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Postby Angusandnico » Sun Jun 15, 2014 8:17 pm

The following In game exploits:

-Combat Medics for scouting purposes
-Neg Nerds
-Barb flipping

Will no longer be accepted within the guilds of the following guildmasters/Crowns below:

Signed By...

Angus & Nico

We are going to take back the integrity of the game.

If you want to play that way. You can do it on your own.

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Postby Malice » Sun Jun 15, 2014 11:31 pm

You can't compare older worlds to newer worlds . Different warriors taught differently. A lot of the newer generation of players were taught to play this way. Using medic,neg nerds, ect. Who's at fault there ? *whistles*

I do see where both sides are coming from (those for/against the issues at hand) and I agree with both in a sense.

Neg nerds, double hits and barb "flipping" may be the only things that should be considered being fixed.

If someone wants to figure out your off time, they can do it without ghosting you. What should be addressed is how your trips don't go off.

Medic Scout*
Technically this is not a glitch. If "fixed" will people start complaining about insta spies?

IMO if these are fixed, people will still find other stuff to complain about.

I think a lot of this discontent stems from valor going stale, as I've posted in another thread. So play on valorians , nothing to see here.

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Postby Angusandnico » Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:29 am

I remember when they got rid of chaos. That was an exploit that people came to rely on as a strategy. Worlds became much more competitive when quark got rid of it. That's what these exploits have become, a crutch that people now recognise as a strategy. Getting rid of these I hope will have the same effect and reinvirgorate the game, making worlds far more brutal and fun again

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My two cents...

Postby sancheezy » Mon Jun 16, 2014 1:30 pm

Issues in Valor...say it isnt so...

LordFirefall wrote:No one is claiming to be better than you. We are merely pointing out things that can be done to improve the game. Just because you don't believe it's possible, or you don't want the initiative to succeed, doesn't mean it has no chance. The fact remains, forum discussions have had a bearing on Quark decisions since they did away with Chaos. So I will post anything I please in order to have input to the future of the game. I'll also debate anyone that shows up. It doesn't matter to me if I have your respect. In fact, I couldn't care less.

You can whine about Lion this or GM that, but the fact remains that the first round of GMs had no input from players, other than the nomination. There is no way to nominate a Lion and there is no input from the community as to who got that badge. The second round of GM nominations had input from current GMs, so you can feel free to run a search on the details of that if you're curious.

Same old issues like before. To say you GMs and Lions act cliquish would be one of the biggest understatements of Valor. When others (like myself) have brainstorming posts that are open ideas on this forum on how to improve the game to only be met with comments from fan boys and people on your signed GM list (yourself included) on how perfect the game is, well forgive our pessimism for when you all “see the light” and suddenly are converted to the side of the game needing change. Did mass scholarship buying not fix all the issue? I thought that was the panacea? I’m guessing it was a major flop and when considering how much when into R&D I would guess it is a revenue negative item for Quark (when lots of ideas have been presented which should provide plenty of ways to gather some more revenue).

In regards to this “petition” and given my familiarity with GW9, it should be obvious how this can be perceived to be “sour grapes” at this stage when considering how many of those players were on the losing end in GW9. A pity that you GMs and Lions hadn’t been more proactive in making changes and welcoming people in the past. Instead you all defended your “perfect” game adamantly (with over-inflated ego’s I might add) when problems had been obvious for years. I guess like most things, thread included, perspective is lacking.

I laughed when I heard you all were signing a petition. The thought that this makes you feel (any) better makes me smile. The way you all have now held this out to be a new “standard” , (“clean worlds…are the new fix boys and girls which are policed by people with no accountability and who have a history which is checkered at best?!)” must be a joke. How about this, a world where you all don’t lose? Would that make you feel better? Or better yet, a world where you lose only the way you want to lose, yea that is the answer. So the people who were granted medals via GM don’t want to work for one and instead want to change the rules to make it easier to win GW because right now it isn’t coming together? Is that what is happening? Or you just want the games easier in general for the way you all want to play it? These tactics make it too hard for you all to win with or without them? Last time I checked I have the same version of Valor as everyone else…

I won’t waste people’s time but the words of Martin Niemoller ring in my ears with this thread, “First they came for…”

So for the record, lying on kakao, betraying allies, spending are OK, but the other things that you all listed are the ones that aren’t OK? Engaging in moral relativism has never been something I practiced as I like my feet on the ground and not in my mouth. Seems like the state of the game is that most people on the list want to simply bully a world with a mega coalition and don’t want to invest the time, resources or knowledge into the game.

The bottom line, from what I hear, are people complaining and not really willing to do much other than flap their gums. If you used these techniques you would know they are anything but easy, involve a lot of time and a lot of organization. Maybe that is more than you’re willing to invest into the game. Others can and invest accordingly. In fact, from what I see in GW9, it wouldn’t even matter. You can complain all you want about a “barb flip” but that takes more time and organization than I am sure you would ever know. I am sure you will say you could be doing this next but don’t care to or some other excuse on why you cant/don’t/ haven’t invested the time. Again, it is all excuses and no action… period. Spend lots of time in ANY capacity in this game (other than just talking on this forum or kakao) and you can be successful. The common denominator is investing a lot of time which people don’t want to do. I think legacy worlds are still open to bash on some weaklings though….maybe your petition should just become your next legacy jump list 

GW7 Winner

P.S If Quark is taking advice from the active GMs only still, well shame on them too. They should listen to the masses and not a small population who simply speak loudly and don’t represent the population of Valor. I guess it is just indicative of their whole company though, poor decision making for a while which is why the exodus of players have occurred. They leave not because of the glitches but because of the poor support, empty promises on updates, an android game which seems like it is five to ten years older than the iOS version, and a lot of other things I can go on about. I guess the issue is systemic. I’m sure their bottom line is feeling it and will continue to as many (including lots from my group) are leaving simply due to the poor experience at this stage. GMs and this petitions being the latest in a list of massive fails…Valor…what could have been…*sigh*

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Postby Infusion » Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:00 pm

Last post is ignoring the mass exodus of players due to the glitches��

The past GW btw was a high level of glitch use.

The petition to make change was signed back in The beginning of april 10 weeks previous to now.

As for myself. I signed that petition and at that time had yet to have experienced those glitches being exploited. First time i came across the glitch was W424.

So in my case. As well as many others... The petition was signed without having even experienced what ghosting was. Or what barb flipping was. Or what medic scouting was.

To use those glitches after signing that petition... Would have been very hypocritical.

Discussions on ghosting was first brought up and explained to me bavk in dec/13

I'm a purest regardless of what glitches are available. I enjoy the game as it was meant to be played.
Can I be granted to play a world that everyone who also believes in the same ideology be able to play together?

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:54 pm

sancheezy wrote:Same old issues like before. To say you GMs and Lions act cliquish would be one of the biggest understatements of Valor. When others (like myself) have brainstorming posts that are open ideas on this forum on how to improve the game to only be met with comments from fan boys and people on your signed GM list (yourself included) on how perfect the game is, well forgive our pessimism for when you all “see the light” and suddenly are converted to the side of the game needing change.

Please post a link to where I have implied the game was perfect as is? You'll recall even in the thread you've recently posted that I never claimed the game was perfect. Rather, I debated you and presented an argument as to why your suggestion wasn't the best idea available. The way brainstorming and debate works, is someone posts something, people build on it, and debate the pros and cons. I'm sorry if you feel that is "cliquish" or being a "fanboy" when I don't quickly agree with your viewpoint.

sancheezy wrote:Did mass scholarship buying not fix all the issue? I thought that was the panacea? I’m guessing it was a major flop and when considering how much when into R&D I would guess it is a revenue negative item for Quark (when lots of ideas have been presented which should provide plenty of ways to gather some more revenue).

While one of the items is connected (negative scholars), I've never called it a panacea, or even attempted to present it as such. As with the other thread, you presented an option that would likely imbalance the game even further. Mass scholarship purchasing works for what it was intended. Unfortunately, Quark hasn't rolled out the promised follow-on of eliminating negative scholars. That fix is long overdue and Quark should have done this by now.

sancheezy wrote:In regards to this “petition” and given my familiarity with GW9, it should be obvious how this can be perceived to be “sour grapes” at this stage when considering how many of those players were on the losing end in GW9. A pity that you GMs and Lions hadn’t been more proactive in making changes and welcoming people in the past. Instead you all defended your “perfect” game adamantly (with over-inflated ego’s I might add) when problems had been obvious for years. I guess like most things, thread included, perspective is lacking.

You're absolutely correct - perception is lacking. Yours is based on the fallacy that I've said the game is perfect. As far as the sour grapes goes, I'll address GW9 a little farther down in this post.

sancheezy wrote:So for the record, lying on kakao, betraying allies, spending are OK, but the other things that you all listed are the ones that aren’t OK? Engaging in moral relativism has never been something I practiced as I like my feet on the ground and not in my mouth.

Actually, I'm not cool with any of the things you listed above either, and I'd actually include spying in that list as well. There is a saying though - you eat the elephant one bite at a time.

sancheezy wrote:Seems like the state of the game is that most people on the list want to simply bully a world with a mega coalition and don’t want to invest the time, resources or knowledge into the game.

Let's see... Who had greater number going into GW9? That's right, it was AC/LG/WD/WF. Who flooded GW9 feeder worlds to get the max alts into GW9? That's right, it was AC/LG/WD/WF. The coalition put together to oppose AC/LG/WD/WF was a direct response to that. Even so AC/LG/WD/WF still had a 3 to 2 advantage.

sancheezy wrote:The bottom line, from what I hear, are people complaining and not really willing to do much other than flap their gums. If you used these techniques you would know they are anything but easy, involve a lot of time and a lot of organization. Maybe that is more than you’re willing to invest into the game. Others can and invest accordingly. In fact, from what I see in GW9, it wouldn’t even matter. You can complain all you want about a “barb flip” but that takes more time and organization than I am sure you would ever know. I am sure you will say you could be doing this next but don’t care to or some other excuse on why you cant/don’t/ haven’t invested the time. Again, it is all excuses and no action… period. Spend lots of time in ANY capacity in this game (other than just talking on this forum or kakao) and you can be successful. The common denominator is investing a lot of time which people don’t want to do. I think legacy worlds are still open to bash on some weaklings though….maybe your petition should just become your next legacy jump list

You're listening way to much to the propaganda being put out in your alliance rooms. You're seeing the results now where your fellow alliance members are lamenting the amount of money they've spent for their "victory".

As far as organization goes, I'll concede it takes a great deal of organization to pull off a barb flip. It begs the question though - why not put that organization into regular attacks instead of relying almost exclusively on attacks when you/your alliance knows the player is not even online? You can call it skill, but what skill is involved in attacking when someone isn't online to answer your attacks?

And as far as doing something about it, we are. You just don't agree with the method. Guess what? Those that signed the petition don't agree with the methods AC/LG/WD/WF has used. Yes, we could use the same methods to the extent your alliance has. There's exploits and glitches out there your alliance likely isn't able to replicate. The difference is we chose not to use them because it would cause irreparable damage to the game as a whole. This is a concept that appears to be wholly lost on AC/LG/WD/WF.

sancheezy wrote:P.S If Quark is taking advice from the active GMs only still, well shame on them too. They should listen to the masses and not a small population who simply speak loudly and don’t represent the population of Valor.

Search. The. Forums. A simple search will reveal MULTIPLE posts from Orlor that indicates he takes back every thing that is said here. Even from non-GMs and non-Lions. A shocking, but simple truth. In fact, amazingly enough, some of your alliance leaders are even GMs and Lions.

sancheezy wrote:I guess it is just indicative of their whole company though, poor decision making for a while which is why the exodus of players have occurred. They leave not because of the glitches but because of the poor support, empty promises on updates, an android game which seems like it is five to ten years older than the iOS version, and a lot of other things I can go on about. I guess the issue is systemic. I’m sure their bottom line is feeling it and will continue to as many (including lots from my group) are leaving simply due to the poor experience at this stage. GMs and this petitions being the latest in a list of massive fails…Valor…what could have been…*sigh*

I'm sure you'll resort to calling me a "fanboy" again here, but the game itself has never been more stable for iOS users. I agree Android is a poor imitation and should be fixed. Using your earlier argument though, it appears Android users just aren't dedicated enough to the game. If they were, they'd go out and buy an iOS device (see how ridiculous that sounds?). This petition is a means of highlighting the dissatisfaction with the remaining glitches. Not because they are glaring game problems, so much as a handful of guilds have resorted to them as almost exclusive methods of operating. Yes, I'd like to see ghosting and everything else we listed fixed. This is merely an interim solution. The beauty of it is it doesn't impact you and your alliance members if they don't want it to. You can continue on with the same "tactics" you've grown so attached to.

As far as massive fails go, how much money did your alliance spend trying to ensure a win? What lengths did your alliance go to ensure max alts in GW9? That's what I would call a massive fail. It ensured a win, but at what cost? People are leaving the game not because they lack skill, they are leaving because they don't care to wager it all when some no-skill coward only attacks when the know their opponent isn't around.

Care to place bets on how many will oppose AC/LG/WD/WF if they pull the same crap for GW10? Here's a hint - I wouldn't bother coining up to an academy by day 2, if I were you.
W95 Praetorian Guard Guild Leader
Kakao: LordFirefall or Firefall

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Postby Angusandnico » Mon Jun 16, 2014 6:42 pm

There are those that want the exploits to stay and those that dont. What infusion is asking for is worlds that give players a choice. I resent being told I need to go to legacy or that I somehow can't keep up. My guild has won numerous tbs worlds, I actually prefer it to legacy. I just don't enjoy what tbs has become. It's losing not only its players but brutality. Now exploits and cash r called a strategy. The proposal is simple. For those players who enjoy a glitch and high roller world give them the freedom to play those worlds together. I have literally been told b4 there's no point in entering a certain world because it was already "bought and paid for". High roller worlds could actually b fun for those guilds who spend "thousands" on worlds, because playing with liked minded guilds would increase competition. Quark could charge $1000 entry fee. Quark needs to make money of course and I myself spend gold, but most players I would guess can't afford to spend at those kind of levels. For those who don't have those kind of funds and dont want the exploits, give them the freedom to play the game as it was intended. The petition for change was around b4 gw9, so I'm not sure what sour grapes has got to do with it. What gw9 did though, was give us mountains of evidence we could pass on to quark, so although world never filled up and was a bust it has served to further the cause so was worth it in my opinion. Alternatively quark could just fix the glitches and we would all just evolve and adapt. Just as we did when chaos was taken away.

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Postby Chinooks » Tue Jun 17, 2014 12:30 pm

I think that the intention of the thread and the discussion has been full of good points but I am disappointed that this conversation has morphed into a "us" vs "them" for the players vs GMs and lions. I am all three and was offered lions title when it was not a medal and before the beta groups. My friends and players know that if they have a concern to make a ticket at and record the number. That seems the quickest way to get a response. Also quark IS a business and they are great with keeping confidentiality of us their consumers. So we may not know what happens to the player reported but I do know that quark responds. Hopefully everyone will use the support email above to be heard. Resolving these issues (which aren't "us" vs "them") will help maintain the integrity of the game we love.

My biggest upset with how the game has evolved from w1 is that poor sportsmanship and spying are now often the norm. Loyalty is rare and integrity more so. I personally don't do use the glitches, except medic scouts (which aren't that accurate anyway) and rarely negative scholars. And just learned what barb boosting was this month.

Point is we all in life should lead by example. There are different opinions on what is the best way. But I remember disrespect and poor sportsmanship got players taken out in w1,3,5 w31 it took a little longer. This is a game of people and, like many here, have made RL friends through Valor. Acting with respect, honor and integrity is ultimately more important than winning without. The golden rule should apply to Valor.

So I thank all my crews from my many worlds. Because Lolli had been singled out, I want to acknowledge that I met Lolli in a world where their leaders joined my guilds not as Lolli, but as awesome dedicated players and leaders. They have had my back since then, rarely drum up ego-centric drama, never called me a traitor when I ended up on opposite sides and were always willing to accept me into the family. I have other crews that I also consider family and I thank those crews that have led with respect, honor and integrity. Those families are what makes Valor better than all the other apps my friends pull me towards...despite glitches.

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Postby runatme » Tue Jun 17, 2014 9:53 pm

At the end of the day in looking forward to the exploits being patched Should spice things up again ..
My only issue was with the disrespect shown to those that use the exploites when in fact the exploits are been used by most if not all of the top guilds that play legacies ..

So the big question is how long will these new patches take quark ?
I remember you telling us you were working on them way back in 319 so surely they must be just about ready to be put in place now

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Postby KingOfSin » Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:26 pm

SixScull694 wrote:Now strategic planning tells me that if your my next target, and I would like to have success in my attack against you, I will start by scouting you, then ghosting you, then medic scouting you. I will then follow that up by insta spying you every 2hrs for the next 24-48hrs, so that I know when it is the most strategic time for me or my Guildmates to attack. If you do any less than the game mechanics allow, you don't deserve to lead IMO.

Congratulations, you just specifically stated that your guild exclusively attacks players when they're offline. I'm sorry, but that's not "strategy". The fact that you are willing to spend 1.2k~ gold per person to figure out sleep times says quite a bit in terms of your unwillingness to attack players that will put up a fight.

SixScull694 wrote:Just as an FYI, a true Valorian even if attacked in the night, will only lose a small amount because he/she has an alarm set once a hour to awake, keep himself safe and watch over his Guildmates. If you do happen to get reset, get up dust yourself off, apologize to your Guildmates for letting them down and NOT doing your part as a leader or warrior, respawn and be a true warrior and or leader. If you don't have the courage to do these things, lay it down and move on to a lesser game, where the competition isn't willing to spend thousands of dollars, and spend countless hrs leading a winning team.

Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound demanding that everyone spend every hour of the day on a GAME, in addition to pouring thousands of dollars into worlds as the "standard" for what players or leaders should be like? That mentality is part of the problem. No one should HAVE to spend mass amounts to play competitively in this game. Some players do spend accordingly, but it should never be thought of as the standard.

Dawarmonger wrote:And you mention earlier world performances and not impressed by lolli's performance? Then why is it we have not lost a single standard world? Despite attempts to ally the world against us everytime?

It's quite simple actually; No one is going to drop gold the way you guys do in standard worlds to get GW tickets. In GW7, a world where players outside of your own guilds spent substantially too, you lost. I'm not saying I won personally as I left the world, but Lolli was far from the best guild there. I recall you telling me you guys were in 319 and were beaten there as well. Gold can't buy much more than a 1k. Even 5ks were big enough to work around guilds spending mass amounts sometimes.

All in all I think people need to remember that this is a game. Most posting on this thread seem to have forgotten that (especially in regards to those calling themselves "true warriors" in regards to an iPhone game). When a game becomes more annoying than it is fun to play people will move on. The problems of an uneven playing field existed before Lolli (GW2 is another great example), and I'm sure they will continue to exist for the foreseeable future of the game. With world sizes getting smaller and smaller the problems will only get worse since it's even easier for guilds monopolize worlds, but this is really only a problem in small worlds which is why people are abandoning them for legacies again. The game is dying and while the pact is a nice gesture, it's far from solving anything. Conquerable barb worlds just aren't the worlds for people who want a level playing field anymore.

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