World 458

General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby Wayne909 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:22 pm

if there were any facts they should have been brought out.if this is just based on sore losers complaining that is just crap so your going to hold the win hostage because you can't prove it!! The only thing that is a fact here is if you complain you get your way congratulations to complainers you got your way and valor for a poor resolution (toddlers at there best)

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Postby Drexa » Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:42 pm

Was in the world. Had 60 screenshots of it.

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Postby Wayne909 » Wed Feb 18, 2015 7:44 pm

I'm sorry this is a poor resolution , making the (world un winnable ) WTF !!! if there are facts they should have been brought out, if this is based on a few screen shots and complaints that can't be proved by complainers that can win by game controllers that can't run valor. so we are getting cheated out of a win? Well I am not going to feed money in to this game and more

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Postby runatme » Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:40 pm

Who decided that regardless of actually been able to prove someone cheated that the world would still be left winless ?
Let me guess the gms ?
So what's the story now then any world kloc plays in we can assume if he or his guild starts winningit will be assumed regardless of proof he is cheating and the world will be left winless ?

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Postby Rexmundi » Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:02 am

Oh, I see you problem now, Firefall.

If you can't even get the world number right no wonder you feel cheated when people are better at math than you are.

No one cheated, if they had there would be proof. Claiming you know more than the rest of us is just weak since it's evidently not the case.

If it was you would be able to present it as proof, which you aren't.

If you feel bad about loosing to better players you really shouldnt be playing this game. I have won worlds and I have lost them, but you won't find me whining about my losses.

You should get that title right: "Whiner of Valor".


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Postby TheGriffin » Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:21 am

@LordFirefall...I've heard or read posts in KT about what's been going on, but not been able to get any real or definite answers, just a lot of innuendos and rumours. Can you tell me what's up with 458? How was the game 'jail broken'

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Postby Lordhelgraf » Thu Feb 19, 2015 1:37 am

At this time I guess we are more than a handful of players wanting to see the evidence leading to the decision made about w485.
Any proof of wrongdoing will be fine.
Or is the presidence on all future worlds set to be unwinnable as long as any player complains about eledged cheating???
If so I will make sure to keep ss of any glitch in future worlds and expect to avoid loosing no matter what the world is looking like at the time.
We have all seen plenty glitches, not only in w485, but perhaps more there than ever before.
And everyone make sure you keep ss of the double hits we have seen so many of in the last few worlds.
No world will ever be won if this is the wayquark and the GM's want to run this game.

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Postby Rexmundi » Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:22 am

Why are you letting Firefalls lies and vague rumour mongering stand opposed? It's not like we have been particularly rude apart from suggesting he gets a new title.

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Postby Fl1es » Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:44 am

Haha I just wanted to say thanks to the crowns, the players and alliances that won this world. We really were awesome. I've never played with such an active an organised team. Well done to everyone. It's not so bad that that the world will not end .... we won its our to keep!

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:46 am

Take off your tinfoil hat.
W95 Praetorian Guard Guild Leader
Kakao: LordFirefall or Firefall

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