Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

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Postby 3170n13 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:24 pm

I'm not totally sold on this idea yet because I can see a heap of barbie conquering going on by noobs but I like the idea that I'll actually have to build ballistae and start bashing down academies, farms and mills cities instead of just knocking out a wall that takes 48 hours to rebuild and walking into a city that's running like nothing ever happened.

As for the whole 'don't change things mid-game, its not fair' crew – suck it up princesses! The developers have stated they want to create a gaming experience as real-life as possible that they would want to play themselves, and guess what, life is not fair.

In the real world we used to build earth mounds or ditches as defences, then the rules (weapons and tactics) changed so we put stakes on them. The rules changed again so we built walls. The rules changed again so we went back to earth mounds.

I'm pretty sure we're all playing this game because we like using our brains (if not go back to farmville). Quit your moping, chuck your brain into gear and come up with a killer strategy to handle the new rules before your enemies do. Trust me, they are already looking for ways to kill you.

Now for a request...
Can world 101 please be a gold free zone. I'd like to play in one world where it's all about brains, not money. Hang on, didn't I just say something about the world not being fair ;)

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Postby Happy3451 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:34 pm

I see playmesh is annoumcing they are getting rid of chaos. Is want people to buy more truces and coin this is a very bad idea

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Truce vs chaos

Postby LordCrump » Wed May 30, 2012 11:37 pm

How about in the next design meeting, work on truce, there are many ways it can be tweaked so that more of us would use it.
1. Make it cheaper
2. Make multiple kinds like build reduce has tiers. So maybe 12 hour truce.
3. Allow for support to be sent during, even if it has to sit outside the city until truce is up.
4. When truce is enacted incoming troops return home.

I have watched a guy spend $500 to defend 8 cities. We saved him by chaosing his cities because truce would not have protected him. The current truce is not useful, it will not save you or allow friends to help, for the amount of time I spend I don't want to see my empire fall in hours. Chaos defense can go away, but if we are able to be attacked by as many enemy guilds then we should be able to be supported by just as many. Thanks

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Postby Oncecrazy » Wed May 30, 2012 11:40 pm

Well it depends I think I know what I'm talking about. 716 cities 45 million KSA. If you are attacking with multiple cities it's quite easy to take 1 target down. If you have 1 city then you work it with your guildmates. 50k guard at level 3 yea that would be tuff. Like I said it depends on how many cities you have and what world you are in.

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Postby Kingjason666 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:44 pm

Lol Truce a waste of money unless u want a day off. But anyway in w14 their is no truce. It doesn't exist

But like someone said chaos allows the smaller guilds to band together and beat the juggernaught. In w14 Strykers was a small guild 15% the size of our enemies and through teamwork. Attacking hard and use of all chaos methods we won and now sit as number 1 guild. Sure we don't need chaos now cause we won. But it's a part of the game.

If your talking about making game more like real life sure remove chaos. But them also remove the 15 or 25 attacks I can send out of a city as real army bases are not like like that.

Playmesh. If you want to fix valor and free up server space. Simple. Create a way to end a world. For example in world14 me and the other 2 players that are in the top 3 in the world are nearly 100mill points on our own. Give us a way to end the world and we would be forced into a new world at 1k.

I bet all u other players out there that have smashed crap out of your world would love to have an end and move onto a new world.

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Postby Oncecrazy » Wed May 30, 2012 11:44 pm


Maybe just 1 troop in each of your cities then they would know of you are being attacked. Yes maybe you were using it for protection but seriously other worlds its insane chaosing a city for 4 days! I wish you luck with balance and in Real life.

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Postby Mandamus » Wed May 30, 2012 11:49 pm

First of all allow me to say with all respect to you and your effort and no personal feelings here, all your causes of canceling chaos is just a lie.
1- it's all about money to you nothing more, this is a business and you got agreement when we signed to valor so whatever we say is useless. You will do what brings u money and that is vital to you. So don't give us reasons that don't match this fact please because we are not little kids.
2- your prices are already expensive way beyond other war games so by disabling chaos you are pushing players to buy truce instead and frankly most of players won't go for it so u are losing players who really brought you up to the top even they are nonpaid players. If every day I get attack on my 22 cities then I need to spend 100 bucks a month to buy truce , do u think all people have the budget to pay for that. It's only to push us to pay no more nor less.
3- you are canceling chaos to reduce pressure on your servers which is also to reduce the paid amount on it , you know that this technical part is one of the reasons.
4- Fine. You canceled , do you think I have ( or any) the time to spend my whole day watching over a game to see if someone took my cities. Give us a break guys. We love gaming but real exploit is coming from you. Creat some other ways to make people spend less time more money.
5- you have a very very very poor communication tools in guild and on forum. Instead of destroying this beautiful game , why don't you think in a practical way on how to bring more money and keep everyone happy. I never use your chatbox neither anyone does. Remove it or make it better, we spend hrs on kakaotalk to organize for our guild instead of your chatbox.
6- its so unfair to say it's a free to play but you give the advantage to pay members to evolve too fast and take the only free defensive method a nonpaid member have against them.

You have lost by this decision unless you don't create something else instead.

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Postby LordVulcan » Wed May 30, 2012 11:49 pm

Oncecrazy wrote:Well it depends I think I know what I'm talking about. 716 cities 45 million KSA. If you are attacking with multiple cities it's quite easy to take 1 target down. If you have 1 city then you work it with your guildmates. 50k guard at level 3 yea that would be tuff. Like I said it depends on how many cities you have and what world you are in.

Of course I don't have just one city, I wouldn't be here if I did. Im sorry but I dont think you do know wat your talking about. It's not bad taking a city like that if I can send more that 15 total attacks. Unless I misunderstand this 15 attack limit and it's 15 attacks from one city. If that's the case w/e. but if it is then there still has to be some sort of limiter on how many attacks a city can get altogether, thus the concept of chaos is still here.

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Postby Losi820 » Wed May 30, 2012 11:56 pm

Ok so this whole thing made me get a forum acount! So what I'm worried about is that when the mistake first hapened peoples things started crashing and I'm too lazy to read the whole thing so do you think this will happen again?

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Postby Bladnach » Thu May 31, 2012 12:00 am

You started the new setup again????

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