Valor Priorities

General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby EWJax » Tue Jul 08, 2014 2:36 am

Too little too late.

Someone let me know on kakao if Titan or 5k's are ever back.
I have had my fill of 1k's

I would happily pay a lot more for Titans then the first one cost, and if you ever build a 5k Titan at x4 speed you will have a life long player. You could charge a subscription per week to make money on Titans.

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Postby Angusandnico » Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:23 am

I want to say go valorian people power. Yes lions and guild masters have contributed, but so have lots of people who lite up the forums and sent quark 1:1s. I thank everyone for the healthy debate and really at the end of the day, all lions and guild masters, good ones at least, can do is listen to their players and the voices here and stand behind the community. It's been a long time since I've seen the forums so active lol regardless of which side u r on, a healthy debate here, is I'm sure another big reason quark decided to listen

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Postby Angusandnico » Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:43 am

As for old worlds close them but either don't declare a winner or give everyone a veteran badge. Many of those old worlds have been taken over by barb farmers who waited to turn on their own alliance once world was cleared of red and months after everyone had left. That kind of bs should not b rewarded in my opinion. Another reason y I really like new world win conditions

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Postby Tezza » Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:22 am

Many of those old worlds are being slowly repopulated by people who are sick of being bullied by different elites who make pronouncements without reference to their members. Declaring victory is a lot different to actual victory. W100 is the classic example of that. Many miss the old style of valor where honour, loyalty and integrity had not been surplanted by politics
and expediency.

It should never be forgotten that this is basically a strategy game involving resource acquisition and utilization. The war game is just a pretty front end. But then most wars in history are fought over resources.

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Postby Infusion » Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:43 am

Damn... There goes my chance of getting a soap medal for winning a clean world. I always imagined it as a pink bar of soap with the words "FIGHT CLUB" on it.

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Postby Angusandnico » Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:37 am

W100 was another one where barb farmers inherited the earth, but u r right Tezza u could do the same thing and wait for them 2 leave. Or just take up new world challenges. I love tbs and new legacies for their finality. There is no hiding, just one winner, then u move on to conquer the next world

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Postby Howlety » Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:11 pm

Too little too late, until valor returns to pre 100 days you'll keep getting a mass exodus of players, people are revisiting old worlds because they prefer them, why don't quark start a new app.....valor classic and have pre w100 both games and I'm sure 'valor classic' would attract the huge number of players you've lost

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Postby Malice » Tue Jul 08, 2014 3:52 pm

EWJax wrote:
I would happily pay a lot more for Titans then the first one cost, and if you ever build a 5k Titan at x4 speed you will have a life long player. You could charge a subscription per week to make money on Titans.

I'm with him on this. Maybe even so letting NEW accounts try these worlds without a fee. Would be an investment worth trying IMO.

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Postby Jesusslave » Sat Jul 12, 2014 7:21 am

Well until the devs decide to make the Android experience better and more comparable to what ios users experience, I will not spend anymore money or gold or even play this game that I once loved to play. Pull your heads out devs and do something productive for everyone.... Not just fruit users.

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Postby Infusion » Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:31 pm

Quest to Quark:

Has the Bug been Isolated???

Has a Resolution been put into place?

Is their an ETA???

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