When Morrow Met Sir Cluckles Contest - Winners Inside

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When Morrow Met Sir Cluckles Contest - Winners Inside

Postby starhammer » Tue May 29, 2012 3:00 pm


We have our winners and the lucky recipients of 200 Gold a piece are:


PM me your usernames so I can hook you guys up. Congrats to you both and good job to everyone who gave it a shot. Loved the variety of the entries and how each one went a totally different way.

Morrow and Sir Cluckles: a duo as inseparable as Han and Chewie or Pinky and The Brain. Yet, the tale of their first meeting is shrouded in mystery. Questions on the topic have been posed to Morrow only to be deftly sidestepped. All we know for sure is that the fateful meeting of these two companions is a “tale of woe and heartbreak”.

Someday, Morrow may grace us with the tale. Until then, what do you think happened? How did these two meet? Where did it take place? What were the circumstances? Submit your original story, drawing, poem or song lyrics detailing what you think happened on the day that Morrow met Sir Cluckles for a shot at 200 Gold.

At 5:00pm (Pacific) on Tuesday, June 5th, this thread will be closed and we’ll pick our two favorite submissions. The two winners will be announced within this thread no later than Wednesday, June 6th and I will contact them via a private message to award them each with 200 Gold.


- You can submit your entry by replying to this thread.
- If you submit a picture, you can include a link in your entry to where it is hosted.
- Once you have submitted your entry, you cannot go back and edit it. Edited entries will not be considered.
- Only one entry is accepted per forum user so make it count. Multiple entries from the same forum user will not be considered.

Any questions, let me know. Good luck, everybody!
To submit a support ticket, please visit the following link: https://playmesh.zendesk.com/home

"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer." - Hans Gruber, Die Hard

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Postby Joshuasky » Tue May 29, 2012 9:55 pm

A man named morrow, sad and alone, walked on a dusty path.
A bird named sir cluckles begging for life faced the butchers wrath.
Along came sir morrow looking for drink to drown his sorrow and woe.
The butcher held cleaver in hand and in head thoughts of food for his home.
Sir morrow aghast grasped for the hand holding the sharpened blade.
Sir cluckles broke out of the butchers grasp like soldiers through doors on a raid.
When the struggle was done cluckles looked down at the drumstick that lie on the floor. Sir morrow looked down at the chickens eyes that had never been so lonely before.
Sir morrow looked down with comforting eyes and reached out a loving hand.
They found happiness in each other and together now wander the land.

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Postby Destroyer75 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:38 pm

One day there was a pathetic man named morrow he was a hobo in his villiage because he spent all of his money on books. So one day morrow became very hungry and he saw a small baby chicken waddleing through the people and the first thing he thought was "Wow look how deadly that warrior is if him and I teamed up we could kill the warlord and take all the food in this kingdom for ourselves i obvasily have the brains and him the power," So him and the baby chicken named sir cluckles won the kingdom and ate all the food and now they don't steal people's food any more but scare people with thier but ugly faces and boring long speeches.

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Morrows tale of woe

Postby Jimmyrustler » Thu May 31, 2012 1:01 pm

Once upon a time there was a small boy living on a farm named morrow. Morrow was small for his age, but extremely clever for a farmers boy, but the other children didn't like this. They were jealous and he spent many a day being pushed in mud by the other children. Until now morrow was a lonely child but all that was about to change!

It was a crisp saturday morning and morrow woke to the sound of birds chirping, as he lay in his hay bed he hears the clicking of a horse. He slowly looked out the window wondering what this was, it was the trader who often brought a carriage full of books and spices from far away lands. Morrow quickly got dressed and walked into the yard to see what treasures he had brought this time. Once he got close he manages to hear his father, a broad jolly man speaking to the frail trader. 'so this will bring luck and fortune to my farm' said his father, ' yes, quite she comes from a royal family that has long been allies with the pixie kingdom' was the reply from the trader. An with that Morrows father handed over 4 golden coins in exchange for a change. But what was in this cage. Once the trader went Morrows father approached the young boy and gave the cage to him 'I know you have problems with the other children, so I hope this can be a better friend than any. Cherish her company morrow she cost and arm and a leg!' with that the muscular man walked into his barn to start a hard days work. Slowly morrow pulled of the cages cover to reveal a chicken, but this wasn't any chicken! It's feathers were the colour of barley and not a single one was out of place, it had a look of elegance about it, which gave it a sense of power. But the most amazing thing was its eyes, they where the colour of gleaming emeralds! 'amazing' morrow said to himself gasping in awe. But what happened next he didn't expect. The chicken replied 'hello young being'
'yo...you can talk' said morrow
'i know' the chicken retorted
'as you can tell I'm no ordinary chicken I am lady cuckles IIX a friend of the pixie folk'
Morrow was amazed by this creature and they very quickly became good friends. They spent hours each day telling vast stories and studying each other in great detail, infancy the only time they were not with each other was when they slept, lady cluckles had to sleep in her hutch. Morris tryed complaining to his father once but that just earned him a clip round the ear.

It hand been 2 years since the pair first met and morrow had just bid lady cluckles good night, it was autumn and the air was damp indicating a storm. Morrow knew this was trouble, he was petrified of storms and he would dare not move if he heard thunder, but there had recently been a fox killing of the farms livestock. Morrow was worried but he didnt want to concern his friend so he walked off to bed and went to sleep.
It was around 1.00 when he woke and he was right about the storm it must of been just above the farm as Morrow thought he heard thunder nearly every ten seconds. He was petrified, but then he heard a noise that scared him even more, it was a scream so bone chilling morrow couldn't move, he sat there for a moment trying to figure out who it was, then he realised. It was lady cluckles.
Fairly soon after the scream the thunder stopped an no sound was made for the rest of the night except the drumming of heavy rain on the cottage roof.
Morris laid in his bed for hours trying to summon the courage to check on his dear friend, but he couldn't the thunder had petrified him and he didn't have it in him to move from under the covers.
Dawn took fair to long to come. Once the sun was out morrow final wiped the tears from his cheeks and walked down the hutch. He could already tell something was wrong, the door was open and golden feathers were scattered around the surrounding grass. As he peered in there was no sign of lady cluckles she must of been taken by the cunning fox, tears rolled down young Morrows face as he took in what had happened. He blamed himself, if only he had gone to make sure she was okay when he heard her scream maybe she would still be there. Morrow was distraught he had just lossed his only friend and never before had he felt so alone.
Then As he was about to close the hatch door something caught the corner of his eye. It was an egg! At that moment morrow made a solemn promise to take care of his best friends egg until he himself deceased. He would take the chick on the adventures lady cluckles and he talked so long about.
Weeks went by where the egg did not move until A bright Friday after noon where a crack appeared on the side of the egg, this crack grew and grew until it covered half the egg! All morrow could do was watch in fascination. Next he heard chirping, the little chick was defiantly alive,
'thank god' thought morrow. It was another five minutes until the chick hatched from its egg completely. As soon as Morrow set eyes on it he could see it was even more magnificent than his mother, he had small soft feathers the colour of untouched snow and a pale orange beak, his eyes were exactly like his mothers, two small sparkling emeralds. Morrows scientifically checked the chick other revealing it was indeed a young male! Now all the small chick need was a name, Sir Cluckles!

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Postby Jimmyrustler » Thu May 31, 2012 1:07 pm

Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes that wasn't me it was auto correct, that took me an hour to write so I hope it's worth it! :)

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Postby Tim » Thu May 31, 2012 6:18 pm

Wow, great read.

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Postby Duke24 » Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:32 pm

Sir Cluckles wandered from fortress to fortress looking for a companion. He never found one despite help from the beautiful Aurora. As he was wandering the dusty path one day an army of scouts and gaurdians came slowly walking down the trail. In the middle of the group astride a pure white stallion rode the famous scholar Anshelm Morrow. Morrow was famous for being the only scholar ever to repeatedly bring loyalty down by 30. Never did he go below 30 loyalty points. He carried himself with much grace and class. Although he was to slowest person in the army he looked as if he was the mightiest. Morrow spotted the lonesome chicken pecking at some seeds as the army rode past. Morrow called a halt to the army and gracefully walked to the chicken. Sur Cluckles, aware of the approach, looked hopefully at the man approaching him. He saw a friendly face and hope flared inside him. Morrow crouched and murmured a few words. It is told that Morrow had said, "Hello there little fellow. I have never seen such a lonesome figure in my many years. How would you like to come enjoy a nice ride with me?" Sir Cluckles, delighted, beat the air with his wings and happily walked beside Morrow to the horse. Morrow helped the chicken onto the mount then mounted himself. The army continued at a slightly faster pace. Morrow and Sir Cluckles conversed all the way there. Morrow, now fully acquainted with the chicken, decided on a course of action to forever change history. He faked his death and rode out to a small abandoned city with Sir Cluckles. Morrow adopted a less graceful lifestyle for his new friend. Morrow and Sir Cluckles then became nomadic, wandering from city to city. Morrow's knowledge grew and grew with time. Sir Cluckles learned may things from Morrow. They never grew lonely, for they had each other.

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Postby Avikal » Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:55 am

*Morrow was a small boy then. His parents were killed by the enemies few years ago but then as a child,morrow had good enough knowledge about the war world where he lived and how to continue living. He was able to survive on his own. He used to farm grow food for himself and cook his meal. As he grew up his knowledge in war and life began to expand. He was fond of keeping pets. He had 2 dogs, 5 cats and a hen who used to play with each other.
One day he saw an injured bird pulling himself to morrows farm and trying to live till his last breadth. His both wings were shot. it could only crawl. Morrow took good care of the bird. He put medicines on the birds wings and plastered it. Kind Morrow even prayed for the bird and did not sleep at night as he was taking care of the bird.
The next day, a small little sound was heard from the bird and morrow rusher to him. Then in a sweet and painful voice the bird said,"Th...th....thanks a lot for helping me. Morrow welcomed him and asked his name. The bird said,"My na....name iss.... Sir Chuckles. I am a nomadic bird wandering from kingdoms to kingdoms. A king used to take care of me but harshly because i knew a lot about war strategies, what should be the leadership roles of an ideal king. I knew too much and they used to just use me. Food which used to be given to me there was so horrible and nasty. I tried to escape from there but he caught me. The king grew angry by my this behavior and shot me on my wings and threw me away. Alas........ what painful days were they. Thanks a lot for saving me. Thanks a lot." Morrow was emotionally touched by the crewel behavior of that king and felt pity for Chuckles.
They both grew good friends and used to accompany each other to distant places. Morrow found a nice partner to share things with and play with. They both couldn't live a second without each other. Morrow used to write a diary daily and during this Chuckles used to bite his finger.....But morrow didn't mind......
They used to wander from kingdoms to kingdoms and see the war strategies of the kings but never helped the kings as they were mostly greedy to take help, expand empire and would throw them away after sometime. The took an oath that they will never help a king hereafter and just lead a simple life sharing knowledge with themselves. Both learned a lot from each-other.

One night a king's military chief got to know that morrow and chuckles were near their kingdom(as Morrow and Chuckles were famous in the world for their intelligent strategies as the helped some kings before the oath). the duet refused to help the king. The king then sent in his soldiers and caught morrow and chuckles. They were being brought to the kingdom for war *assistance forcefully. Both tried to run away but only FAILED. Chuckles then kept taunting the soldiers. They soldiers became angry and kept hitting Chuckles till he fainted and bleeded. *Morrow with the help of forest-men who were tired of the kings cruelty managed to kill all the soldiers. Many forest-men died helping morrow. Sir Chuckles was having last breaths while wounded morrow tried to reach a shelter as fast as possible and was finding medicinal plants. He couldnt afford a loss of mate again .He then saw a hut with many medicinal bushes around. Morrow became happy and rushed to the hut only to find Chuckles dead. Morrow's heart broke and he kept shouting in vain,wounded and bleeding tears on Chuckles death. Morrow wanted to die because his all-time mate was no more and for morrow it was easier to die rather than living without his mate. *There was a much lesser pain for him to die together than individually.*
But morrow was saved by the members of the family who lived in that hut.*




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Postby Joshuasky » Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:40 pm

Great read but its cluckles not chuckles

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Postby starhammer » Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:00 pm

This event has concluded. Thanks for participating. We'll announce the winners within the thread very soon and make two of you 200 Gold richer.
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"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer." - Hans Gruber, Die Hard

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