Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

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Valor Happy Accident

Postby Poco » Thu May 31, 2012 12:35 pm

Reed this carefully playmesh staff, In the path of rightness to reduce the overload on there servers playmesh accidentally created chaos, that what made Valor game unique and so exiting to play, chaos let people go to work knowing there Main city's(in time of war 2 or 3 at most) are in chaos and so safe till they comeback, chaos make people go social around Valor and exchange chaos-favors and strategic thoughts, like the excitement when put your attacker's troops in a corner and kill his scholars through small gap in chaos.

If chaos go dead, i'll stay, lose some city's and conquer few, then when i get back from work i'll find out some of mine get conquered, eventually i'll get Bored and quit the whole game.

Now there is those kind of players, the ones use gold and the ones not using it and some in between, idk if playmesh get greedy or its really a budget problem for them to remove chaos i guess many non gold players will quit coz of lack of excitement , but if only the gold guys stay in the game they will use truce allot so conquering city's will be so hard to happen, eventually they get bored too and many will leave the game.

Now ironically playmesh really need those non gold players, and need chaos accident to stay there, funny thing is that the Chang should be making attack chaos 20 or 30 instead of 40.
Valor was lucky and popular coz of Chaos.
That was my opinions on the chaos matter, it's up to playmesh idealist and Thinkers staff now.

W53-TQK The Gathering

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Postby worldbuilderlov » Thu May 31, 2012 12:49 pm

I think that 15 attack limit is only problematic due to another deficiency in the game play, that of troop movements. In real warfare, you would move troops to front or rear lines depending on your intent. For example, if I establish a frontline, I would advance troops there to fortify frontline cities and create a defensive wall. The cities immediately behind the frontline would be used as attack cities to thrust into the enemy cities and I would therefore advance offensive troops there to great larger attack forces.

What I see lacking here that makes the 15 attack limit a problem is the inability to make reusable troop movements. Yes I can support a city but I can NOT advance my offense into an attack city to great a larger attack force. A player with a large number of cities should be able to bring all his/her offensive might onto a target without being limited by the number of attacks but at the same time be required to pay a price in time to make the necessary troops movements. Make poor decisions about troop movements and you might be outflanked and overrun. Providing the ability to make troops movements give the game yet another sense of realism and adds further elements of strategy and tactics found in warfare. At the same time you can limit the attacks to ease the pressure on the servers without limiting the offensive might of players on a given target.

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Postby Stuckmojo » Thu May 31, 2012 12:51 pm

Really poco. Without chaos you wouldn't have got where you are now. You wouldn't stand a chance against me. I guarantee it. Your just upset because someone might actually beat you now. Poor poco. I hear sim city needs more players.

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Postby Stuckmojo » Thu May 31, 2012 12:54 pm

Again playmesh. You Rock.

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Postby Lordcamulox » Thu May 31, 2012 1:18 pm

Oh you are so strong Stuckmojo... I am glad for you... Nobody is afraid to lose a game. What we are saying is that you can't sincerely believe that players will spend money in a game if they can't have minimum certitude that they will survive when they are not in front of their phone... I can't name another game like this... Perhaps because that doesn't exist because business model is ****.....
Stuckmojo, I hope for you you won't play alone ;)

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Postby worldbuilderlov » Thu May 31, 2012 1:18 pm

Stuckmojo wrote:Really poco. Without chaos you wouldn't have got where you are now. You wouldn't stand a chance against me. I guarantee it. Your just upset because someone might actually beat you now. Poor poco. I hear sim city needs more players.

Stuckmojo, I think you are missing the point friend its not about using chaos to hide from attackers, its because the game lacks the ability to realistically support a newly conquered city in a timely manner. Or because things like massive coalitions and coin spenders tilt the scale in their favor. I am with you, I dislike chaos. Ive been on the side where I want to reconquer and the enemy has chaosed the heck out of all their cities in sight. Ive also been on the side of receiving chaos to be saved from hoards of enemy attacks but when you are facing these HUGE numbers of coin spending coalition members ( which I know you hate from prior posts ) you need every advantage you can get. I was/am (just tiny now) in w53 with Poco and I was in allied guild Loyalists. We had to face multiple BOAs guilds and if having 100s of attacks at once was not enough. Every player that hit me was a coin spender. This may very well be a different topic but to me, you need to find a way to get the coin spenders in one world and the non in another and do something about the coalitions because that is also a problem. When the scale is balanced players will not need to use exploits as much.

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu May 31, 2012 1:23 pm

6 of one, half dozen of the other. Change this mid game and the quality of opponents will suffer, because folks will leave. It doesn't matter if you love or hate chaos, it has become a fundamental TACTIC. It can be defeated, as GODZ Guilds have proven in the past, and it can be a powerful tool when used offensively. The funny thing is, most of the reasons for getting rid of it could be applied to the laundry list of other silly game quirks in this game (such as the new 15 attack limit).

Let's be honest PlayMesh - you're trading one unrealistic feature for another one. I'm sure an underlying reason is you want to inflate your revenue because you think players will buy truce more. Maybe it will happen, but I'm not going to stick around to find out. You've ruined one world for me because of server lag issues and now you're changing the rules of the game mid-way through another. Why should I spend my money and time here and wait for another capricious action that could fundamentally change my game strategy yet again? Bottom line, I don't trust this company to NOT do this again, and I can better spend my time and money elsewhere.


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Postby Poco » Thu May 31, 2012 1:30 pm

Stuckmojo wrote:Really poco. Without chaos you wouldn't have got where you are now. You wouldn't stand a chance against me. I guarantee it. Your just upset because someone might actually beat you now. Poor poco. I hear sim city needs more players.

I don't know you, but you'r really missing the point in my post.

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Postby Oncecrazy » Thu May 31, 2012 1:38 pm

I hope you players leave that love chaos and can't live without it. You would not last a day in w1,2,3. None of these stupid upgrades you can buy. If you can only survive by Choasing your city you are a horrible game player. 15 attacks is plenty if you send attacks from multiple cities. Playmesh should bring back the support anyone feature. FarmVille is in the app store go buy that.

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Postby oleoleo » Thu May 31, 2012 1:46 pm

Good job Playmesh. A lot of outcry as expected, but this will be better for the game and all the future players. The fear of losing chaos is that people don't like feeling vulnerable. Bottom line is that chaos gave players an inappropriate sense of invincibility. Clearly, Playmesh wants players who can play with vulnerability; that's the choice being made here. One I agree with. So now people who have become addicted to chaos need to adapt or get out. While it's apparent that there are a lot of upset players who are choosing to quit because they can't deal with a necessary change, the people who haven't been quite as vocal are those that figured out how to dominate in their world without chaos addiction, or those who adapted quickly. Those are the veterans who will continue, and participate in the evolution of the game. Bumpy change at first, but I think Valor will survive.

Yes, there are other exploits and fixes to be made, but in my view chaos had come to a point where it WAS the game. I can see why the programmers needed to cut out the cancer. Ironically I was in the middle of scuttling my cities in 3 worlds because I grew tired of being in guilds that required participation in the chaos rooms. I almost wish I didn't do that... oh well, too late. I think I might just start in a new world to see what it's like without chaos.

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