W125 - Really?!?!?!

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Raze Cities

Postby Leroyingo » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:32 pm

I think once a guild controls 80% of a world no new players should be allow to join. There should also be a new option to 'raze' cities. We are just sitting in this world producing scholarships to conquer new 1k cities. There is no fight, we have millions of troops compared to a couple hundred. We should be able to send 100k zerks to a 1k city and destroy it. Kind of like the process of conquering barbs but have it require more troops and have it destroy the city, then we can mop up the all these 1k cities quickly rather than it taking the next few months of no contest, and just farming scholarships.

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Postby Leroyingo » Tue Jan 15, 2013 5:35 pm

sirboland. We have wipe out all competition. All opposition guilds are now 1 or 2 players with new cities. We have wipped out almost every 2k+ city about 5 remaining and all the rest are new spawns or players that started and never did anything. There is no fight left in the world, just farming to make scholars to conquer the next 1k city.

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Postby Willia » Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:24 pm

I think it is sad that everybody just assumed they would be getting free gold for doing nothing but playing a game that you played before with no chance of reward. There are not many games out there that will give out cash prizes and that is exactly what gold is. There is no requirement to pay money or gold to get into the world so why should you be paid to have fun.

As to the unending worlds, I understand players frustration at not being able to call the world done. It does get boring in any world when wars are not going on and cleanup is being done. I am sure Quark will have the big fixed for that as soon as possible.

Just my thoughts

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Postby FlyingHigh » Tue Jan 15, 2013 8:00 pm

We're sorry to make you sad, Willia... But bear in mind that PlayMesh's big pitch for their new worlds was a "prize" - they set the expectation, not us. ...not to mention that gold was the prize for speed worlds, so it made sense. Paying out gold does not cost a company like Playmesh anything - it's like an airline giving out some "free" seats. ...and I'm sorry, but I suspect that between myself and my guildmates, there was hundreds spent on gold - kinda tough to win a world wtihout buying queue extender and resource bumps early on - just sayin... Even if Playmesh said "here's a queue extender to use in the next world (like they did with the KSA competitions in previous standard worlds) that would have made everyone happy - but a freakin "title"? ...that blows...

So today - I have had no less then 5 of my 25 guildmates pretty much up and quit with this great news. Not so much for the BS prize that has now been announced, but the answer we got from BananaWhatHisNameGameDeveloper on the reasons they won't resolve a world until every last little player (even though most shouldn't be there because of the bug) be eliminated - and Oh, btw - you should be "celebrating". That part pretty much took many (including me) over the edge.

The main topic of discussion in many of our guild Kakao chats (after I announced the "great news") in no less then three different worlds was about what other games we could play other then Valor. I hope Playmesh hears that. Some of my mates have been playing together since W40 - now they are planning on leaving Valor for another game and want everyone to go with them. Just putting it out there whether it makes you "sad" or not. Cheers!

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Postby XSquircleX » Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:35 pm

Just to clarify my problem with no gold prize. I have not spent a single cent on this game and i dont really want to. Others do to help them out but i dont want to chuck money at an iPhone game. That said, all i want is a way to get some gold (100 gold for 5 tickets in a speed world) instead of paying $5,50 for those tickets, playmesh could be a bit generous. This is making some of the community quite unhappy with the game as it is an easy thing to do. As Fly said, it doesnt cost playmesh anything to give out some gold which will be reinvested into their game and numerous people do spend a lot of money in winning a world.

Finally i will reinstate that, i do not just want free money!! I want a chance to play the game (speed worlds)

Thats it from me :)

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Postby Willia » Tue Jan 15, 2013 9:43 pm

I don't recall reading anywhere that gold was going to be included into any prize in normal worlds. Speed worlds cost gold or rather tickets that cost gold, so a gold prize makes sense.

Yes these companies can give out free gold but then people won't buy it and they won't make money. That is why games do not give everything away for free. Imagine an airline that gives all of its seats away for free. Not going to last long at that rate.

As to spending gold, that is your own choice if you choose to buy these upgrades. Nobody forces you to and a lot of people play that do not spend money on the game since it is free. Just because you choose to spend money to get a perk in your world should not make it so Quark has to reward you in gold. I spend gold off and on and am not rewarded for it. Why should you and your team be? Just because you have won a new world? Wow. Again sad.

As to leaving the game because there is a bug that takes time to fix? Again wow. I won't stand up and say that it is fine that it takes time to fix stuff but it is part of running these games. I have thought about leaving a few times and in the end it came down to having friends here and accepting that every game has bugs and glitches and at least Quark works on them. They are not all getting fixed over night and some take long periods of time but it is not easy to fix bugs even if you have a lot of information on why the bug occurs. Still goes back to reading through pages of code.

In the end I don't really want to see anybody leave and think that all need to look at it from Quark side. These are new worlds and they do not know for sure how long they will run for, how hard it is to conquer it or anything else. Would be really dumb for them to start handing out gold as prizes just to find out that the worlds are to fast and they are paying out gold to 25 people every couple weeks. These new worlds will take time to fine tune them to what they will be set at and possibly they will change the prize or add to it n the future once they have data on several of them and not just a couple. And yes I am aware that there was beta testing on these worlds but I doubt very many people were dedicated to them full time because of w100 release. I know a few beta testers that were there part time because they had other worlds going.

So basically I would say patience and remember that things take time. Also if they are going to leave just because Quark is not paying them to play a game they obviously enjoy, yes again SAD. I will give you a warning now though. I am a pretty heavy gamer on most systems and have been in and out of hundreds of online games and most will do a pay for contest before they give away any item that is for sale.

Anyways I think I have already said a lot and really am tired of hearing everybody wanting gold. I want gold to but I will either buy it myself, compete in speed worlds or sit back and wait for Quark to decide to give out gold.

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Postby FlyingHigh » Tue Jan 15, 2013 10:05 pm

LOL - Willia - you don't seem to be hearing the message - leaving the game because of bugs? ...you need to re-read the thread - it's not that.. If you were in our guild or close to winning any of the new 1k worlds after months of warzing and finally conquering, you might have a different perspective once faced with months of "mop up" over some really ridiculous rules bout how to finally declare victory... You just joined last month to this forum, so you obviously are new - and that's cool - but please don't shoot the messenger - I am simply reporting the news - right, wrong or indifferent, that is our story and that is the feeling of many that have been playing this game for a LONG time. I could give a rip about gold - I am simply letting Playmesh know the feelings of players who are frustrated. 90% of these players don't contribute to this forum - they speak their mind on Kakao - and I am letting Playmesh know their feelings. Unless you are in our shoes, you really can't empathize, so bug off and just be "sad". You DO make a valid point, however - you say "these are new worlds, and they do not know for sure how long they will run..." - good point! Patience? ...easy to say for you... I am actually trying to help here by submitting valid and honest feedback - nothing you say really matters - it is OUR feedback - feedback from players who have been playing here for years and were excited about the new worlds - then disappointed in the end - feedback that Playmesh, now Quark, needs to hear. I'm not asking for anything, just reporting the news and expressing my opinions and those opinions of myriad experienced players are expressing in third party chat rooms. ...feedback that would never be known by the developers unless somebody told them. So please, until you are in our shoes, you have nothing to add to this thread IMHO. Cheers!

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Postby Sahjhan » Tue Jan 15, 2013 11:34 pm

I agree with Fly. I started w14 and we still have people going back and cleaning up years later. Too boring.
Willia, this is a game where people spend money to be more competitive (not an airline). By giving a decent reward people would have more reason to spend coin to improve their chance of winning.
As for the rewards, lame. Do I really need a medal? I had several from competitions that have magically disappeared. But now I have a cool "noob" token or whatever it is. How long will I keep the reward medal? Until the next bug filled update?


Postby PwnLaw » Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:12 am

Pretty thoughtful discussion, though I don't have much to add to Banana's reply.

I'm content with the current win conditions, even if there is a period of time where people are performing clean up in the world. Checking for total domination is the cleanest way of making sure we do not prematurely end or impact a world. More importantly, if we attempted to do manual checks, we would need to hire another person purely for this purpose and then there would be endless disputes and debates as to whether or not a particular world was ended appropriately.

As for prizes, there is a title and entrance into the guild world. I find this a vast improvement over the prior prizes (nothing). I'm surprised you disagree.

Speed worlds have a cash prize because we charge an entry fee. I suppose I could consider a cash prize for certain main worlds if you're willing to pay an entry fee.

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Postby Bane554 » Wed Jan 16, 2013 12:30 am

I thought I saw something about win conditions being checked on the 16th? Does that mean that Quark will be checking some of the standard worlds and granting victories or anything like that? Maybe i herd wrong not sure.

I think what PwnLaw stated is totally fair and reasonable, about the prizes, and winning gold by paying gold.
But I do take the side with flyingHigh that there should be a reasonable point that a guild can win a speed world and not have to do the clean up that he is talking about. My guild is almost at the point of doing that sort of clean up, and im positive many will quit if we dont get the win soon once we finish off our sister... (thought we have merged every active player that we could to the main, there is not room for a few that are a little less active sadly, and to really win... bye bye sister =(

For a Guild to keep going once they reach our point and for sure flyingHigh's guilds point It just defeats the fun of valor which is competition, because there is certifiably none left.

I personally have the most fun in valor from the start of the world, and Its still fun most of the time, but lately I just go through my cites once every 2-3 days because it takes so long, and once you reach the point of taking out the last decent players (point wise) left its hardly any fun to do anything in that world anymore. Then to have to keep going after that, i dont think I or many others will last long. I will prob start a new world then, but the satisfaction of the idea of the new worlds is just not fulfilled.
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