Attention quark and valorians

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Attention quark and valorians

Postby Ahotmess » Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:53 am

Hello fellow Valorians:

Recently the crowns of the 3 allied guild of W319 approached Quark asking for a difficult thing. We requested an additional 50 spots for the winners circle. Yes we know there are already 150 spots for the winning guilds. As the first legacy world many of Valors past and present champions jumped at the chance to play an "old school" world. Many of the names seen in W319 are hardcore players stretching back to World 2. Want to know what is missed most about "old school" worlds? The fact we didn't have to pick which friends were the most beneficial in a fight and the fact we didn't have break alliances and hurt relationships for a win. If you look at the kill scores in W319 compared to other legacy worlds that alone will tell you that all players even those capped out by the remaining guilds put up an amazing fight. W319 is just now wrapping up when other legacy worlds have come and gone. If Quark would look at how much gold was used on that world compared to other legacy worlds, they would see that W319 is an exception to other legacy worlds and we have paid our dues.
Now we were told that an exception would not be granted and thus leaving us to ask our hardcore fighters to give up spots to make it as fair as possible to all the allied guilds involved. Then a poll is presented asking if old worlds should be closed. I thought we were told old worlds would remain open and they have an option where you can vote to receive a medal as well? Is this not changing winning conditions after a world has started?
I'm petitioning that W319 be granted an additional 50 winning spots so that all us allies can finish together: the way it should be. Please feel free to comment and let Quark know how you feel about this situation.

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Postby BigZEUS » Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:32 pm

I have been in this situation befor big fella. It is a bad one, but at the start we all no the winning conditions. If this does get granted everyone will try there luck at it. So i cant see it getting granted :( i feel for you guys in W319, not a good place to be in. And wish yous luck on getting the additonal 50 added.

With respect

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Postby gyffyn » Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:50 pm

more spots please, the allies here have fought with honour as did the other guilds, mostly, and those opposing near the end kept to the spirit and put up a good fight. they know who they are and are honourable opponents. as mentioned the gold spent must also warrant special attention, even by those now capped out. the end is in sight but wouldn't be if not for the strength of the alliance and the trust of the players involved, the conduct (most of the time) is a good example of how to run an alliance and how to maintain diplomacy between guilds.

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Postby Kingap » Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:53 pm

I think it only fair that the extra 50 spots granted since this world was so intense in fighting and I believe that 150 spots are not enough after so much effort that the alliance has put.

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Postby Testy300 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:59 pm

While Zeus you make a valid point, W319 was an exceptional world (think W100 reincarnated). If Valor truly honored those that made this game popular and helped them to develop the game to what it is today, they would make an exception for this world so deserving of such.

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Postby Sweetlips » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:01 pm

Please give us more spots so we can finish this world and move on!!!! It's been a long and painful world! Many worked super hard we deserve to be winners.

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Postby BazilTheGreat » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:35 pm

150 spots are just not enough for a full sized Legacy world. If Quark want players to join new worlds then they need to set realistic winning conditions or they will stop playing. Many players say they are taking a break but the comeradery this great game has built over the years many of us have played means we still jump to new worlds. If the end conditions don't allow enough active team players to gain the recognition they deserve then many will just not bother in the future.

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Postby irishshambles » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:54 pm

319 definitely needs and deserves an extra 50 slots for winners.many of those left have fought long and hard almost from the brink of being reset to come and be in the position we are in now is incredible. It has relied on strong close alliances to win and its unfair to ask them now to be broken and to turn on each other to pick the people that get a seat at the table.

Please look again at the amount of winners slots available and by granting an extra 50 it will let the world finish the way it was won,the right way and with honour and pride.

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Postby Pezland » Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:57 pm

While I normally agree with the win conditions. A few things are extremely different with w319 then the other legacy worlds. First the population for w319 was triple over the next legacies. The stats alone skew this world when you compare them. This was the first one to come back and had many great fighters. A glitch forced a no respawn world while the world stats allow for one respawn. This created a more competitive world since we all knew there was no coming back. I could go on and on. But I think asking for an extra 50 is more than fair -- based on population and over all competitiveness.

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Postby Africa64 » Fri Jan 10, 2014 4:07 pm

I subscribe all that said by the players here above. The requested 50 additional spots are emotionally fair but i'd like to make the request supported by some simple mathematic.... A 5k standard world grants 50 winning spots, a 4 time bigger (and let me tell you 4 time harder) world must have 200 winners, there is no sense in limiting the victory condition to 150.
Please Quark to consider seriously to take into account the request expressed in this thread.

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