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General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby Krumbz613 » Sat Nov 03, 2012 8:51 pm

swordblow_25 wrote:My two cents.

I disagree with the poster about the kill me instantly thing. This is a brutal game and i like it that way. The core concept of using your mind and instinct holds true here unlike the other games where there is a pattern whihc you need to follow with continous saves which basically allow u to complete the game no matter what.

But i do agree with him on one count. Please reduce the build times. I played for more than 2 months now on world 88 and i would hate to join a new world and start all over knowing it will take weeks to really start 'playing' the game.

Yeah so not to disagree but we moved from w85 to w97 and within 7 days Half of the guild had a second city! Just have to understand how to correctly setup your city. Also, GM frequently changes the rules for worlds, perhaps find one with a faster game speed to suit the game play that you are looking for, but remember that it is faster for everyone so the neighbor that grows faster usually devours the other!

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Postby Biwin » Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:44 am

" wrote:I appreciate you being courteous to me. However, I want you to understand that I enjoy these types of games. My main objection is that I lost an incredible amount of work from weeks of very active playing in a brief instant without warning. This is a serious flaw in the game. I like how the game plays out, but this is more of a slap in the face. Can you see the logic behind what I'm trying to explain? It's just absurd that it would be gone that quick without warning. Even if I had a good guild, I would be completely removed from the game. What a waste of my time.

" wrote:Can you see the logic behind what I'm trying to explain?

Would you please define the word "logic" for the audience.

Edit: Cheers Krumbz, <-- Mike614

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Postby Aquisgran » Sun Nov 04, 2012 3:47 am

Mister, your complain actually goes against what is fun in this game. If I lose, I'll start again in another world. And not by zero, I'll know which mistakes or actions contributed my defeat.

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Postby Echoember » Sun Nov 04, 2012 4:20 am

Newbie player here.......I enjoy the game, lucky enough to join good guild in 100. Very helpful guild members giving good advice & answering basic questions for me. Frustrating, probably. I am grateful I can play without funds....I don't have any! I also plan on starting again if necessary,my only loss is time. I am still learning, each mistake means I am better in next world. In my first world my only intention is to try to support my guild, any more than that is a bonus. I am fascinated to see where game goes........feels much closer to a 'real' experience. For someone who paid into the game a lot and was then turned on by their own guild.....that must have been hard to experience. I love the snippets of info and brief glimpses of a storyline. Keep going Valor. Experiment & follow your own path.....much like Valor sometimes you will get trashed. I love the game.

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Postby Ikier » Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:08 am

Interesting postings here. PwnLaw - you made me even more certain that Valor is the game for me. Because of the risks - despite I HATE to loose even 1 city...also when I have another 100 of them.

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Postby Ikier » Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:38 am

When it comes to the original poster:

Yes - it sucks first time to be taken out and loose your main city. But you need to learn more about the game first by testing yourself and meeting other guilds, other players, other leaders. Then you can rise - if the game basics really is for you.

I think PM has the right concept for this game with many players from all around the world.

Three last notes from me this time:
- I play a world where I started 13 days late. I am experienced at this game - so I have built, are thriving and are in top50, despite slacking!

- If you do get taken out you can actually restart the world and you will get an easier start: You don't loose your scholarships! So you can take the first cities faster - and you can get you friends to help by sending you resources and maybe even gift a few cities.

- A dedicated and experienced player conquers second city fairly fast - it definately doesn't take 3 weeks!

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Postby Astril » Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:12 am

This is a game that is about relationships and politics
It is about joining or building the right guild for where you are.
It's about being aware of the rules of the world you are in.
It is about knowing when to be aggressive and when to build and wait.
Overall fhough sometimes fate is on your side and sometimes not

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Postby chuckmonster » Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:57 am

I play LoL as well, and it is sooooooooo addictive!!!! But I'm still playing Valor on two worlds simply because I might be an adrenaline junkie and love the thrill of kill or be killed. But yeah, I get how you feel, having invested so much time and money and getting destroyed.

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Postby TheHeartlessKiller » Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:23 pm

LostWords05 wrote:I think it's a lot of BS that I just put 3 weeks into my worlds and just like that it is wiped away because some jerk guild wants to take it away. I have a more upgraded city than most the kids in the guild. It seems rather stupid to take a live person out of the game who contributes and is active every day so that some other person has to take care of a 6th or 7th city which they all have countless already. Why not just boot a crap player on the bottom of your guild roster and include me in it. UA Babels Storm... you bastards can go to hell. I messages all of you after the first attack and hours before the 6 incoming and none of you even had the courtesy or ***** to message me back. I will never play this game again. This is a serious flaw in the game. And to think I put money into this game. Nope, never again.

Most ridiculous ending to a game I've ever put effort into. And I just lost my main city in the other world yesterday! UGH~! I'm incredibly frustrated. I feel like I just got robbed for my money and time for no reason. NEVER AGAIN! I'm done with this crap game.

Isn't the point of the game to conquer others? If you die, oh well. They are just trying to conquer the world, and complete their ultimate goal. Idiotic noob you are clearly.

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Postby TheHeartlessKiller » Sun Nov 04, 2012 2:25 pm

Come on. It's a brutal world and if you can't handle it (which apparently you can't) then don't bother freaking out. Next time, think about the risk you are taking when you spend money on a game like this.

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