Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

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Postby Jeal » Wed May 30, 2012 8:29 pm

PwnLaw wrote:I can understand this perspective, but the change to chaos was a game play decision. We don't think chaos makes much sense -- that a bunch of tiny armies from friends would be able to disrupt the progression of an enemy juggernaut. We like that there will be a lot of strain and tension around newly captured cities, it heightens the stakes considerably.

Our honest view is that the best way to increase revenue is make the game as great as we can make it. Games that rely on short term gimmicks to gouge users do fine, but that's now what we're after. We want Valor to grow and improve over the years, and we think removing chaos is a step in that process.

World 40 we are the juggernauts, it always comes down to 2 huge alliance buying truce/special/etc

No tiny armies so far has been able to outdo big alliance unless they learn to allied up. U r listening to wrong ppl guys. To those that dislike players tat spend money.Who has been giving u info man

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Postby AceDragon » Wed May 30, 2012 8:32 pm

Btw I play in world 3 and have 3 accounts. I play with over 1000 cities. Never asked for chaos once.
I have seen different rule changes come and change.

One I never got why they took it away, was when they took away the ability to support an allied guild members cities. Isn't that part of having allies is about?

I know the point in having chaos and why it's used. In world 3 I don't think anyone uses it anyways. We all kind of agreed it was cheating.

But having the ability to support allied guilds would make it more so you wouldn't need chaos.

Bring that feature back!!

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Postby Ffighter » Wed May 30, 2012 8:36 pm

I think it's for money. If so it will not work the way you want. People will rather leave then spend their hard earned money on a game. Yes making it harder is funner for more stratigy players. But either the active players will continue to crash your servers or they will leave. Their aren't enough straitic players to keep your business going. S

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Postby Ffighter » Wed May 30, 2012 8:37 pm

Sooner or later you will have to put chaos back in or create something like it or you will go out of business.

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Postby Deano87 » Wed May 30, 2012 8:43 pm

coachklowco wrote:Why not allow troops coming in behind scholars to stay as support rather than attacking a city if you capped it? You mention a desire to have it more like 'real life' and this is how it would happen. At least I would make sure that I had smart enough commanders to know that if we had captured a city in enemy territory that they should stay there and hold it instead of heading home for tea.

I think this is a good idea.

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Postby StampX » Wed May 30, 2012 8:45 pm

Second thought I have one more post in me. Once they have bought the world there will be no need to spend anymore money. So the big early spender knocking out the people working 8-10 hour days and spending $5-$20 a week. Well let's just say its gonna cost less in the long run. Nobody, but kids are gonna waste money in a losing cause. Maybe you should try having no chaos worlds? Put the sharks with the sharks. Everyone wins. Even you!! The more it makes sense the less sense it makes. You should do some research and not let your personal ambitions of what the game should be stand in the way of future of the game. I was serious about other games evolving to a more use friendly laid back game. They do tend to keep the people who work and have other objectives in life paying and playing. Hmm interesting. Curious to see how this plays out.

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Postby LadyDelicious » Wed May 30, 2012 8:48 pm

Valor Rating in App store down from 5 stars to 4.5. Lol

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Postby Deano87 » Wed May 30, 2012 8:53 pm

This "premature launch" seems like a good way for playmesh to find out what our opinions are so they could fine tune it before the 6th.

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Postby MADMATT008 » Wed May 30, 2012 8:55 pm

Well, I lost a city due to this stuff up. Had a city in chaos and log on to see 44 incoming. Couldn't even recap as it was changed back and city still in chaos. Allie I helped lost his too. The change of no chaos should have been introduced in new worlds, not existing ones. Our tactics would have been far different if we knew about this in advance.
If new chaos rules apply next week, let us send support behind scholars. Let us support allies.
I'm fairly disappointed in what happened today. Lots of players lost cities and will more than likely quit. Some got taken out anyway.
The new restriction on amount of commandeers you can send out in total is poor choice.
I'm already bored in world with over 150 cities, why bother with with it if you can't mass attack on other side of world. Never need chaos once players get to a certain size anyway.

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Postby Stuckmojo » Wed May 30, 2012 9:00 pm

Playmesh thank you so much. This is the glimmer of hope I needed. I love this game and will play for life after hearing this. Two huge thumbs up boys.

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