Guild master

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Postby Meiwyn » Fri Feb 07, 2014 4:35 pm

Mock I totally agree. What is really great about the Good guildmasters is that the same players follow them from world to world and a really good guildmaster holds the team strongly together in defeat as well as in wins, they don't dessert their players but build a strong family usually picking up new players who have been "enemies" to join the family. I belong to three valor families - yes I know that is a lot but I'm an addict. Those families are really that. Families who stay together through thick and thin and follow their leader to whom they give more than just allegiance - with whom there is a strong bond

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Postby DarkRahl » Fri Feb 07, 2014 7:11 pm

I see many posts here that i just couldn't agree more with. Im sure that posting these "negative" comments will undoubtedly result in any possible votes going your way for GM obsolete. You did so knowingly, as i do now...

When i first heard about the guild-master comp i wanted it. I don't know why, yet something about it appealed to me big time. Perhaps an inflated ego, or recognition from strangers for a job well done, possibly the chance at a unique shinny badge for the collection. Point is, my eyes are open now and honestly, its all a bunch of crap isnt it.

Truth is, this medal is just as useless as any other. It means nothing. It wont defend you when you have 1000s of inbound, risking itself for you and you alone, it wont launch dozens of nukes at a red because they scouted its loved leader. It wont pick you up on bad days by making you laugh, or offer help on days you just have too much to do.
You know what does though? My guild Family. UTD.
Thats all the recognition i need in this game, and honestly its the only thing i care about. Since w31 they have had my back, all the way, never wavered once no matter what ive asked of them. They follow to every world and make each world as fun and enjoyable as the last.
What i want to know is why the hell do we have a vote for best crown? Why dont we have crowns that can vote for their families instead?!
Yes it takes an great leader to make a dangerous well oiled team. But it takes an awesome team like that to make a family. They are the ones that deserve recognition. Not us.

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Postby Shaneb » Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:41 am

I am a long serving member of UTD. When I voted for darkrahl I spoke about how UTD is a family. For us, yes it is a game, but it wouldn't be a game without all of our much loved family.

Our leaders deserve all the recognition they deserve, and to have our opposition post a negative vote, and i am sure there would be hundreds more positive ones, that excludes a crown from a guild masters competition must surely be unjust.

Crowns don't lead for recognition and shinny medals to pin on their chest from quark. They are highly respected and loved members of our family/ community, which spans world wide across many different and diverse cultures and communities.

I would like to suggest that you reevaluate the selection criteria that would not exclude members just because someone maybe upset as they didn't win.

It's a war game. We are supposed to attack other players, and they are supposed to defend and attack back.

Just remember "ITS JUST A GAME"

Real life comes first.

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Postby Ladylizzie777 » Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:35 pm

After reading the thread about Guildmaster nomination... It seems incomprehensible to me that a nomination can be thrown out due to a negative comment from one person in one world. That this is allowed is totally unjust . How does one person's opinion outweigh the opinions of all those who took the time to write and nominate that Guildmaster and have followed this guild leader for many worlds. As a player I will not follow some one that does not play fairly or with integrity. There are two players nominated that would make excellent Guildmasters. Both play and lead with the highest integrity and honesty .. Both have been smeared by the same player.... It's a travesty of justice to allow this to happen.. It seems to be a trend that this player(who shall remain nameless and no it's is not Voldemort) can not stand players who are honest and have integrity. It seems strange to me that he smeared two of the best and most honest players in Valor. While it's true that our guild leader doesn't need a medal to demonstrate his value to us, I believe he deserves that medal and many more.
Oops.. Almost forgot... Our most esteemed guild leader is Dark Rahl and the best guild and family is UTD!!!! Go UTD!!! The other honorable guild leader I spoke about is Blondie.

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By the way

Postby Ladylizzie777 » Sun Feb 09, 2014 12:50 am

Ops... I left out some important information!! My guild leader is DarkRahl and the guild is UTD!
Go UTD!!!
The other guild leader I refer to is Blondie!!

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Postby RockNRoll » Sun Feb 09, 2014 6:47 am

So let me get this straight. I typed up a long heart felt reason why our leader (DarkRahl of UTD, of whom I have served with since w31 as have most of us in the family) only so it could stand a very good chance of being rejected because this small council of other players who won the award another way say so? Because UTD in one world or another beat them into the ground and now these players hold grudges? Was bad enough the odds weren't good but adding personal opinion based on ego and emotion makes it nigh impossible. If you wanted this council, a better way to do it would have been to let all players vote, and then the top 5 leaders (or rather their names and the players opinions on them make it there anyways) on votes make it to council board and then said council must choose from those 5. Or, you know, just do it the same way you have before. Where you playmesh/quark people decide based on who had the best things said about them. This system in place now could potentially make it so no one is in, or you create this elitist class within valor because after all, the upper class now decides it all. They didn't get in based on this system so why should new potentials, y'know?

Either way though, Rahl is right. Nice to have the medal, but it's even nicer to have the UTD family. Good teamwork and unity and strong attackers/defenders is much more important. Even if bossman doesn't get it, we at least still have a family that plays the old school way of honor and loyalty.

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Postby Dazzy » Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:24 am

I had the privilige to vote for a Guild Master, yet my opinion and vote was void before it was written?!

Brilliant Quark!
To open up a nomination without giving the winning criterias up front. That no loyal family member can EVER write a nomitation so outstanding, that it change the outcome of the GM election, if the chosen Crown is already on the blacklist. The secret blacklist. A list based on personal grudge and even coming from a present GM?

Quark, you made me believe my words and vote could matter, now I realise it was never going to matter, cos I had the wrong Crown in mind. I really dislike being made a fool of, and Quark, you have done that. Wasted my time and effort to nominate a perfect leader.

Brilliant Quark.
Just brilliant.

DarkRahl, you have given me your backup, loyalty and support, both ingame as well as in private matters. Just like you and UTD have always had mine. And always will.

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Postby Huntyoudown » Sun Feb 09, 2014 7:39 pm

It's kinda sad Rahl went crying to his guild for support on this, a true guild master would let things play it's course and not whine about how things are being picked..

Like Rahl said, it's just a medal...

Also, I've had the pleasure of playing against UTD, you guys talk a big game, but haven't proven it...

Edit: why are all you UTD guys crying, where has anything been said about Rahl being blacklisted....

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Postby RockNRoll » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:16 am

Kwreak wrote:It's kinda sad Rahl went crying to his guild for support on this, a true guild master would let things play it's course and not whine about how things are being picked..

Like Rahl said, it's just a medal...

Also, I've had the pleasure of playing against UTD, you guys talk a big game, but haven't proven it...

Edit: why are all you UTD guys crying, where has anything been said about Rahl being blacklisted....

We don't know if he was. We do know however his chances, like everyone else's is now cut slim to none under these rules. But since I haven't really served with anyone but the UTD group, why would I, personally, name off other leaders. I know other leaders. I like other leaders. But I don't know exactly what kind of leader they are not having served with them

And who says Rahl cried to us? What? We can't read ourselves? Lol. We all browse forums looking for news and what not

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Postby Huntyoudown » Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:50 am

The next FIVE. People to reply right after Rahl where all UTD....

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