Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

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Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

Postby Vanbarta » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:12 pm

Woowh. Playmesh is realy trying to get all players quit the game

This is by far the worst update ever.

Error messages flying around with every button pressed
Map causes game to crash

All citynames dont show up in city view they only show the first couple of characters and the rest as dots

Top menu is hard to read due to the gigantic coins and plus sign

Realy removed the scroll button to quickly change your cities
Every time you click the multi-city bar for cities it only shows you like 20. And you have to click the show more button evry time you enter this screen multiple time

Normaly your city population when full showed something like 23000/23000. Now it only shows 0

No difference in attacks quests or forum messages it all shows as a red number.

Everyone i spoke is hoping there was a way to downgrade

This is all very nice if you have 1-10 cities but if you have more it almost become unable to play

Realy instead of all unwanted features they should realy work on game stability

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Postby Meiwyn » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:27 pm

I'm not sure about all those aspects but I can't get through my cities in this version. How can I downgrade? Not being able to quickly scroll to next city makes it impossible to handle a large number if cities. And the brown on brown colour makes bats difficult to read. I'm very very frustrated. The idea of the side city scroll is good but still need to be able with one stroke to o next.
I used to be able to flick through iTunes o licate where I had sent attacks out from. Now that is impossible and ill have to keep records. Spooling the game
If I have mussed something vital in how to operate this new version please let me know

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Postby Tat » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:33 pm

Agree 100% , this upgrade will decimate the worlds population if not fixed.Diservedly so.


Postby Orlor » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:34 pm

Meiwyn wrote:I'm not sure about all those aspects but I can't get through my cities in this version. How can I downgrade? Not being able to quickly scroll to next city makes it impossible to handle a large number if cities. And the brown on brown colour makes bats difficult to read. I'm very very frustrated. The idea of the side city scroll is good but still need to be able with one stroke to o next.
I used to be able to flick through iTunes o licate where I had sent attacks out from. Now that is impossible and ill have to keep records. Spooling the game
If I have mussed something vital in how to operate this new version please let me know

I want you to know we are collecting all feedback in regards to the newest update. We do take into account the feedback everybody provides and use that to help our decisions to either remove or change certain parts of Valor. The more feedback we receive regarding these new features/UI changes the better.

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Postby Tat » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:38 pm

It is very simple, fix the lag!
Fix the continous game crashes!
Leave the interface alone, and put simplicity and accessibility above all!!
What was wrong with the farm display showing total population size???
What was wrong with being able to flip through cities in a particular sector????

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Postby gemini0019 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:45 pm

Put it back the way it was and only, ONLY, work on the bugs and error messages. That would make us all very happy.

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Postby Tazi » Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:58 pm

I like the list of towns but.... We still need the right/left buttons to scroll more quickly.

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Postby Biwin » Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:11 pm

This new interface hurts my eyes, and makes timing attacks or simply managing more than 20 cities unbearable. You have literally doubled the number of keystrokes necessary to move from city to city to do maintenance.

Also there's a load time of a few seconds every time I switch cities where there was none before.

Also the mail system is broken, lagging WAY more than it did before and it keeps automatically opening reports without me asking it to when I press the mail icon. Also I can't get rid of that stupid new mail icon.

PLEASE give us the option to switch back; I love this game and I don't want to have to quit over this.

Edit: I keep finding more stuff to add... how could you possibly think taking away the food total of a city would be a good idea; an arbitrary number next to a loaf of bread is meaningless without the maximum next to it.

Edit: Ok I figured out the new food system, not as terrible as I thought :)

Edit: I've got nothing to do right now but post because I've been trying to load a city for the last 2 minutes, but only getting error messages.

Edit: Here's another one - when open the mailbox now covers the bottom menu bar, meaning you have to exit the mailbox first by clicking the mail icon at the top before switching to another menu - more accessibility ftw!

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Postby Jonathan7947 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 6:40 pm

The new update does suck it laggy and error messages are annoying and i dont like the new scroll throught my cities!

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Postby XLeviathanx » Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:12 pm

Cannot access map. Crashes every time I try

Agree with comments above. Also need a refresh button. Need to know max troops and current troops.

This latest "upgrade" has rendered my gameplay impossible. Hard to play without a map.

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