Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

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Postby Engininja » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:01 pm

I never post here and use this forum to monitor any troubles and/or glitches but this new interface is beyond words.... Please bring back the original. All my issues are apparently everyone elses and I am quite sure 95% of Valor players will agree. Too difficult to navigate and too hard to see. After 2 yrs of playing and my wife breathing down my neck, this one may actually end it for me :-(

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Postby Shammoul » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:12 pm

The worst patch to a game ever. What were they thinking when they implemented this, dropping people from servers, losing fan base, destroying the game. Well if that was what they were looking to accomplish, congrats you did it now the fame will die all because you wanted to make more money gettin people to buy gold. Approximately 30% of the info bar for that. I need a magnifying glass to see resources. Good luck engaging in a war since you have destroyed the timing for launching attacks because of the load times between cities now. That's it, the game had become politically correct, can't setup attacks and conduct war in a war game. Welcome to the sims!

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Bring back the arrows....

Postby Lorddino68 » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:16 pm

I can live with every other update
But bring back the arrows to scroll city to city, this is ludicrous, 40 clicks to get off an attack, I cannot get to cities without entering a search term as I had to refresh the list 10 times

I am back to a pencil and paper to write down the city I am attacking and rendering it again and again....this is crazy...I thought this said it was an upgrade not a step back to 1999 usability....

Can someone with more than 20 cities try this before releasing this to the masses!

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Postby Rpraetor » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:21 pm

Not being able to scroll left and right thru the cities is the biggest mistake you have made. You guys obviously don't play the game!

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Postby Zatun » Mon Sep 24, 2012 8:26 pm

Wow guys I totally agree. The old top bar was much better, new one is small black print on brown background, may need a magnifine glass to read city and coordinates. No arrows takes about 3 times longer to scroll thru to get scholarships. But all in all the game map doesn't work, crashes every time I try to use it. Hope you guys can reverse this update.

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Postby AceDragon » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:08 pm

I agree with what everyone is saying. I've been playing for about 2 years now. This is BAD!! Change it back. ASAP!!!

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Postby awsomator » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:19 pm

I can't even scroll threw cities now.RUBBISH UPDATE

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Postby Soulman » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:26 pm

WORST!!! get it together play mesh. You have successfully turned me into a forum poster. Good job. Oh yeah, game sucks now. Fix it.

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Postby MajorSeaward » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:27 pm

Can't scroll through cities now. Horrible!! Please change it back. Before you could go to rally point and scroll through all cities to check troops. Now you can't. You have to go and click on each city individually and then go to rally point each time. Takes too long. Soooo frustrated right now : (

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Postby Alz » Mon Sep 24, 2012 9:27 pm

I will try to be calm and constructive in my criticism.

Please bring back the flip arrows to cycle to the next and previous cities. Or can we slide the button backwards or forwards. I don't care how you do it. Let it be possible. I have to manage over 150 cities it takes me about 2 hours every day. Another guild member has over 500 cities. Go figure. We need to make this game as fast as possible.

Please don't talk about it at the next UI meeting. Call an emergency UI meeting. This is as bad as when you changed the chaos mechanics (I actually don't like the chaos rule). All my guild is complaining about the new sidebar for cities it's the same as the portal button.

The mail looks a lot better now. Well done.

City population will take a bit of getting used to but won't take me long. Probably an improvement. I reserve judgement.

Gold button is huge! I know you need to make money but a huge gold total and a huge plus sign and big signs on just about every page advertising gold buying options is overkill. I am sure the recent changes will mean less people play and buy gold. It takes too long to mange cities.

I still have 2 funny characters at the bottom of my city overview asking me to upgrade my city and build an army. I have over 150 cities. I think I have passed that. Why is it still here. Screen space is a premium.

Resources numbers are tiny. It's really hard to read and so is the city name and co-ords.

Can you make a beta versio. So people can test or for you. Some guys in my guild have so much spare time it's ridiculous. They would love to do it.

I only want to make Valor a better game, so I can enjoy it at its best. For now I am not doing anything until its fixed. I just hope I for get attacked but I can't find the time to play it in its broken state.

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