Valor down

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:51 pm

Greyhigh wrote:I love demands... haha. What are you going to do? Really....? Grow up
It's not down for just you, everyone is on hold. It's not like I'm taking your cities right now.

I second that. Read the terms of service you agreed to when you bought gold. There is no legal basis for you to demand a refund. Quark has been pretty good about compensating us for past outages though.

As far as those demanding details of the problem, think about your place of employment. How many of them would post the exact details of an outage and ask someone they don't know to assist them in getting their system back up? Be realistic. As painful as this seems for us, remember, Quark is the one who REALLY has a vested interest in getting this fixed as soon as possible. If you think they are intentionally dragging their feet on this, you need a serious reality check.
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Postby Kevin32402 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:02 pm

Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. I'm so bored!!! I've done everything I possibly could do and now I'm bored. I think I might invest into a rehab for valor addicts. This is so amazing how many people are waiting including myself for valor to come back online. Every room I'm in is filled with chatters waiting and the stories I'm hearing are the best. FYI no there isn't any guardians in jail for hacking valor. Whatever you guys decide doesn't matter for compensation but let's speed this up!!!!!

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Postby Plaperriere » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:04 pm

Lord Fire - think of it this way. You purchase a car, and the car stops working. You have money invested in the car, and before you drop another nickel into the car to be fixed, you want to know what needs to be fixed, how the problem happened, and what they will do with the money you are giving them to fix it. Related to Valor - those players that deposit $15-$30 a week into Valor deserve to know whats wrong, what happened, and what improvements will be done to limit this from happening again. Consider our "request" to know what happened an investment into the potential for those of us who spend money on the game to sink more money into it. Those who play for free, they don't need to know. But those of us that do, are essentially paying for the game to continue to be improved. You can stick up for Quark all you want. You can take your 700+ posts and claim you have all the patience in the world you want. It is principal. Im not demanding compensation. I really dont care...they do always give us cookies when this crap happens. But, the reliability of the game and my money that I sink into it, is worth an explanation. If gold purchasing stopped...the game would no longer be around. That you can be assured of.

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Postby Kevin32402 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:05 pm

LFF u nailed it right on the head with that post. It couldn't have been said any better.

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Postby Kingjason666 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 6:39 pm

SlurrrPup wrote:Agree. Keep It Simple Stupid.... and send gold.

I would like some sort of protection until I log on, in case it comes up while I'm sleeping....wait I don't sleep. What is that?

U do sleep slurrrp from 5-8vt then wake up for a P. see how many city's we took from you then go back to sleep till 12vt

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Postby ProblemChild » Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:15 pm

If yOU waNT tO SEe
yOur cITies AgAin go
wrIGHT a goOD RevIEw iN


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Postby cattiebrie » Tue Apr 23, 2013 7:46 pm

Ok so the new update says to stay tuned!! I really hope they know their players well enough to know. We are now constantly looking at the forums waiting to hear from them. Hopefully they won't leave us hanging much longer!!!

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Postby Luap33 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:28 pm

Orlor wrote:Be sure to check here for server updates.

Orlor, it would be great if you could address the fears and rumors that data has been lost. Good luck on your server recovery from one software professional to another.



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Postby Law » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:30 pm

Re-read the update. "Every available internal engineering resource". Please tell me you didn't send Pwnlaw with a roll of duct tape and a screwdriver!?!

As to all the whining and poor analogies and pleas for "compensation" - seriously either grow up or just relax. If valor was permenantly close down or file bankruptcy, then you and I would simply be peons waiting in line in hopes for pennies on the dollar. They aren't closed, just broken for a bit. The car analogy is way off. More like:

Someone gives you a car. You decide to spend tons of money detailing it and tricking it out. It breaks down. Would you go back to the person who gave it to you and demand a refund for the money you spent for extras. No. At least in this case they are working on the car for free.

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Postby Rhino542 » Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:44 pm

Lol, the fact if the matter is it just takes a press of the button when valor comes on, to give the people of valor something to stick around. Compensation doesn't cost them anything. It's just an illusion. (Not real gold). But I believe as most that if we spend the time and the money on the game, then we are in the right to ask them to press the button to make it nice for us. Anyway.... Not a hard thing. Just make it right or people will leave. And so will the income. I have played for 2 years. I have bought gold in every world I have played in, not tons but 5 to 10 a week. I have complained only when needed. But if nothing comes from this... Cause I lost tons of troops on a attack. To clear and cap. Sure it didn't happen. 50 gold won't replace that. Just want things to be right.

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