Valor speed world discussion

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Speed workd tips

Postby AnarcNeedsHelp » Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:46 am

I have quite a few issues and quite a few compliments for speed worlds.

My experience is:
23 gold medals
14 silver medals
16 bronze medals
2 wood medals

For every world that I've placed there's been probably at least 1 that I didn't place at all. A lot of it comes down to luck, wether you're lucky and was able to easily cap a few cities because someone weakened themselves, or if you're unlucky and had a team attack you. Beyond that experience and skill play a great part in your success or failure.

My biggest issue is multiple account users. I know a few players who use 3 or more accounts in every speed world they join no matter the number of other players in the world. I've been known to use 2 accounts in 1 speed world but its not often. I only do so if I'm very low on tickets and gold on one of my accounts, or if I want to join a speed world and I see 2 or more players that appear to have already joined with multiple accounts. In that instance joining with 2 levels the playing field against the other multiple account users. I would have no need to use 2 accounts if other players didnt use 2-4. That being said I would be completely happy if Quark found a way to end multiple account users. A suggestion would be to monitor speed worlds. If one player conquers another and neither player gains a significant amount of KSA or KSD from each other note it. If the same 2 players have a similar transaction in another speed world give them a small ban on speed worlds. Like no joining one for 3 days. After the first ban if the same players swap cities again, give them a week long ban. For a third offense permanent ban.

My second thing I hate about speed worlds is the rarity that the map functions correctly.

My favorite thing about speed worlds is the intensity and quickness that is inherent in the game, and the level of competition you get to play against.

Also a tip, if you have crashing problems or the map doesn't work, or reports don't load, or if scholars teleport, or if anything happens at all that shouldn't send in a support ticket. Even if you finish first place if you notice a problem in speed worlds send in a ticket and Quark will give you 100 to 200 gold for the issue. This accomplishes 2 things:

1 it nets you easy gold.
2 it helps bring problems to Quark which helps Quark fix the problem.

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Postby AnarcNeedsHelp » Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:53 am

As far as the number of players in speed worlds I think there has been a major decline in the population that frequents speed worlds. My first speed world was 293 and it had 25 players. There was always 20-25 players in a speed world when I first started playing, but the number of people that continuously exploit using multiple accounts has turned people with only 1 account off to playing. I would say that currently the average speed world I join has 5-10 players which is sad. I would prefer to play against 25 every time, but that won't happen again unless Quark puts an end to multiple accounts. Currently it's not illegal it's just an exploit like any other exploit( negative scholars, Chaos, etc.) and no exploit is illegal unless Quark makes it banned.

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Postby greyshadow » Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:39 am

Where does one find the speed worlds to enter?

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Postby LordSeaice » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:40 pm

greyshadow wrote:Where does one find the speed worlds to enter?

>Portal, >Worlds, > Speed

can take a few seconds for the current SW to appear.
SW opening times are in VT...
02:00, 05:00, 08:00, 11:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00

Rego stays open for 30 mins. You will want to register with more than a 10 mins left if this is your first time joining one. Make sure you enter a city and troop setup cause the standard one isn't great. After rego closes there will be 5 mins between that and when the game actually starts.

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Postby LordSeaice » Tue Mar 26, 2013 6:53 pm

AnarcNeedsHelp wrote:As far as the number of players in speed worlds I think there has been a major decline in the population that frequents speed worlds. My first speed world was 293 and it had 25 players. There was always 20-25 players in a speed world when I first started playing, but the number of people that continuously exploit using multiple accounts has turned people with only 1 account off to playing. I would say that currently the average speed world I join has 5-10 players which is sad. I would prefer to play against 25 every time, but that won't happen again unless Quark puts an end to multiple accounts. Currently it's not illegal it's just an exploit like any other exploit( negative scholars, Chaos, etc.) and no exploit is illegal unless Quark makes it banned.

The only way to counter this is to team up or take your own second or third account in. Would like to see them stopped as its meant to be a 'free for all'. You can look at it like the old chaos theory that it is there to be exploited, until it's rectified.
Would like to see higher participation in SW's too as most times is under 10 players.

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Postby greyshadow » Wed Mar 27, 2013 8:14 pm

Seems that isn't available on my Tablet. Interesting.

Thanks for your assistance.

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Mar 28, 2013 12:08 pm

iOS only ATM.
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Postby Dieformason » Fri Mar 29, 2013 12:19 pm

I don't know guys, while I think that bringing two accounts is a great disadvantage I believe most could pull off a title. There's no way to fix it so we will just have to wait.

we could all have an unspoken bond that when we jump in we all kill the person with two accounts first ;)

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:53 pm

I already do that when I can.
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Postby AnarcNeedsHelp » Sat Mar 30, 2013 4:47 pm

Dieformason wrote:I don't know guys, while I think that bringing two accounts is a great disadvantage I believe most could pull off a title. There's no way to fix it so we will just have to wait.

we could all have an unspoken bond that when we jump in we all kill the person with two accounts first ;)

There are many ways Quark can stop it from happening. One being as I previously mentioned. Monitoring the games and if an account is conquered by another account with a minimal KSA or KSD and the same 2 accounts exchange cities in a future world with no KSA or KSD ban both accounts temporarily. With the length of bans increasing for future occurances.


Have some kind of moderator watching the troop movements from each city in every speed world and if it appears a player is using multiple accounts (merging them with no troop loss, or using one account to clear and the other to cap cities) kick the offending players out of the world before they win.

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