New World Types and Feedback

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Postby Ryzek999 » Tue Oct 20, 2015 4:20 am

Why open w551 and w552, both Legacy-type worlds, at the same time? Makes no sense to me...

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Postby BillBoskins » Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:50 pm

What he said ^^^

Valorian owners get yourselves together and bang some heads together. You're letting a once thriving game with potential die, for no apparent reason.

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Postby LordFirefall » Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:55 pm

BillBoskins wrote:What he said ^^^

Valorian owners get yourselves together and bang some heads together. You're letting a once thriving game with potential die, for no apparent reason.

Valor is still going?
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Postby Catzillla » Sun Oct 25, 2015 10:32 pm

Slow it down. Idk why all worlds are at Speed 3 now, but that's the reason worlds aren't filling up, also why many are quitting. The tiny map and the fast speed mean that anyone jumping late has no possibility of catching up. With the larger, slower worlds, late jumpers were far enough from the first to jump that they had a chance to grow before being attacked. Respawns also had a chance to get back in the game. People get disgusted when they go to a movie and find they were reset in that couple of hours. Read your reviews in the app stores, that's the biggest reason for low ratings and people deciding not to play again.
I would also suggest an occasional Training World where experienced players got to teach the game to newbies. Maybe give a medal or bonus for it. Valor is losing long time players and not gaining enough new ones. Making the game playable and fair for those who are just starting out would help gain new Valor addicts.

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Postby lordrico » Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:47 pm

This may not be the place to post this but since my support ticket has gone ignored I see no option. I purchased boosters for my account on w555 n they didn't kick in but it took the gold. My in game name is Ap0calypse hopefully this will get rectified n the support system that's currently in place will pick up the pace. There's a good bunch of loyal valorians but they will surely leave the game if they feel neglected by those who are responsible for keeping the game running smooth. Surely there are other games to spend money on but we choose to stay. Don't change that by your neglect. Thanx for the time, Ap0calypse

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Postby smga3000 » Sat May 14, 2016 11:18 am

Just to let you know, we have a new team working on a big rewrite currently and we'll see pretty much all these problems go away with that release this summer.
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