Guild World 1 has closed

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Postby Nachos2 » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:10 am

RonyNasr wrote:Guys, this ain't worth fighting...

First, Nacho is not the official speaker of our winner in GW1! Second, DirtySouth nobody mentioned GW2 or offended anybody in GW2! Yes GW1 was the first world to be announced winners and earning the badges and the gold, regardless if GW2 has been won since 1 month or more, we all know the GW2 drama and we respect your decision as a team... I see this is silly to fight over such thing!!

Regarding the rewards we have earned, 300 coins? Cheap! I wish quark never gave us a single coin back! the badge is nice, but that's not a bit worth what GW has taken from us as effort, money and time!!! GW winners must be rewarded a lot more than that, whether coins or honors...

One more thing regarding the guildmasters badge owners... with all respect to some of them, but some others have earned this medal using some cheap voices or just being popular on kakao, as they have made this badge the cheapest above all others... Actually not a small effort have been done to earn it and yet they consider themselves this game boosters... Silly!!!

Congrats for both GW1 & GW2 Winner!!!

Rony, tell me when and where I said I was one kind of "official speaker for GW1?" I simply came on an online forum and have my congratulations to all of our friends. Then DSA opened her mouth with a comment and I responded. This is an open online forum. I'll debate whatever I want. Go away. No one cares what you think about the Guild mAster badge. You have many followers, in sure next year when they have another period for nominations you'll get your badge. Don't hate on others just cause they got it first.

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Postby DirtySouthATL » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:16 am

Nachos2 wrote:Rony, tell me when and where I said I was one kind of "official speaker for GW1?" I simply came on an online forum and have my congratulations to all of our friends. Then DSA opened her mouth with a comment and I responded. This is an open online forum. I'll debate whatever I want. Go away. No one cares what you think about the Guild mAster badge. You have many followers, in sure next year when they have another period for nominations you'll get your badge. Don't hate on others just cause they got it first.

Maturity is ooooooozing out there buddy.
Valor is the eHarmony of the nerd world

Posts: 38
Joined: Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:45 pm

Postby Nachos2 » Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:29 am

DirtySouthATL wrote:Maturity is ooooooozing out there buddy.

Play a full world listening to Rony and you'll feel the way I do! Lol

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