Very disappointed!!!

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Very disappointed!!!

Postby Krumbz613 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:27 pm

My current world has a player like mos worlds that has cheated the system and use tactics that are against the rules of valor. I will not name this person or world number. It has given him a great advantage over the rest of us even though he has hundreds of city's with no scholarships to show for them! I was extremely disappointed to see a kakao screen shot from the guild masters chat room with a member of quark games staff tellin the guild leaders to tell these type of players to start buying scholarships cause they will be fixing it soon.

WHY ARE CHEATERS GETTING A HEADS UP? why are the people who quark fakes deemed te best and most go or able players sharing this information with cheaters? Everyone who plays by the rules gets screwed for not cheating and put up against someone who has become nearly unbeatable.
I NEVER criticize the programmers or staff and deeply respect them but this is rediculous! If anyone deserves a heads up it is th people who play by the rules. And yes, even people who are not number one spend money too!!!!

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Postby Krumbz613 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:52 pm

Sorry for typos... Should have said
Why are the people who quark games deems the best and most honorable players sharing this information with cheaters? Basically I see it as simple:
1. You cheated
2. You knew you were cheating
3. I didn't cheat
4. You are screwed and I'm not because I chose to play with honor and integrity!
5. You start a new world and try to sneak your way into guild master or ToC without cheating this time!!!

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Postby Powerbang » Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:11 pm

News flash:

For anyone that is drastically negative, their game is over. They will never be able I catch up and pay for the tens of thousands of scholarships they illegally obtained.

Please go play and do something more valuable with your time.

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Postby Krumbz613 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:18 pm

Two points, one you forget they still have the second account that created the scholars in the first place, so game is not over. And 2. The point wasn't that they cheated it is why on earth would the makers if the game SECRETLY pass the information into them that they had x amount of time to fix it? People been complaining about this for a long time and rather then sticking by those of us who play by the rules, they give yet another advantage to the people who cheated

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Postby Aidsliveson » Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:29 pm

I completely agree why do they get warned about breaking the rules when someone like me who follows the rules submitted a ticket about issue and have yet to be responded to. Maybe if the developers stopped helping the cheaters and payed more attention to the people that play fair and with honor the game would be better off. I won't go on to discuss my

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Postby Krumbz613 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 1:58 pm

I agree aids, and as I said I don't normally complain in forums as I want the valor community to be happy and helpful! Ignore the "guild master" popularity contest. Even ignore the fact that the people that we are talking about using two accounts are the same "number one" players who got first invites to the ToC! I still love valor and will continue to play, it just annoys me that we don't always chose to help the players who should matter

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Postby Powerbang » Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:49 pm

Here's another realization for you:

Valor never publicized this information nor did they INSTRUCT anyone to warn others...

The fix will involve ALL SCHOLARS that are owned and NOT paid for with scholarships will simply disappear.

It does not matter if they "still have their second account". Who cares? The scholars disappear and they can't cap cities with scholars out anymore.

Problem solved.

To your second point... Most of those abusing this exploit are HUNDREDS of scholars in debt and they own HUNDREDS of cities.

Now if you think they are anything other than S-C-R-E-W-E-D in the few weeks it takes to implement this change, you're nuts.

No possible way to make up 50,000 scholarships in a couple weeks.

So like I said before, rather than complain on the boards about being "unfair", you should be THANKING Staff for patching up this glaring game defect.

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Postby Krumbz613 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:06 pm

One who are u to talk to me this way... Lion I valor with a hand ful of posts... Two I just talked to our resident rule breaker who WILL have the scholarships. Not public knowledge sure.... The games designers had a private chat with the games most popular (not best) players and I have the screen shots to prove it. Not that I care what you think. Funny that I am no where near as good as the almighty powerbag, yet I have offered more help in these forums then a lion of valor. Thank you for your input now why don't you do something more worth your whole and go back to probably being one of the very people I am talking about. Realize that this game thrives on the people ranked 10 thru infinity an doesn't always revolve around you farmers who climb to the top of the rankings with hardly any Ksa! Way to go. I am in awe of you and your under fifty posts.... Amazing mr lion of valor (insert sarcasm here)

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Postby Powerbang » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:21 pm

There really is no need for insults. As far as my contribution to the community, you're welcome to check out Valor's wiki section on strategy. Who knows maybe you'll learn a thing or two...

I also know what was said... I don't have screen shots, but I WAS present in multiple rooms.

As far as insulting my gameplay, that's just laughable. I've got absolutely nothing to prove to anyone here... Just cross your fingers you don't find yourself in a world with me, you'll learn why if you do.

It just bothers me that the fantastic team at Quark busts their behinds to make this game better for all of us, and rather than a thank you, they get a bunch of whiners on the forums who basically throw rocks at the Devs where gratitude is in order.

I'm sorry if my dose of reality upsets the fantasy land ideals you're used to living in.

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Postby Krumbz613 » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:52 pm

I will supply the screen shot once I get home to a pc that shows these EXACT words... "That's why we are putting out the word now. Start buying scholarships." Sounds like a heads up but regardless... The intent was not to get your two cents nor hear about your accolades that I could care less about. I don't intend to upset the valor universe just stress how disappointed WE are over the disregard for the players that have been dealing with players lacking the integrity to tough it out and play correct.

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