Guild World 10 Info

General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby Infusion » Mon Jun 23, 2014 9:03 am

Solutions to the issues we have complained about have been brought to Quarks attention in the discussions we have had in the GM chat room.

Ghosting- Takes a game code rewrite. (Expect the solution to take a while). But the solution is to update the game immediately instead of requiring a city to be visited or attacked... Etc.

Combat Medics- Extremely easy solution. Take the troops out of the reports. Expected a solution already.

Negative Nerds- suggested the base Loyalty that a scholar could affect be lowered by 1-2 loyalty points for every Scholar you are in the hole. (this is due to the level of education a scholar would receive would not be adequate enough). Example... The base loyalty is set at 20 and a (1-10) bonus is added on every time a scholar lands. If you are -3 nerds... The base would be lowered to (20)-(6)=14+(1-10) bonus. This makes the nerd only capable of lowering loyalty by (15-24). The more you are in the hole... The worse the education of the nerd becomes.

Barb Flipping- Remove the bonus growth. Or add defensive troops that the barb gains. Either would make barb flipping less attractive.

Quark has been aware of our solutions to these issues since before w100. More than 2 years ago. The fact the solutions have not been implemented is nothing more than a lazy approach to the game. We have no other solution now then to make the game clean other than self control.

In my guilds I have run. There has been a policy posted. Abuse any of these exploits and you will be forcefully removed from our guild. This policy on cheating has been in place since W371. (This guild wants nothing to do with the reputation of being a guild who uses dirty tactics.)

The solution is simple to say. And will only take the same policy being implemented by the rest of the community to make this game right again.

The list of players who signed the pact. Agreed to implement these policies. I'm sure there will be others that are not on that list. Who will also agree to the pact.

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Postby Randombadger » Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:45 pm

Well a few of you will know me from in game, i have just registered on the forums to state a few points. Not here to upset anyone as everyone is intitled to their opinion as far as i am concerned. No doubt i will receive copious amounts of hate mail, as i do in game when i upset someone or attack them. I will do the same here as i do in game and either reply in a witty manner or just simply ignore their whinging.

On the above issues raised i would like to state the obvious that a few have attempted to point out, valor is a war game based on one player/or group taking out another player/or group. Like in real war there should be no limitations to how this is done aslong as this is within the code/rules of the program. Now i hear you cry out in anger at this statement but a simple fact of the game is 'its a war game' if it was fair then what would be the point in it?

Ghosting: i dont do this as i attack when i am ready not when my enemy is not ready, reckless i hear you say? No if you play the game right and use tactics or my favourite just overwelming force then you dont need your enemy to be offline, for those who ghost hats off to you, again in real wars operations are generally planned when the enemy is sleeping.

Coining: i do use gold in GW9 i have coined the most i have ever coined ( still no where near as much as some) i will never coin that much again lol. While on GW9, it was my first gw and a bitter dissapointment (im on the winning team) not much happened not alot of people dropped etc but you have to move on regardless of whether you win or lose, take you guild of loyal players play with exploits of without and go and play other worlds.

Barb boosting: i hate, this needs fixing (i am sure some of my valor friends ie. my only friends lol) will not like me saying this

Negative nerds: currently i use alts if i wanted i could build nerd farms, i do not however. Something neess to be done to address this issue for sure. Maybe at a certain point in game like at world clear up it could be disabled to help finish the world. Currently i am -3 in GW aint nobody got time for that :(

Medic scouting: again i dont do this, and i dislike it! However while it can be exploited hats off to people who do it. Again in the real world if you find a weakness you exploit it, it could save lives!

A few final points, war is war you do anything you can to win. Yes there are bugs that need fixing but like with any code fix one problem too fast and you can create a world of hurt else where. And to all of you people whinging about losing to exploits or golders, teamwork and a strong active group of people regardless of gold spend or alts or exploits will 9 times out of 10 prevail. War is not won by one player who gets a 2nd lc within 24hrs its won by that group or 25/50/400(if you pre world alliance 😡 who stick together, play as one, work as one and fill a kakao chatroom with as much rubbish as humanly possible so you wake up to 1000+ humourous messages.

Anyway this is my first of many posts into this forum i guess i hope you are still awake if not youve likely been ghosted so happy reset 😃

About me
Played w2/3/4 i sucked lol and left
Came back world 404 and mainly played 1ks since then won 432 now in gw9 and hopefully gonna be a winner there not due to gold spending or points or kst etc but because i am a team player, oh and i still suck lol
Also if your gonna hate me hate me i really dont care what people think about me and never will, and uf you insist on hate mail at least make it so i can read it lol


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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:58 am

Randombadger wrote:On the above issues raised i would like to state the obvious that a few have attempted to point out, valor is a war game based on one player/or group taking out another player/or group. Like in real war there should be no limitations to how this is done aslong as this is within the code/rules of the program. Now i hear you cry out in anger at this statement but a simple fact of the game is 'its a war game' if it was fair then what would be the point in it?

Yes, it is a war game. However, the point on war that folks fail to realize is two-fold. The first, as any of us who have been in actual combat can attest, is there are rules all over the place in war. You have the Geneva Convention, Rules of Engagement (ROE), and a myriad of other regulations you must follow. Even most terrorist organizations adhere to some basic rules. So yes, there are limitations.

The second point people fail to realize is you aren't killing anyone here. You will face those same players in other worlds. If you ruthlessly pursue every exploit out there, those with real skill will resort to leaving, or stooping to that same level and using those same exploits. Or, they will use exploits you don't know about.

We've already seen a mass exodus from this game because of spies, exploits, and a win at all cost mentality. The final point Infusion and others have tried to make is this exodus will only get worse. Soon, those that are left will lament the fact there are so few quality opponents. Those that use the tactics we've discussed need only look in the mirror to see where to place blame.
W95 Praetorian Guard Guild Leader
Kakao: LordFirefall or Firefall

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Postby Randombadger » Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:44 pm

I agree totally with you lordfirefall, regards to rules in the real world. Even these are broken and the only rules in valor are the ones laid out by the code, so if the code allows it players arent breaking rules. I am not for one minute agreeing or saying players should use these exploits.

On a second note, surely rather than filling a guild world thread with what are basically support issues is a waste of time, not only that but we all know you have a GM room for that so use that instead, eventually quark will weed out the coding issues allowing exploits etc.

However why not use this thread to encourage honest players and players like myself who are sick of in fighting and the drama, to come and play with you or against you? (This is to all GMs or guild crowns not just firafall) surely that would be a better use of everyones time in this thread than going on about issues that are not new. Encouraging new players into your guild, guiding them in worlds is why you get your GM title from what i am lead to beleive so rather than sit on the forums complaining now you have this title, why not go out into worlds and recruit loyal, honest players who just want to play the game with no drama or exploits used. I am sure you could sweet talk the quark team into opening a world which is locked to all but who you guys ask for. This already happens for GWs so why not for players who want to play a proper game of valor? Use your titles to get that to happen take your honest players into that world and play. Feedback to the forums and slowly people will be drawn back to how it should be.

Anyway my main point im getting at is stop filling a thread with stuff its not intended for. I can see why quark decided to change GW settings. And yes it shows a lack of up take into the GW when it opens. Use your influence for good not complaining.

My kakao is 'randombadger' feel free to message me on there about any of the above.


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Postby Infusion » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:05 pm

Badger... That is exactly what I am trying to achieve. Accomodate a world in which all agree upon entry. To not use the exploits.

There was one other comment you made. If the code allows an exploit to happen then it is not cheating. Since w16 we discovered an exploit that makes your troops travel from place to place instantly. It was known by 5 people. And all 5 of us have not used it. Nor let others know how its done. How fun woulf the game be if we allowed others to know such an exploit.

This self control to not ruin the game... Is what we are striving for.

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Postby Infusion » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:06 pm

By the way.... I was also told by Orlor... Use of troop warping would be a bannable offence. To me that is a double standard.

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Postby LordFirefall » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:17 pm

The thread was used to encourage honest play - scroll back to Infusion's posts on his petition. That petition and this debate is aimed at getting Quark to do just as you describe - fix the exploits, but still deal with them in the interim. The ensuing discussion is relevant to the original topic as it speaks to the underlying reason that GWs are not filling. As to why that discussion is being carried out here, in addition to in our own guilds, search the forums on the Chaos discussions and you'll get a better idea as to why the forums are a good place to discuss this topic.

As to the game code allowing these exploits and it not "breaking rules", at least two exploits discussed are mentioned in previous posts, by Quark, as being against the intent of the game. Regardless as to whether it's rule breaking or not though, it's not good for the game. Place yourself in the shoes of a new player who's initial experience includes facing those tactics. Would you continue playing and try to figure them out, or move on to a different game that doesn't have those exploits? Most would move on. This is why whether Quark fixes these exploits or not, we, as players have some responsibility in the overall outcome of this game.
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Postby Randombadger » Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:54 pm

Infusion if you manage to get this world please count me in, i am sick of the constant drama, spying and exploits etc. A world without that would be a true valor players dream. Also please dont think im trying to cause problems or disrespect to anyone, just voicing my opinion.

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Postby EmporerCooper » Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:16 am

The following In game exploits:

-Combat Medics for scouting purposes
-Neg Nerds
-Barb flipping

Will no longer be accepted within the guilds of the following guildmasters/Crowns below:

Signed By...

Angus & Nico

We are going to take back the integrity of the game.

If you want to play that way. You can do it on your own.

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Postby EmporerCooper » Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:28 am

Until Quark responds, I'm out on this for multiple reasons

1. This thread is a black hole of time-suck.
2. For as much damage as these items are doing to the game, this thread seems to be equally polarizing the community. This is exact problem that we wanted to prevent, not cause further issue.
3. My ADD has kicked in.
4. I'm not pulling back from anything that Quark is stating is part of the game now. I have been very vocal on my opinion of these things, but I will fight fire with fire, if necessary. The other option of abstaining, means possibly putting your guild below your own pride, IMO. Quark is saying legal.. Then it's viable game strategy. Unfortunately... Plus that decision is one the guild makes together, so my sig doesn't speak for the entire group at all.
5. IMO, we're missing the real issue here anyhow, because we can't get past pointing fingers and making it about wining and losing.

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