When do new worlds open, and when do I get offered to get in?

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When do new worlds open, and when do I get offered to get in?

Postby GeneralZaphod » Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:53 am

Maybe this is posted somewhere, but a search didn't seem to turn up the info. I have been playing for about 5 months I think. I can't seem to figure out when new worlds open, and why it seems to not be available to me at times. Are there some rules about how often I can enter a new world? Even if I join, then delete a world, I can't join another for a while? Seems to create some unfair situations where I am not given the opportunity to be one of the first to enter a new world leaving me behind at times. I just would like to understand any limitations put upon me. Could somebody please help with this?

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Postby Emilietx » Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:29 am

New worlds open as old ones close.
A world closes when it has 55-60k players
Once it's closed its gone forever if you didn't enter that world.

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Postby DeathViruzX » Wed Jun 06, 2012 9:53 pm

New worlds open after a recent one hits about 55-60k population. The world will close and is unjoinable anymore. To join a new world, go to the portal tab below the screen then click the hello worlds button.you can then scroll throughthe the worlds there.

In truth you can actually join older worlds. To do so, just go to the newest world and enter then abandon it. If you didn't join the previous world, that world will pop up on your screen and is joinable. I just did that for world 72 lol.

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