World 458

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:23 pm

How many worlds have stayed open once win conditions were met? None, except for W458. I've seen the screen shots and am satisfied. Talk to some of those in that world if you are curious.
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Postby runatme » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:26 pm

Screen shots don't mean anything , so will this be happening to more worlds now should we stop using gold of this is going to be what happens ..
I have heard people complaining about cheating for years and it's never been proven other then some dodgy screen shots even now it's still not a definite answer

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:31 pm

As I said - talk to those in that world if you're curious.
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Postby Fl1es » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:45 pm

I was a small bit player in alliance that was alleged to have cheated. All I saw was super active group, very well organized and relentless in their ops. I cannot think of any reason why they would have cheated because they did not need to. I wanted to say this to all you players who got whooped and made the accusation we were cheating ... you know who you are ....

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Postby Kloc » Wed Feb 18, 2015 5:53 pm

Orlor and Nick—you guys are crazy!

I don't even want to know the amount of hate mail and refund requests you are getting right now. It would have been less damage control to just ban me on "suspicious activity" and let the win go through for everyone else.

A handful of impossibly timed nerds don't win worlds anyway. Anyone that thinks as much is delusional. This is a team game that can't be won by a single person. We were more active and played better together. Many on the enemy side concur and are some are joining us for the next world.

To you point about skill, I've analyzed and crunch more data in this game than anyone. Enough to where I can program tools to help others become better at the game. Hard to create something like ValorPal without being any good at Valor.

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:09 pm

Kloc wrote:Orlor and Nick—you guys are crazy!

I don't even want to know the amount of hate mail and refund requests you are getting right now. It would have been less damage control to just ban me on "suspicious activity" and let the win go through for everyone else.

A handful of impossibly timed nerds don't win worlds anyway. Anyone that thinks as much is delusional. This is a team game that can't be won by a single person. We were more active and played better together. Many on the enemy side concur and are some are joining us for the next world.

To you point about skill, I've analyzed and crunch more data in this game than anyone. Enough to where I can program tools to help others become better at the game. Hard to create something like ValorPal without being any good at Valor.

Don't get too full of yourself about analyzing the data. You didn't figure out what you did all by your lonesome. I remember the post that started you on your merry little path.
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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:11 pm

As far as banning you, you know how hard it is to detect what you did. This way, your future guild-mates can help police you lest they stand the chance of this happening again.
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Postby Kloc » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:34 pm

LordFirefall wrote:Don't get too full of yourself about analyzing the data. You didn't figure out what you did all by your lonesome. I remember the post that started you on your merry little path.

I know you are referring to the post about a Valor API and that has nothing to do with ValorPal. I spent time figuring out all the attack speeds and timing formulas on my own long before that post was ever created. Those formula's are hard coded into the game. You can't get them from the raw data anyway. I am still in the process of collecting data for the influence formula. We just haven't played a standard world in a long time. #bringback5ks

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:38 pm

Kloc wrote:I know you are referring to the post about a Valor API and that has nothing to do with ValorPal. I spent time figuring out all the attack speeds and timing formulas on my own long before that post was ever created. Those formula's are hard coded into the game. You can't get them from the raw data anyway. I am still in the process of collecting data for the influence formula. We just haven't played a standard world in a long time. #bringback5ks

You're right - not much to do with ValorPal, but everything to do with your other little project. Play coy about it all you want. Just realize there are folks that know as much or more than you think you do.

And of course you know what post I'm referring to. You edited it after one of the other posters PMd you about it.
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Postby TrapperJohn » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:48 pm

I've played with Kloc and against him. He will teach you everything he knows. It simply takes a LOT of time to be that precise and I don't have it. It seems a few of you are good, but not good enough to beat the better guild. It's a shame the folks running this game choose to side with the complainers. I for one will continue to play with SCHF and if they want to make all world unwinnable, it will be like the early days. And when they go out of business because they angered all of the players who cared, I'll move on. It is, as they say, just a game. If we played a world without Kloc and won, what would be the excuse then? I've won early worlds and managed to do it without him. Those are my thoughts and I'm normally a very quiet player. Thus is simply wrong what they are doing!

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