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Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:50 pm
by DirtySouthATL
Yes Greyhigh. When they first announces guild worlds there were to be two types. One for 1k world winners and one for 5k world winners. Quark decided it wasn't fair to make people wait for a 5k to fill up (even though we all voiced we didn't mind waiting) and made every guild world 1k. Meaning if you won a world with 50 players, you'd have to eat your other half to win guild world (with the assumption that your original 5k guild wins GW). Which is our problem. We came from a 5k. We won GW2 and didn't lose a single player. So now we wait.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:15 pm
by Recoil
Seriously no reply yet. Guardians are a top notch guild. And I am still with them and agree with them that this is their win. I was not part of the GW so add me to the list of those that believe you deserve this.

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2013 7:17 pm
by Recoil
Also... What's up Asa and DSA! I'm taking a good long valor break ( when it went down a while back I found out I had a wife and 3 kids ) so now I'm detoxing.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 12:57 am
by Greenthorne
Hey everyone,

First off, I wanted to say thank you for participating in Guild World 2. Secondly, we unfortunately won't be able to change the rules regarding this Guild World, as it was initially advertised as requiring a clear winning guild. We'll have to keep the world open until one guild wins.

That being said, we plan on introducing separate Guild Worlds for 1k and 5k guilds to minimize this type of situation occurring. I'll give more details as we finalize this, but we really do appreciate your participation in Guild World 2.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 4:22 am
by DirtySouthATL
Guess that means you'll be keeping this world open for awhile because we won't eat the other half. And I got the official response already. Thanks for using us as your guinea pigs to see WHY you actually need to honor what you say. Complete crap.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:17 am
by DirtySouthATL
Y'all also need to take into consideration that we won this world quicker than than any 1k or 5k that's been out. We did that with teamwork and a lot of inner guild bickering. We've put our players through the ringer since 160 and y'all are now robbing them of all their hard work.
Y'all scared someone else might whine if we actually get the medal for winning? This might actually be the last straw for my valor days. A lot of us in guardians have been playing for over a year, some of them almost at two years. Y'all have always stood behind your word until you became quark. There is now no reasoning with any of you.

Whatever. Thanks for showing the entire valor community how you treat your players. Well done guys

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:56 am
by Kevin32402
Well I fully disagree with the ruling here and this being said I will not play nor spend anymore money here. I'm going to look for a new game and invite the 1000's of friends I have from here to it. This has been ruined my out look on this game completely. We didn't screw up u did now we have to suffer for your mistakes. Next time don't underestimate us.

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:19 am
by Asathor
Recoil ;) haha I will follow my friend.
I'm after this anounces complete done. So I will explore real life& save my money 😄😄

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:34 am
by Arabstar1
So I work in retale and we go the motto ( the customer is always rite ) .... Guess that don't work for coporate anymore :(
And @kevin ... I heard farmsvilla is this time if the year . The crops grow 30% faster in the summer and its free of charge :) win win baby

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2013 10:27 am
by LordAndrew5151
Have to say, don't care for most of y'all's team but way to stand up to quark and good luck