Transport time? Market offer?

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Transport time? Market offer?

Postby Fahartle » Sat Feb 25, 2012 3:30 pm

Can someone help me understand what this does with market offers? What does the "hour" transport time slider do, exactly? Thanks!

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Postby Fahartle » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:17 pm

Nuts - no one knows what this does?

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I believe it determines the visibility of your offer to others.

Postby Kaleel » Sun Feb 26, 2012 3:19 pm

I believe it denotates the maximum time that you are allowing a merchant to travel one-way during your trade, and so this determines the visibility of your offers to other players.

For instance, if you chose 1 hour for your trade offer of of 5,000 lumber for 5,000 iron, then it only appears to those people who are within 1 hour travel time from your current location. So If I am 3 hours away from you (one-way), then when I visit the market, I'll see everyone else's offer, but not yours.

However, if you choose 3 hours, then your offer appears to everyone who is within at most 3 hours of your location. And this means that when I look at the market, I'll see your trade offer.

Again, we're talking about the one-way time here. If I'm 3 hours away from and accept your trade, then your merchant might be on the road for up to 6 hours (3 hours to get to me, 3 hours to get back to you).

Hope this helps,
-Kaleel, casual gamer
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