholars missing to..

My academy shows that I have 5 existing scholars,but I only have 3 at the moment,where is the other 2???

My scholar limit is 9,I've conquered 4 cities,that's make my available scholar should be 5..but I only got 3 scholars and it already says that "I need more scholarships" to build more scholar..

nb : please for the admin don't just told to contact the development team,but please also try to help us..that's u'r job here,isn't it??



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Postby Tooltip » Sun May 27, 2012 2:01 pm

I really do recommend that you do though. By collecting data on players who've contacted the support team, bugs can be squashed faster.

Though, support is closed during the weekends.


Postby Orlor » Sun May 27, 2012 3:22 pm

There is an issue that is being looked into with scholar info not updating as fast it should when you capture some.

As Tooltip said though you really do need to contact the support team. They are the ones who can look into your actual account.

Details to contact them can be found in my signature.

These bugs forums are a place where players can let me know about issues they have and I can see if it is part of a large issue.

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Postby TheGhost » Sun May 27, 2012 5:49 pm

It's the weekend, your book guys probably went to a kegger

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