Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

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Postby Oncecrazy » Thu May 31, 2012 3:48 pm

To keep saying it is a "Tactic" is completely false. You guys exploited the game. Do you realize in w2 they changed all kinds of things!
1. 40 Attacks on a single city creating "Chaos" was made because we crashed the servers
2. Used to be able to attack yourself to burn troops or scholars.
3. Support slots were limited used to be unlimited.
4. Support to anyone including barbs.
5. Troop commanders limited to 25
So this all happen in the middle of a war and all of a sudden. So we adapted to the changes. I have a real life outside this game and survive just fine with a few times a day checking the game. 15 attacks maybe is a little far but if it's needed to do be it.
125 attacks WILL CHAOS with the changes! If you love it do much it won't be an issue.

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Postby StampX » Thu May 31, 2012 3:48 pm

And in my world there are no sheep left to fight. It's all big player with lots of cities. And chaos plays a role, but not a major role. 2 or 3 cities in chaos is a lot for most people btw. And honestly the enemy. One of those generic guilds with hundreds of players benifit more then we do. We fight through it.

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Postby StampX » Thu May 31, 2012 3:52 pm

The solution is so simple though. Make it a world feature like has been stated 10 times aleady. Play where you wanna play. It's a win win for everyone.

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Postby Kingjason666 » Thu May 31, 2012 4:38 pm

One crazy and stuck. You are both tools. If you can't fight around people using chaos then it's really you that should be in FarmVille cause you can't beat a player that is using teamwork.

But ok they increase attacks to 125 per city and chaos is useless. Yeah it makes a few tools like you happy. Playmesh think they are going to make money from this but gold playing people are already quitting.

The real issue is the attack queue I have nearly 800 city's. And now Playmesh is telling me I need to ask for help to clear a full supported city because they want realism. What a load of crap. Fix this urgent. It's like telling USA they can't fight a war unless UK attacks first. This is bull💩.

Playmesh you said you removed changes for now. Then why the fk can I only send 15 attacks at a city. Dam I scout thats 1. 5scholars that's another 5. Wow I get 9 waves of clearance left. So I can only kill 10k guards. Can someone explain to me how I kill the other upto 90k guards in the city.

Before you go on about how great Playmesh is everyone. Try and clear a stacked city by yourself. U can't

And if your back in world 1-13. As im in world 14. Shouldnt you be like us and killed all the real enemies anyway. Don't you want an end to the world instead of changes

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Postby LordVulcan » Thu May 31, 2012 4:42 pm

LuckylukeQC wrote:I like the idea of troops supporting after conquering the city or at least send support to anyone. But 15 attack total to a city per player is way unfair. I could live with a max of 5 outgoing attack per city. But if you want a city fully loaded of support, how can you take it. You need to ask guild to all sent attack to same city. 3 players could match their 15 attack to make it 45. But I still think 15 is too low.

A total of 30 attacks can come from a guild onto a city

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Postby Lord Hagar » Thu May 31, 2012 4:44 pm

Thanks for taking my idea (above) and expanding exponentially on it. LOL!!!

worldbuilderlov wrote:I own a software company and have built online games so I understand both the principles of game design and the technical limitations you are trying to address. That said, I totally agree with the removal of the chaos exploit, yes it’s an exploit but one that became a necessity due to a key game play deficiency. I know many on this thread have touch on it but I will explain in my own words below:

Reasons for Chaos:
1) To block an abandoned city so you can conquer when you have scholars and time
2) To defend a newly conquered city until you can support and supplies arrive, where you can build a defense.

Justifications for Chaos:
I think we can all agree that #1 is just BS and should not be allowed. In real warfare, you can NOT block attacks so why allow it here. #2 is one that needs some game play changes. In real warfare, when a conquering army laid siege on a city they didn’t just bring their attacking units. They brought their support units, supplies, wife and kids, and the family pet… What would make this game more realistic is if I could designate resources and support units that can travel with each attack. That way if I conquer the city I can leave support and supplies to defend against reconquering attempts. And yes I know you can send the merchants at the same time as your attacks but that would only telegraph where the real attacks are being attempted. Here is my proposal along with an example:

Game Change Proposal:
1) Allow the attacker to include resources along with an attack that is appropriate given the haul capacity of the attacking units. This would allow you to have some resources to build a defense force in the conquered city.
2) Allow the attacker’s attack waves to be assimilated into the city after its conquered much like the scholar but still be reused to make further advancing attacks from the conquered city. This allows you to include support type units in the later waves of your attacks so you can defend and should you conquer with excess attack units, you benefit from having some attackers stationed in the conquered city for furthering your conquests.
3) If the attacker does NOT conquer the city, the resources being brought into battle are lost to the defender and the later support type attack waves will pay a heavy price in loses.

So an attack can look like this:
0-N clearing waves of attack units
4-5 scholar waves
0-N attacks with defensive units rather than attack units and carrying resources.

Some here have requested that you allow the supporting of any city, so they can time in their support along with offensive attacks. Though that is somewhat acceptable, I think it has that flaw of giving away where the REAL attacks are headed. If I see a train of support attacks heading my way along with some offensive attacks, I know then to funnel all support there. At that point the game becomes a game of out resourcing your enemy. No strategy no tactics, just pick a city and have all your guild mates funnel attacks there until one guild runs dry.

That is why I propose that support be incorporated into the offensive attacks and absorbed into the city as troops stationed there, if you conquer. This has the effect of allowing a well-planned attack at long distances to succeed, while allowing the poor planned attacks to be very costly, in resources, attack units and support units.

In my opinion, this makes the game more realistic from a warfare tactical perspective. In real siege warfare if you failed to conquer a city, the defending city would turn on your siege army and slaughter your support units and claim your supplies, once you lost the ability to attack.

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Postby LadyDelicious » Thu May 31, 2012 4:49 pm

Is this a thread for you old hands to reminisce?

1. Playmess are removing the only free "cheat" (why NOT harp on about THOSE features)
2. If your active there's no reason why chaos would effect your attacks. Send fakes and keep the gaps open.
3. It is a great method for securing a barbarian. If you couldn't obtain full chaos it was a "given" that someone else was working on it. Saved hours messaging players arguing about who had rightful ownership.

Please stop posting about the good old days and how your methods are so much superior. Post about how we like playing with a broad range of people from all socio-economic backgrounds. Chaos evens up the odds (slightly) It's not cowardly. It's an effort. Used in attack and defence.
PLEASE start another thread about how heroic you are because you can push buttons on a device
Look at the big picture - Playmess are turning the game into an elite ap. where those who spend gold have better odds at surviving than those that don't.
Have you changed your promo quote from Mightbehiking yet PayMess?

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Postby LordVulcan » Thu May 31, 2012 4:52 pm

Oncecrazy wrote:I hope you players leave that love chaos and can't live without it. You would not last a day in w1,2,3. None of these stupid upgrades you can buy. If you can only survive by Choasing your city you are a horrible game player. 15 attacks is plenty if you send attacks from multiple cities. Playmesh should bring back the support anyone feature. FarmVille is in the app store go buy that.

if you say 15 is enoght or you have never went against a player who has a crapload of support. Even with mutiple cities try taking a city with 25k sentries 25k guards and 40k guards and then tell me 15 attacks are enought. Cuz that's sat I was suppose to do yesterday, now f this. I'll just prob go back to doing some useful things.

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Postby Wizzard » Thu May 31, 2012 4:59 pm

This whole game is messed up. Developers haven't got a clue on how to make a strategy game. It will be next to impossible to keep a capture from being recapped almost immediately, unless you pay for the truce cheat. Allies should be allowed to send defense support troops. You should also be able to transfer your own troops to the front lines from rear bases to keep moving forward. Especially with the battle algorithms so whacked. At least the truce cheat will now become the only cheat of any value, cause paying for an extended build que when you don't have the resources to fill the que is a waste of money. This will be my last world, so bring on the new players for the fleecing, cause the loyal old school is done.

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Postby Vinimax » Thu May 31, 2012 5:12 pm

"I agree sadly with you guys and have to say after seeing this yesterday I turned my phone off at 7 and spent the night watching a movie and going to sleep as before I discovered this game. My dream and goal in playing with my friends was designed around the knowledge and time spent building a great strategy concept for an amazing group of bright people to come together. This concept of die hard cut throat gamer bull**** will leave me uninterested. It's the personality TYPE I've worked hard to keep out of my friends. I will do what I can but will more than likely exit before I see it all crumble and go to waste. Sad but my time is valuable and if it's any conciliation if any of you find a new game that has the social qualities without time pressure I will gladly join you there. 👎bad move Vgame.. A"
These are the words of players I respect and would kill myself in game for...
Unfortunately my thoughts are no different from that. I agree chaos may put te server down, but why don't spend your time fixing this instead of changing the game rules.
It is perfectly understandable to create new worlds with the rules you want. But to change in te middle of wars going on is ridiculous. I am not putting my money and time into a game that has no credibility whatsoever. Well, at least that is what you are proving... Want some money with more truces ? Suggest you go see you rating in the app store tomorrow. Better yet, check out if I or my friends will be playing.
Another move that is just as bad is 15 attacks per player to a city. Go ahead and try to clear 100K troops with 11 clearings and send 4 scholars with prestige ... I guess they will all die and I won't buy prestige or medics tomorrow. Now, go try to attack a city in another region or across te glove. Guess you are never conquering the world and I am the game will stagnate getting me and my friends bored.
All I have to say is that I am upset. This is bs crap from you all and will get me stopping from playing this game. Which now more than ever has gotten me mad. Suggest you fix it or I'm out with lots of people. I don't mind you keeping little kids and beginners that don't understand the concept of the game. But good luck getting new addicted players like the ones you have now. I see Valor out of app store top games and my life in weeks time ...
Sorry for all this, but it is just ridiculous.

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