Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby Ikier » Thu May 31, 2012 1:50 pm

Poco wrote:Reed this carefully playmesh staff, In the path of rightness to reduce the overload on there servers playmesh accidentally created chaos, that what made Valor game unique and so exiting to play, chaos let people go to work knowing there city's are in chaos and so safe till they comeback, chaos make people go social around Valor and exchange chaos-favors and strategic thoughts, like the excitement when put your attacker's troops in a corner and kill his scholars through small gap in chaos.

If chaos go dead, i'll stay, lose some city's and conquer few, then when i get back from work i'll find out some of mine get conquered, eventually i'll get Bored and quit the whole game.

Now there is those kind of players, the ones use gold and the ones not using it and some in between, idk if playmesh get greedy or its really a budget problem for them to remove chaos i guess many non gold players will quit coz of lack of excitement , but if only the gold guys stay in the game they will use truce allot so conquering city's will be so hard to happen, eventually they get bored too and many will leave the game.

Now ironically playmesh really need those non gold players, and need chaos accident to stay there, funny thing is that the Chang should be making attack chaos 20 or 30 instead of 40.
Valor was lucky and popular coz of Chaos.
That was my opinions on the chaos matter, it's up to playmesh idealist and Thinkers staff now.

W53-TQK The Gathering

Poco - though I fully understand what you are saying about being able to go to work and your cities were safe. With that said - your post about it is exactly why they are removing chaos. Because too many players use chaos without being under attack - but because they MIGHT get attacked.

That does give the fun of knowing you can't get attacked in a certain timeframe - but it also removes all the fun from being an attacker, planning attacks and all. Too much chaos has almost made me and several others leave the game.

The good and the bad about Valor is that there is no night mode. Bad because you can't just go to sleep - good because you meet people from all over the world.

There were lots of fun in Valor before chatrooms were widely used - it was just more within the guild. Valor got popular before chaos was widely used...

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Postby Lordcamulox » Thu May 31, 2012 1:56 pm

Thank you oncecrazy... You are the proof that Playmesh are wrong with their decision... The only ones that will continue playing are players like you. Players that make fun of guy like me who can't spend so much time playing and must use tricks like chaos/truce to survive... Unfortunately, I am pretty sure that this is players like me who are ready to pay... Hardcore gamers are hilarious, but sincerely Playmesh, they can't be your target...

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu May 31, 2012 1:58 pm

Oncecrazy wrote:I hope you players leave that love chaos and can't live without it. You would not last a day in w1,2,3. None of these stupid upgrades you can buy. If you can only survive by Choasing your city you are a horrible game player. 15 attacks is plenty if you send attacks from multiple cities. Playmesh should bring back the support anyone feature. FarmVille is in the app store go buy that.

Don't confuse using a tactic with not being able to live without it. If I were in W1,2, or 3, I have no doubt I would do just as well there without it. My point is that it HAS been a feature on the world I started in and I adapted it as part of my strategy (a person would be stupid not to). Now, in mid game, I will have to spend a substantial amount of time to totally reconfigure my empire and my guild operations due to the developer's whim. I don't have the luxury of living in my parents basement, nor the time to play games all day to make that adjustment.

W1 doesn't have chaos and new worlds will not. Why can't the worlds that have it now remain the same and players could choose to stay or move on? That is the crux of my issue as I have no doubt in my mind that I could give you and anyone else a spirited and hard fight, if not hand you a sound defeat. Unfortunately, we will probably never see that battle though as I refuse to devote time to a game who's developers feel its ok to change the rules in mid-game. What fundamental change will be next?

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Postby StampX » Thu May 31, 2012 2:13 pm

I've posted numerous times about this. And repost so people can read it again who do not go back through and read all the post. And again chaos whatever, I can take it or leave it. I've hold spots open for days to take cities from people who over use chaos. No biggie. I've held spots open at all different hours and cities to make people lose sleep trying to close up those windows. So chaos I can take or leave. The thing that is BS is 15 attacks per person per targeted city. I'd rather have chaos and have those 40 slots to be creative with my attacks. I can fight through chaos easier then only being allowed to send 15 attacks. 15 attacks within seconds of each other is defendable 20-30 is almost impossible. If timing is right and walk times compared to their allied cities ability to support and what not.

I also hear "realism" this game is no where close to realism. No terrian,no weather and I find it amusing hearing the people use the realism arguement to oppose chaos. Of course people who spent hour and hours a day playing the game like to see the change, but who is paying? The working people or your parents. I'm sure there are a few fortunate ones who have the means and abilities to do as they choose. They are few. If you are wealthy you have better things to do.

The last thing that seems kinda off to me is the direction developers have taken to alienate the casual players. The "chippy" players. It's seem all other finacially successful games go in the opposite direction. Making the game more user friendly keeping players playing rather then getting knocked out of the game. Most games start out cut throat and evolve into a softer version to appeal more to casual users.

Since I started playing 60 plus worlds have been added. And I'm curious to see if worlds can substain enough working people to help pay the games employees. When it's seems that the people with the money and that work are not being heard and often looked down on in this forums thread. I'm sure there's some big shots who will say I pay to make up for any loses. I've actually read that yesterday. It's not a direct quote, but close enough.

Bottom line. It's a game. It should be enjoyed by everyone. Give me back my attack slots!!

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Postby LuckylukeQC » Thu May 31, 2012 2:37 pm

Oncecrazy wrote:I hope you players leave that love chaos and can't live without it. You would not last a day in w1,2,3. None of these stupid upgrades you can buy. If you can only survive by Choasing your city you are a horrible game player. 15 attacks is plenty if you send attacks from multiple cities. Playmesh should bring back the support anyone feature. FarmVille is in the app store go buy that.

OnceCrazy, my problem with the 15 attacks per player to 1 city is that I can't sent more then 10 if I want to send scholars too. Example : I have a city I scouted yesterday I want to take. There is 32k of lancers, 30k of sentries and 36k of guardians. My troops are at 50h from target. How do I do it? It would be better to max out outgoing attacks from each city to 5. I have 340 cities and need help to take a city.

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Postby worldbuilderlov » Thu May 31, 2012 2:52 pm

StampX wrote:I've posted numerous times about this. And repost so people can read it again who do not go back through and read all the post. And again chaos whatever, I can take it or leave it. I've hold spots open for days to take cities from people who over use chaos. No biggie. I've held spots open at all different hours and cities to make people lose sleep trying to close up those windows. So chaos I can take or leave. The thing that is BS is 15 attacks per person per targeted city. I'd rather have chaos and have those 40 slots to be creative with my attacks. I can fight through chaos easier then only being allowed to send 15 attacks. 15 attacks within seconds of each other is defendable 20-30 is almost impossible. If timing is right and walk times compared to their allied cities ability to support and what not.

I also hear "realism" this game is no where close to realism. No terrian,no weather and I find it amusing hearing the people use the realism arguement to oppose chaos. Of course people who spent hour and hours a day playing the game like to see the change, but who is paying? The working people or your parents. I'm sure there are a few fortunate ones who have the means and abilities to do as they choose. They are few. If you are wealthy you have better things to do.

The last thing that seems kinda off to me is the direction developers have taken to alienate the casual players. The "chippy" players. It's seem all other finacially successful games go in the opposite direction. Making the game more user friendly keeping players playing rather then getting knocked out of the game. Most games start out cut throat and evolve into a softer version to appeal more to casual users.

Since I started playing 60 plus worlds have been added. And I'm curious to see if worlds can substain enough working people to help pay the games employees. When it's seems that the people with the money and that work are not being heard and often looked down on in this forums thread. I'm sure there's some big shots who will say I pay to make up for any loses. I've actually read that yesterday. It's not a direct quote, but close enough.

Bottom line. It's a game. It should be enjoyed by everyone. Give me back my attack slots!!

Stampx, I am sorry but I disagree with you here... the number of attacks is not as important as the force of the attacks. If you see my earlier post on being able to make troop movements, I provide my reasoning behind it. I think that if you need more than 15 attacks on a single target you are not being creative in your tactics or maneuvering to make take your opponent out of position. You are just applying brute force to decimate a target. Now what I do think should be allowed is the ability to bring the full might of your armies to bare on a target while still maintaining a limit on the servers (ie 15 attacks). Adding a feature that allows repositioning of troops from city to city will support this and be more tactically realistic (yes! realism from a tactical prespective not a scenic one) while still giving the little guy an ability to maneuver and possibility outflank you when you make troop movements. There is no fun in slaughtering of sheep when you can funnel 40 attacks on a target. Heck 15 is too many if you are able to make troop movements between cities.

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu May 31, 2012 2:58 pm

But we're not able to transfer troops between cities. I don't care what you do, you're not going to take a city with 100k defenders, under the current system, with only 15 attacks.

It's funny - one of the things PlayMesh wants to do is make us rely on our guild mates more. I saw a marked drop in coordination the minute this "fix" rolled out.

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Postby Poco » Thu May 31, 2012 3:42 pm

Ikier wrote:Poco - though I fully understand what you are saying about being able to go to work and your cities were safe. With that said - your post about it is exactly why they are removing chaos. Because too many players use chaos without being under attack - but because they MIGHT get attacked.

That does give the fun of knowing you can't get attacked in a certain timeframe - but it also removes all the fun from being an attacker, planning attacks and all. Too much chaos has almost made me and several others leave the game.

The good and the bad about Valor is that there is no night mode. Bad because you can't just go to sleep - good because you meet people from all over the world.

There were lots of fun in Valor before chatrooms were widely used - it was just more within the guild. Valor got popular before chaos was widely used...

Ikier, friend, No resnable player can chaos all his city's every day, in time of war i chaos only the ones that get attacked, and that's 1 to 3 city's at most, even if more then that get attacked.

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Postby StampX » Thu May 31, 2012 3:42 pm

@worldbuilderlov, hmm well with 40 attacks I can spread out loses for one. Making for 48 hour regen roughly. In my world. I can hide scholars more easily. I can send clearing waves for ram/ballista attacks. Or send full attacks with scholars in each wave. The option are numerous. 40 cities isn't the total might of my empire. And since I am well aware of the numbers and mechanics I disagree with your disagreement.

Terrian/weather isn't scenic if that what you are referring too. Its a crucial element in any battle. Look through history and the effects of weather once. It changes whole wars. Ask the Germans. Moscow,battle of the bulge etc,etc.. Taking the high ground? Siege weapon stuck in mud. No matter this is just to debate the "realism" arguements I've read. Only a fool would debate against weather and terrian and importance of it in warfare. History is already written. Thank you for your time.

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Postby Marvso » Thu May 31, 2012 3:46 pm

Just have to try it and see how it works out. There are thousands of games to play on the iPad and iPhone. If it becomes "unfun" it will be Asta la vista. It's been a blast up to this point and hope it continues to be.

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