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Postby Infusion » Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:31 pm

sirhara wrote:And why are GMs complaining so much and talking about what valor is, and what the game has become now...???

I had said it many times already.

The reasons behind this proposal is....


This is not about whining.
Its not about who did what.
Its about preserving the game.

Proposal is to satisfy all of the valor community.

Clean worlds... For those who choose to play the game as it was intended.

Regular worlds for those who intend to master the game as it is.

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Postby runatme » Fri Jun 13, 2014 8:33 pm

I've played continually since w30 and I can tell you the level of skill back then doesn't shine a light on what I'm seeing in these new worlds tbs/legacy ...
I can't help but laugh at all these so called Guild masters upset because the game has evolved and left them unable to keep up ..
These so called "exploits" and dishonourable practices have been around for as long as I can remember and it's only now that a whole bunch of you are getting your **** handed to you that's it's suddenly un valorian ..
Lol you all make me laugh how about you spend a bit less time crying on the forums and play the game to its full potential then you might not be food next world ..

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Postby LordFirefall » Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:04 pm

runatme wrote:I've played continually since w30 and I can tell you the level of skill back then doesn't shine a light on what I'm seeing in these new worlds tbs/legacy ...
I can't help but laugh at all these so called Guild masters upset because the game has evolved and left them unable to keep up ..
These so called "exploits" and dishonourable practices have been around for as long as I can remember and it's only now that a whole bunch of you are getting your **** handed to you that's it's suddenly un valorian ..
Lol you all make me laugh how about you spend a bit less time crying on the forums and play the game to its full potential then you might not be food next world ..

I can't help but laugh at those who think the status quo is a good thing. As many have pointed out, the player base has dwindled down to about 1/4 of what it once was. If the skill level is so much higher now, kindly explain why it takes a week to fill a 1k and GW9 only filled to ~650 (and that's including 3-5 alts per person in 1k and about 10% alts in GW9)? This is in comparison to 60k worlds that used to fill in 3-4 weeks at most.

Based on the proposal, you could happily play in worlds where you can freely exploit glitches to your hearts content and go against other incredibly "skilled" players. Those who have signed on to the proposal could steer clear of those worlds and play against those that have agreed not use those glitches. Sounds like a win-win situation, doesn't it? Could it be you are so adamantly opposed to it because you realize that more players would choose Infusion's option over the alternative, and leave you with even less opponents to cap in their sleep?
W95 Praetorian Guard Guild Leader
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Postby Angusandnico » Fri Jun 13, 2014 9:22 pm

There are many guild masters who have signed up to this petition who r not in gw. There r players in this forum who r not in gw who have complained about these same issues in the past. Y r they irrelevant? Or is gw9 a convenient excuse to high jack the conversation and shoot down people who r trying to do something positive

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Postby Howlety » Sat Jun 14, 2014 12:02 am

@runatme, a lot of us have been playing from day 1 and I'm sorry but the skill level has dropped considerably, you now only need a half dozen big spenders to win a world........that ain't skill my friend.
The game may have 'evolved' , but it's heading down a blind alley in which it will become extinct.
It's not about harking back to the past because we 'now can't keep up', but if a game could attract 50k worth of players every couple of weeks remember how many times a day were you invited to new jump rooms? Compare that to now when Quark has to drop its premier world (GW ) population to 500, please please please tell me how that is progress and how that is good for the game.........we love this game, not just like it, it's not a passing phase, were passionate about it, through it we've all made friends from around the globe who've met up face to face! We don't want it to die! but it's seems like it's in it's death throws and that saddens me.

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Postby Infusion » Sat Jun 14, 2014 2:20 am

People posting here are missing the point.

Players are leaving in huge numbers. In april a petiton went around in which they gave quark until June 1st to fix these bugs or they would be leaving.

More than 450 players signed that petition.

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Postby Howlety » Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:09 am

How many jump rooms are you all getting invited too ? Hardly any I'd guess, yet it wasn't long ago that you be in numerous rooms with players playing multiple worlds! Players are leaving in their droves and once they're off playing something else you've lost them forever, the owl's right about fixing bugs but I think that's just papering over the cracks, players loved the game as it was and not how it is, ask how many of your guildies are jumping back into old worlds just to poke about rather than playing new worlds .

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Postby Angusandnico » Sat Jun 14, 2014 4:17 am

The fact that lollipop, AC, and legacy players sit on both sides of the fence shows this is not about losing one particular world. It's bigger than that. It's about the game. No one can change that. How fun is a war game with no opponents. We maybe enemies in one world but when it comes to the game, that's something surely we can rise above. There is no victory in buying a half empty world

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Postby Loh4nna » Sat Jun 14, 2014 7:52 am

I don't ghost but I don't view it as cheating. Before ghosting, all you had was spying and backstabbing, caused me to quit a couple of times.
It's actually really hard work to ghost, and instead of complaining they could always break ghosting. But most ppl take the easy way out and just complain. Same as barb boosting, ppl know the theory behind them. They can choose to do it or not. In every scenario there's a choice given... Whether you choose to do it or not is at the end of the day YOUR CHOICE.
The reason why I love valor in spite of it's glitches is that the game is constantly evolving.

Certain glitches that Quark should focus on are doubled troops and game lag !
By the way a lot of ppl worthy of GM title are excluded because at the moment it's a buddy system! There has to be a better way for choosing a GM.

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