Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

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Postby Bbloksma » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:39 am

I was going to hold off on any comment until I tried to play the game at least for a few hours and experience for myself what the new GUI means for me.
Well so far I can only say I agree with all the critisism I have read so far. You must realy NOT want us to be able to read the new top bar when we are not in a darkened room. Has any developer tried to read the info while being outside in a bright daylight? Brown on brown may be a nice THEME for designers but it is impossible to read.
It is the same as a while ago when you decided to make the background on the map a dark colour. Suddenly the cities on the map were a lot less clear. Would be nice if you reversed that too.
Not that I am colourblind or anything like that but did you ever consider people that cannot see too well?

I play in 2worlds where I have around 70 cities. I can tell you I do not like most things in the upgrade. The place of the clock and the date was no problem, they were not realy blocking any info, where they are now uses up valuable space on that bar.
Showing just the free food does not help me determining whether I have a full city with lots of troops or a city that has been under attack and now has no troops and a nearly destroyed farm. Many flaws in the new design have been pointed out, I am not going to repeat them all but let me assure you, I wil NOT give this version anywhere near 5 stars.

Did you read the suggestion of creating a beta group? I know that may be hard to set up as Apple allows only app downloads from Apple stores but talk to them about it. It would save you a lot of well meant but serious design mistakes. Some things may look good in design, may even look good during simple testing and wil only show the problem during actual serious game playing.

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Postby MrDodoBird » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:44 am

Have to agree here. My naming convention is now unusable since distinction differs only at the end, scrolling cities is now completely impossible, and I'm looking at a way to enable downgrading. Plze Return to the previous version of the menus and keep from adding stuff until the whole is stable and w/o errors every time I open a city for sending anything.

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Postby Markd » Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:53 am

I agree with these posts. Worst version ever. Can't see the full name of city, can't scroll between cities, etc. Please put it back the way it was.

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Postby Juditha » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:09 am

found out another stupid thing: before troop count was 8000/23000 for example so you can see on what lv is your farm already here , now you see just remaining amount but don't know if you can expand farm in low lv cities

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Postby PrincessCromer » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:13 am

I agree, worst update ever. I won't repeat the issues, as others have articulated them well. Stop messing with the look of the game and work on the playing issues.

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Postby Tim_stoddard » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:26 am

This new version is completely unplayable! I have 162 cities and moving between them in critical. Choosing a city from a drop down is unacceptable!

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Postby Bbloksma » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:53 am

We need to get the refresh button back too. When I a in the forge sometimes it does not show the levels. Hitting the expand and/or collaps button does not help. Forcing a resynch does help.

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Postby Africa64 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:55 am

Never posted anything before but this time is a must.
My complaints are:
1. Left and right buttons to be enabled immediately
2. Scroll cities bar is useless as is done, portal is doing the same function; if you want to keep it then must load all cities at once
3. Both messages and ranking pages are covering the lower buttons' bar; very bad, one operation is required to clear the screen that was not necessary with prev version
4. Population disappeared! The new "bread" icon doesn't give info. If i don't remember what is the population for a lvl 25 farm knowing that i can make another 50 lancers is totally useless. If you read i.e. 16450/16500 you know with one sight where you are
5. Limitation of city name to ten char make impossible to play. Tell me how can i understand where i am with my fifteen "Canceron" cities (North 1,2,3,4 East 1,2,3....)
6. As you can see in your DB, i spent enough gold in the last months to know i have to go into the store! If you want me to go on please remove that useless and wide coins area with the "+" and use the space recovered to enlarge the city name field.
7. Bugs, crashes, Error msg still present. Then i face a very strange problem of connection in case of not strong 3G signal... i can play perfectly in old world 38 (maybe a bit slow but i understand the reason and accept it) but world 90 is not working at all (We're busy updating Valor for you...); i cannot imagine i am the only one facing something similar. Are all worlds on same servers? can you make the same behavior for all of them please? that means make it work...

What i like:
1. The upper resource bar

1. remove the "bread" icon from top resources bar and replace it with coins
2. put back population in foreground where it was before exactly with the same functionality as before


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Bug ?

Postby elchemor » Tue Sep 25, 2012 10:58 am

I know most of the people are praising the new mail and report interface, but here is my problem with it:
Click on a report, click on the info button (i) next to the defender name, click on back ---> your back to the city view and not to the report you were checking.

And yes, plz restore the city scroll and refresh buttons.

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Postby 3kill » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:03 am

Switch from city to city :
Just give me the arrow for next/previous city.
SO SILLY to switch city now.

Gold :
No need such a big space for that! I will still buy it when I need it weekly even if it's hidden somewhere.

City name and cord:
Not very visible.

Main thing :

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