Your current game set-up is killing big players

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Postby JudgeDredge » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:32 pm

I have my world 12 city with 429 citys...
I just dont play there any more as making scolarships are to hard.
I had this problem also in W30.
Now my w50 citys number 134 ...the world speed is 1....1...slow resouces and slow scolarships...I can
get 3-4 scolarships from each of my citys if I can farm them all.
MAybe a mass scolarship clearing like when we have the valour blessing thing going?
Come on guys come up with a real option for4 us old timers.... oherwise we will just quit world after world once we get close to 200 citys.
Or you get players taking over other players citys where they have left behind masses of scolars to by-pass this....which really is not needed.
Thats my 2 cents worth :)

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Postby Hawk45 » Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:00 pm

This is the biggest problem valor has at the moment, and is causing the loss of players.
Please valor gods fix this before we all lose our minds.

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Postby Chemjes » Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:25 am

To provide a business case, If this was taken care of then winning a world would go more quickly. Then players like me wouldnt be stuck in one world for so long and would start a new world. Many players buy gold when they start a new world. That means more money for playmesh. There really is no reason to buy gold after 20 cities or so.

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Postby Bl1ndFury » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:35 pm

It's kinda funny to read a forum thread where everyone is in agreement. I mainly play the first 100 cities of a world then move to another world because of the tediousness of multi-city management. I can't wait to see any improvements towards a fix. Will any of these improvements be Beta tested?

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Postby xSmith&WessonX » Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:45 pm

I'll disagree with everyone. Kinda. Hey guys you gotta push the buttons. That's the only way people can catch up is when you slack off. If you do auto-scholarship purchases that's no different then running a bot program. I feel sorry for those playing in dead worlds. Really. Maybe you should start attacking player next to yourselves. Make it interesting instead of preferring to play in safety. It's a game, not personal right? Well, war!! Friend or foe. You wanna finish worlds, get off each others jocks. No offense now :) so..take it with a grain of salt.

Also I would think injecting new player into semi-older worlds would bring money in as well. They could catch up talking "in active" players.

This is a marathon game. My main world is at world speed 1 unit speed 1. It's looking like a 2-3 year journey here yet. If not longer.

It's the nature of gaming you play, you get bored, you move on.

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Postby xSmith&WessonX » Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:53 pm

I play board games with my friends. As example a classic. Risk. If I use a ally or 2, we don't get to the end and say oh it's over. We play on til the last man is standing. You big dawgs wanna win right? Don't sit there with 100's if not 1000's of cities and say your bored. Get it done.

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Postby xSmith&WessonX » Wed Aug 22, 2012 9:59 pm

Better yet. Use the tv show survivor as example. You made it to the end. Finish it. ??? You all can save the hate for the next post you don't like. I only look at forums once a month or so. It's just a opinion. Love and respect to you all.

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