World 458

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Postby Lordhelgraf » Thu Feb 19, 2015 4:52 am

LordFirefall wrote:Take off your tinfoil hat.

Wow, good answer! Still havent seen any proof of cheating.
Until that evidence is produced I will regard this as a conspiracy against a handful of players accused of wrongdoing.
Too bad 148 other get punished in the process...but who cares about whats fair, right???

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Postby Rexmundi » Thu Feb 19, 2015 5:08 am

We are the ones wearing tin foil?

You can't even get the world number right in your defamation of people you don't even know and we wear tin foil?

Jebus. I pity you.

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Postby Ayaki » Thu Feb 19, 2015 7:26 am

I am on the winning side of w485. I have no idea what is going on with cheating, not cheating etc. What I do know is, apparently due to suspicion about 1 player, no proof or I would think he would be banned, this company decides to hold a world open in which 9,999 other players played.

A lot of players spent a lot of gold including myself in this world. Quark therefore did not deliver what was promised in exchange for my paying for gold and winning a world. I expect a full refund of all gold spent in this world. Or, prove I cheated and ban me. I am in the process of disputing every gold purchase through iTunes and again through amex and I encourage every player to do the same. Let quark deal with a few thousand charge backs and watch how fast they start acting like a responsible company. This has turned into a bunch of players running a company or trying to save a dying app.

Valor is now won on Kakao, not in game. Packs of players align to fill GW's. No new player has any chance to win nor grow. That's why the game is dying. Hope the new company didn't pay to much for this app because they bought a failing app.

In either case I am done with this nonsense. I left during GW7 due to the nonsense there. Oh and Aury please, your side was so innocent your right, it was only us using chaos. Stop crying, you won because you used chaos more effectively, no other reason. I regret returning to Valor for this world 485.

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Postby Enchanted » Thu Feb 19, 2015 8:35 am

What About this world being so unstable, all the crashes and errors. Is it possible that created false time stamps on reports?
I've seen my nerds landing time change after launching . How's that even possible? It's a freaking joke . Guess no one even thought about that. No it's easier to just do it the way it's done now, so no one is responsible. We should all get a refund of every dime spent here

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Postby CallmeB » Thu Feb 19, 2015 9:11 am

I play with Kloc and am a winner of world 485. Oops I guess winner isn't the correct term. I'm 1 of the 150 that are being cheated by the GMs of valors. Ayaki is correct when he said this game/app is a losing franchise. When you let players decide the rules and be judge and jury in a game like this you will quickly lose control. It might work for COC but not for valor. Schadenfreude is one of the best guilds I have ever come across and because we play a better overall game than most it is said we cheat. When will these players show some actual proof. Screenshots are not proof since they can be altered and there are so many duplicate attacks. Not to mention orlor and nick have both stated they can find no foul play and their servers are secure. As for the money I invested in 485 I will be refunded if this absurdity isn't dropped. We can play this nicely and go about our separate ways or schf can drop into every world making them unwinnable. Or all you neigh sayers can actually learn to play the game and face us in world.

PS lordfirefall if you are going to slam someone and rejoice about this at least get the world number right!!! It's 485 not 458!

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Postby runatme » Thu Feb 19, 2015 2:29 pm

Yet have my question answered will players be compensated for wasting money on a winless world ?
There are a lot of ****ed of people who cant seem access this forum

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Postby Limans » Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:31 pm

The screen shots proved nothing. Orlor did an investigation and no wrong doing was found. This is sour grapes from sore losers. It's sad that by their own admission they found no wrong doing, No compromise of the server, but screwed over the entire world. That tells me they prefer to listen to a few opinions rather than weigh the facts. Punish them all for the actions of... No one but the loosers.

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Postby CallmeB » Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:44 pm

I am also a winner in 485. Well I guess winner isn't the proper term now. I am 1of 150 players that are being cheated out of a win and my gold by the GMs of valor. I also agree with Ayaki that this game/app is a losing franchise and it's really all due to valors choice to appoint GMs as judge and jury. If they can't stand by their own investigations into the cheating or hacking matter then there really is no point on continuing to play. Kloc never has cheated in valor nor does he have some magical app or program that times his nerds to land at the same time. Orlor and nick and the rest know darn good and well that duplicate attacks are a product of a flawed system. Their own investigations have concluded they could find no wrong doing. And the only proof behind all of this is screenshots that can be altered in so many ways. Everyone says Kloc is cheating but no one has proof besides screenshots which anyone can produce if they try hard enough.

I expect a full refund of the money I spent in 485 or for valor to take charge, stand by their own words, and quit listening to a bunch of sore losers. Mark my words, if this doesn't get fixed any world that has questionable acts going on should also be declared unwinnable. But the GMs won't do that to their own now would they.

As for you you lordfirefall, make sure if you are going to bash people then at least get the world number correct. It's 485 NOT 458!!!!!

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Postby Limans » Thu Feb 19, 2015 3:45 pm

I'm not sure what lord firefall's role is here but he sure acts like he is running the company. Let's hear from an actually valor employee/ executive on the matter. I know you tech guys have to show off your mad programming skills and found something. If not then kill this issue. If future worlds can be held up because of a few people who loose complain about cheaters with no proof then I will not be back.

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Postby Wayne909 » Thu Feb 19, 2015 10:12 pm

Nicely said Ayali to bad they will not allow the post everyone else tried to post. And in comment to the suspicious activity if the game was not hacked and there is not a rule of landing all your attacks at the same time then the only possibility is that there is glitches in the game the game designers missed a loop hole in the game kinda like nerd farming ,chaos double attacks or ghosting which I know the other guilds have used too so get off your high house calling out cheaters fix the bugs and open w485 back up or give back everyone's gold that they took

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