Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

General topics and discussion on Valor.

Postby PwnLaw » Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:39 am

StampX wrote:Hold up lets ask since this is a dead thread right? Debates over. How many people only want 15 attacks per person per city? Then once someone answers if they do. Debate them about it. I was just checking a link for a friend or I woulda never even came back to this dead issue thread. Everyone play different man. Worry about yourself. That's what I was doing expressing what I lost and would like back. Not attacking people in a game forum. Anyway thanks again and best of luck to you and yours.

Hopefully we see you around the forums more StampX, we've liked your posts. Agree it's best to avoid flame wars though. :D

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Postby xSmith&WessonX » Mon Jun 04, 2012 8:36 pm

I agree with StampX. Yesterday I had a 9 hour battle for one city. I was on the whole 9 hours plus. I used all 40 attacks. The thing I run into is support showing up from people allies. So I usually have to plan to take out support as well. I probably sent 60 attacks in total. Along with attacks from guild mates. It was a awesome battle. And thanks to guild chat getting attack support from friends was simple and easy. We all enjoyed the day. We took the city. Seen the support that didn't arrive in time and got a couple extra conquers from the enemy leaving empty cities. Now others were on other targets, but big battles need lots of attacks. And it happened to my turn to take on the well supported city. And i was thankful for being able to use 40 attack slots. Btw guild chat changed the game. Best update yet.

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Postby GeneralZaphod » Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:34 am

It is all about revenue, and rightfully so! You need it! We should be paying for this! I want to pay for this! BUT... I have posted about this before, and assume it has been read and promptly thrown out the window as rubbish. However, the bottom line is what you get for your $ is basically nothing. I simply can't justify the micro improvements I get for the major bucks I pay. $2.50 for a 5% improvement in scholars is WAY to much money, etc. Shouldn't need to say more. The app world is a world of very cheap game play, and frankly it is extremely abundant where games are either free, or $.99. For me to get a significant improvement on my game, I would need to spend about $50 per world. Sure, a few $5 drops here and there would bump me up a in the ranks some, but is it worth $5? You probably look at this like, hey, that is a coffee a Starbucks, and you pay that every day. But I look at it like, hey, I can get 50 apps for that 50 bucks. Not to mention that the improvements are ALL temporary only getting you a permanent leg up. I have to justify my 2-3 PC games a year costing $50 each to my wife. I am an engineer and make plenty of money, but no offense, this game is not BF3, or D3. It is an app, knowing how much I enjoy it (lots), that is worth about $5 in the app store, and I would pay that, but more. Think micro transactions, and you will see that volumes of purchases that seem like bargains will always out-do the ones that seem like too much for too little. This is a lesson the industry is now learning.

As I said before, I feel if you reduce your gold cost by 10-20x, then you would get a situation where most people are paying for gold regularly and repeatedly. I have no idea what your revenues are, but I can't imagine I am not right. What percentage of people are paying? If you gave 10x more bang for the buck, wouldn't the number of buyers and return buyers be well more than 10x? Maybe even 100x? I would probably dump a couple bucks a week in, but now I haven't yet spent any. Many of my guild mates have completely agreed. Based on the rankings, it seems only a small number of people actually pay, and some who pay only buy a bit, and likely never more when they see the fruit of their buck was so small.

Please, give me value for my $ and I will give it to you happily!

Thanks for the forum where we can post such ramblings.

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Postby Mateo617 » Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:12 pm

How do I contact customer support to get compensated for the error ?

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Postby Mateo617 » Tue Jun 05, 2012 1:14 pm

And I agree , apps for this game are wayy to expensive

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Postby starhammer » Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:45 pm

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow is June 6th and the Chaos changes will apply to all new Worlds, going forward.
To submit a support ticket, please visit the following link:

"And when Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer." - Hans Gruber, Die Hard


Postby PwnLaw » Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:47 am

Mateo617 wrote:How do I contact customer support to get compensated for the error ?

Just submit a support ticket by clicking on the support tab at


Postby PwnLaw » Wed Jun 06, 2012 4:51 am

GeneralZaphod wrote:It is all about revenue, and rightfully so! You need it! We should be paying for this! I want to pay for this! BUT... I have posted about this before, and assume it has been read and promptly thrown out the window as rubbish. However, the bottom line is what you get for your $ is basically nothing. I simply can't justify the micro improvements I get for the major bucks I pay. $2.50 for a 5% improvement in scholars is WAY to much money, etc. Shouldn't need to say more. The app world is a world of very cheap game play, and frankly it is extremely abundant where games are either free, or $.99. For me to get a significant improvement on my game, I would need to spend about $50 per world. Sure, a few $5 drops here and there would bump me up a in the ranks some, but is it worth $5? You probably look at this like, hey, that is a coffee a Starbucks, and you pay that every day. But I look at it like, hey, I can get 50 apps for that 50 bucks. Not to mention that the improvements are ALL temporary only getting you a permanent leg up. I have to justify my 2-3 PC games a year costing $50 each to my wife. I am an engineer and make plenty of money, but no offense, this game is not BF3, or D3. It is an app, knowing how much I enjoy it (lots), that is worth about $5 in the app store, and I would pay that, but more. Think micro transactions, and you will see that volumes of purchases that seem like bargains will always out-do the ones that seem like too much for too little. This is a lesson the industry is now learning.

As I said before, I feel if you reduce your gold cost by 10-20x, then you would get a situation where most people are paying for gold regularly and repeatedly. I have no idea what your revenues are, but I can't imagine I am not right. What percentage of people are paying? If you gave 10x more bang for the buck, wouldn't the number of buyers and return buyers be well more than 10x? Maybe even 100x? I would probably dump a couple bucks a week in, but now I haven't yet spent any. Many of my guild mates have completely agreed. Based on the rankings, it seems only a small number of people actually pay, and some who pay only buy a bit, and likely never more when they see the fruit of their buck was so small.

Please, give me value for my $ and I will give it to you happily!

Thanks for the forum where we can post such ramblings.

I've played the game under a bunch of different circumstances. I've played before where I can only spend $5 worth of gold and I've found the strategic use of boosters and queue extender can make a pretty enormous difference. That's self serving, but I wanted to at least say it.

Our goal is to provide meaningful value without breaking the game. It's a very delicate balance, and we've almost certainly lost some people who disagree with where we have drawn the line. We'll continue to evaluate things, but we recognize that not everyone is going to be happy. Which makes us unhappy. :(

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Postby GeneralZaphod » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:20 am

PwnLaw wrote:I've played the game under a bunch of different circumstances. I've played before where I can only spend $5 worth of gold and I've found the strategic use of boosters and queue extender can make a pretty enormous difference. That's self serving, but I wanted to at least say it.

But I can understand that some people don't see the value. Our goal is to provide meaningful value without breaking the game. It's a very delicate balance, and we've almost certainly lost some people who disagree with where we have drawn the line. We'll continue to evaluate things, but we recognize that not everyone is going to be happy. Which makes us unhappy. :(

Hey now, you should be very happy! You have managed to create a VERY awesome game here! It is novel, addicting, and has huge potential moving forward. You should be extremely proud of your creation. What I am attempting to do here is "help" you. I have seen the "micro-transaction" model work EXTREMELY well. A good analogy would be if Walmart priced a can of beans at $10 bucks because they need to make X dollars and they felt that charging large amounts for that can is the way to do it. At this price, not many will buy. Later they change it to $1, now everyone buys a can, but instead of 5 people a month buying a can, 1000 people a month buy a can. It is the economics of volume. Again, based on what I see in the worlds, I can't imagine that many people are buying much gold. Make it so affordable that everyone HAS to pay, or can't resist paying. Make everyone feel like they get a lot of stuff for their buck. I think you will find that this creates an addiction analogous to MTG where you have to keep buying packs to get more and better.

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Postby Rats » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:59 am

Then everybody has hold as those that don't buy gold quit cause they can't keep up and they give valor a bad rep so no new people will join and if some do they quit right off the bat cause they still have a 5 k city while someone else has a 30k city( I've seen this happen before) and some hold buyers get bored and some have rl issues and then eventually valor loses all its gold buyers and has to shut down gold is an "I win button" basically... But I understand valor has to get paid somehow...

I have suggested other ideas too like make more things that make the game easier and don't ruin the strategy

Auras blessing is grea and same with que extender but stuff like reveal incoming attacks and insta spy and prestige is a joke you same with speed ups

U should make more of the auras blessing Ideas

U could also make like a seperate page where you let companies advertise and then for watching that video u would get like 2-3 gold or something

I have seen this before in a game similar and it worked extremely well

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