Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby Jmav » Thu May 31, 2012 8:48 am

If you say you have fixed the server problem, why does it take an hour and a half to flip through my cities to update them. Give a button to push that updates all at once. I can't even tell half the time where an incoming attack is headed.

Yes, I have purchased auroras blessing several times hoping you have made it easier to update cities. Nope. It crashes every time you try to do mass troop recruits. Fix that. I would gladly pay for that to help make up for your lose on truce. There are many other ways to make money from this game. Fix the bugs you have now before introducing new bugs.

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Postby Infusion » Thu May 31, 2012 8:57 am

worldbuilderlov wrote:I own a software company and have built online games so I understand both the principles of game design and the technical limitations you are trying to address. That said, I totally agree with the removal of the chaos exploit, yes it’s an exploit but one that became a necessity due to a key game play deficiency. I know many on this thread have touch on it but I will explain in my own words below:

Reasons for Chaos:
1) To block an abandoned city so you can conquer when you have scholars and time
2) To defend a newly conquered city until you can support and supplies arrive, where you can build a defense.

Justifications for Chaos:
I think we can all agree that #1 is just BS and should not be allowed. In real warfare, you can NOT block attacks so why allow it here. #2 is one that needs some game play changes. In real warfare, when a conquering army laid siege on a city they didn’t just bring their attacking units. They brought their support units, supplies, wife and kids, and the family pet… What would make this game more realistic is if I could designate resources and support units that can travel with each attack. That way if I conquer the city I can leave support and supplies to defend against reconquering attempts. And yes I know you can send the merchants at the same time as your attacks but that would only telegraph where the real attacks are being attempted. Here is my proposal along with an example:

Game Change Proposal:
1) Allow the attacker to include resources along with an attack that is appropriate given the haul capacity of the attacking units. This would allow you to have some resources to build a defense force in the conquered city.
2) Allow the attacker’s attack waves to be assimilated into the city after its conquered much like the scholar but still be reused to make further advancing attacks from the conquered city. This allows you to include support type units in the later waves of your attacks so you can defend and should you conquer with excess attack units, you benefit from having some attackers stationed in the conquered city for furthering your conquests.
3) If the attacker does NOT conquer the city, the resources being brought into battle are lost to the defender and the later support type attack waves will pay a heavy price in loses.

So an attack can look like this:
0-N clearing waves of attack units
4-5 scholar waves
0-N attacks with defensive units rather than attack units and carrying resources.

Some here have requested that you allow the supporting of any city, so they can time in their support along with offensive attacks. Though that is somewhat acceptable, I think it has that flaw of giving away where the REAL attacks are headed. If I see a train of support attacks heading my way along with some offensive attacks, I know then to funnel all support there. At that point the game becomes a game of out resourcing your enemy. No strategy no tactics, just pick a city and have all your guild mates funnel attacks there until one guild runs dry.

That is why I propose that support be incorporated into the offensive attacks and absorbed into the city as troops stationed there, if you conquer. This has the effect of allowing a well-planned attack at long distances to succeed, while allowing the poor planned attacks to be very costly, in resources, attack units and support units.

In my opinion, this makes the game more realistic from a warfare tactical perspective. In real siege warfare if you failed to conquer a city, the defending city would turn on your siege army and slaughter your support units and claim your supplies, once you lost the ability to attack.

Finally a comment worth reading.
People that have played this game when chaos was not around know how much more fun a game was before chaos was implemented.

One 1 thing a see wrong in this... Is that is doesnt address the hellfire attack exploit.
Hellfire attacks is the whole reason the chaos was put in place.
Again a limitation of your mobile device not a limitation of Playmesh servers as the game continued for everyone else fine.. It just prevented the recipient of hellfire attacks from logging in due to the number of attacks incoming.

You need to limit the number of attacks a player recieves somehow. Playmesh has no choice but to do this is some means or another.
I have been the recipient of hellfire attacks twice. It is extremely frustrating when your device cant login due to 1000+ attacks inbound on you. And let me tell you this exploit has almost made me quit twice.

Since they need to address this exploit. I suggest allowing support be sent to any citiy so we can still attack long distances. But introducing a Knights hall. This knights hall will start with 1 knight in each city. And if you want to increase the number ofattacks your city can send... You need to increase your knights hall. Each increase will increase the number of Knights you have.. Therefore increasing the number of attacks you can send out... The knights hall is gonna be a huge target in times of war. Make it ultra expensive to build... Eliminate the Rally point as the knighs hall can replace this. The first level of the knights hall should also be able to be rebuilt quicly and cheaply like the rally point is . Support would not utilize a knight and therefore not count against these totals

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Postby bns001 » Thu May 31, 2012 8:58 am

Suggestion - if money is the root of the issue, stop all new development. Roll all servers back to allow choas.
Now, roll out a "dishonor" or some other stupid name, and charge $100 for the NEW app download. Remove choas and whatever you want to from "pay-to-play" servers, and see if you can pay for programmers then?
Don't remove the exploits that you put into valor... Create a new game to collect the mon that your programmers are requiring that you pay them.

Second suggestion - package the server and app source from before you were actively removing chaos, and give away the "bad, evil" source to an open source project. Open source = free development. Require in the open source version that playmesh collects any gold purchases, as the only condition of making the old source open source... Although future developers could reprice gold items for exorbitant iron prices (or change the payment portal or get their own apple billing ID), and then the pay playmesh option would be removed. Sorry, but that looks to be the best solution that I can see.

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Postby Infusion » Thu May 31, 2012 9:12 am

And your device connecting to the servers each time to sync data.
They actually even have a flag in place to tell your device not to resync everytime you flip to a city.

I want people to realise its not always playmesh's side at fault.
Are you willing to wait longer to load all your cities and sync them at once?
Think your device can handle the load? As compared to a server which is a specially designed processor to do just this.. Multiple servers at that.

Imagine the cost of the data if you dont have unlimited data plan.
Imagine the battery drain on your mobile device.
I think playmesh has a decent balance on this already.
As well Playmesh must comply with Apple's policy. To make their software compatable for all devices that can run the latest OS

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Postby Infusion » Thu May 31, 2012 9:15 am

bns001 wrote:Suggestion - if money is the root of the issue, stop all new development. Roll all servers back to allow choas.
Now, roll out a "valor 2" or some other stupid name, and charge $100 for the download. Remove choas and whatever you want to from "pay-to-play" servers, and see if you clan pay for programmers then?
Don't remove the exploits that you put into the game... Create a new game.

Another lame comment. Get creative people

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Postby worldbuilderlov » Thu May 31, 2012 9:32 am

Infusion wrote:Finally a comment worth reading.
People that have played this game when chaos was not around know how much more fun a game was before chaos was implemented.

One 1 thing a see wrong in this... Is that is doesnt address the hellfire attack exploit.
Hellfire attacks is the whole reason the chaos was put in place.
Again a limitation of your mobile device not a limitation of Playmesh servers as the game continued for everyone else fine.. It just prevented the recipient of hellfire attacks from logging in due to the number of attacks incoming.

You need to limit the number of attacks a player recieves somehow. Playmesh has no choice but to do this is some means or another.
I have been the recipient of hellfire attacks twice. It is extremely frustrating when your device cant login due to 1000+ attacks inbound on you. And let me tell you this exploit has almost made me quit twice.

Since they need to address this exploit. I suggest allowing support be sent to any citiy so we can still attack long distances. But introducing a Knights hall. This knights hall will start with 1 knight in each city. And if you want to increase the number ofattacks your city can send... You need to increase your knights hall. Each increase will increase the number of Knights you have.. Therefore increasing the number of attacks you can send out... The knights hall is gonna be a huge target in times of war. Make it ultra expensive to build... Eliminate the Rally point as the knighs hall can replace this. The first level of the knights hall should also be able to be rebuilt quicly and cheaply like the rally point is . Support would not utilize a knight and therefore not count against these totals

Infusion, I like your idea and yes hellfire is another annoy exploit. You could argue that the Rally Point can just serve as your "Knights Hall" and as you said make the next levels costly or bound to the number of cities you own. Another possibility is to pervent weak attacks all together. Nothing realistic about sending a single troop to attack a city, right? You can require all non-scouting attacks to pack a minimum attack punch making hellfire costly and limit scouting attacks to only one active scout attack on a city per player preventing scouts from doing the dirty work. This again adds realism.

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Postby SgtB » Thu May 31, 2012 9:44 am

You are right and very wrong chaos is a great tool for the 40 hour walk but what u have done is created a stailmate people will be afraid to attack now for the chance of losing there city's and like several have said how do u keep a city deep in enemy territory this is proof of another screwing we have gotten I'm still having major issues in world 66 and no resolve I see players with smaller issues getting 2000 free gold there prob fixed in a day I'm still having issues in 66 and 20 lousy gold for a consistent problem I WILL NOT BE IN ANY FURTHER WORLDS!!!!!!! Nor will I consider spending any further money with u I'm glad some of u want chaos gone but some of us like the tool too I will be ending stuff real soon
Thanks play mesh for TOTAL screwing up one of the best games!!!!!!!!

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Postby KingKobraElite » Thu May 31, 2012 10:02 am

I been here for ten planets but have no idea wat is chaos?

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Postby worldbuilderlov » Thu May 31, 2012 10:07 am

SgtB wrote:You are right and very wrong chaos is a great tool for the 40 hour walk but what u have done is created a stailmate people will be afraid to attack now for the chance of losing there city's and like several have said how do u keep a city deep in enemy territory this is proof of another screwing we have gotten I'm still having major issues in world 66 and no resolve I see players with smaller issues getting 2000 free gold there prob fixed in a day I'm still having issues in 66 and 20 lousy gold for a consistent problem I WILL NOT BE IN ANY FURTHER WORLDS!!!!!!! Nor will I consider spending any further money with u I'm glad some of u want chaos gone but some of us like the tool too I will be ending stuff real soon
Thanks play mesh for TOTAL screwing up one of the best games!!!!!!!!

SgtB, I can see why you are upset but again Chaos is just a tool that satisfies a need. A need to "support" newly conquered cities too far to rapidly support. I think if PlayMesh considered something along the lines of what I suggested above it would eliminate the need for Chaos as a "support" tool. Combine that with my other suggestion to eliminate weak single troops attacks and this will make the game play more realistic and tactical. Nothing realistic either about getting 1000s of fake attacks among all your cities to not detect the real attack. In real warfare these are called diversionary attacks but they looked real enough and they cost a price. Forcing guilds to apply diversionary tactics but at a cost puts both attacker and defender on a somewhat equal playing field. Heck, I do this now and the truth is its more effective than fakes anyway. Anyone that has ever been under mass fake attacks knows that trying to move support is just pointless and the only way to get a truly skilled player to bite and move his support is to send some real "fake" attacks, if you know what I mean.

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Postby LordVulcan » Thu May 31, 2012 10:20 am

Get this 15 attack limit crap out of the game or limit support.... Cuz after i send my scholats theres only 10 left. Realist lol right.....

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