Please redo recruitment asap

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Postby Escogido » Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:13 am

Put me down as another player that wishes there is a toggle button to disable the new recruitment page. The graphics are great and it's not a terrible system when you only have a handful of cities, but you don't have a handful for long.

I personally would have went the other way and put all troops on the same page. Now the amount of pages a player has to scroll through has went from 3 to 8! I just want to be able to see all my troops at a glance and build new ones accordingly.

Maybe give players an option to buy troops from the rally point. Have a pop up menu after a player clicks on the troop type. Anything to bring the number of clicking and scrolling down. It gets overwhelming when you start to acquire a large amount of cities.

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Postby aaronnorth » Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:20 am

I also want to be able to turn it off.
Good job on the graphics but is totally impractical..

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Postby Bbloksma » Wed Oct 24, 2012 10:23 am

Same here. I can see where it might be better for the beginner but us veterans want just the number screen. Please make it an option we can turn on/off.

Also, for the beginner, make sure he/she is invited to tap the capability graph bottom left to get the units overview. In the old screen there wad a button that begged to be pushed, in the new graphics I only found it because in the preview video you mentioned it.

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Postby Brendone » Wed Oct 24, 2012 11:25 am

Add me to the list of people who prefer function over flash. It's kind of cool to see the pics and stats of units, but after you train the unit the first time, you should be able to figure out what they're for. Maybe it would be better to add all this flash and stats to that general dude's quest (a new quest pops up over time suggesting you to research and then train each unit, showcasing its stats and story).

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Postby MidevilMonk » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:37 pm

I can see how many people dislike the new recruitment, but come on, this isn't a text based game.

I can see adding a summary chart at the top of the screen (like the rally point), but overall it looks great and I like the enhancements.

Also, please make the university like this and have the scholar look like Aurora, because if she came to my town, I definitely would have a lower loyalty to my current leaders.

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Postby Brendone » Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:36 pm

Obviously you've never rebuilt 500 rams, 1000 knights and 2500 beserkers (at the same time) from 2 dozen attacking cities at the same time then? What was once 24 different recruit troops screens (with 3 tabs, all 3 loaded at once) and pressing recruit 24 times (1 for each city) is now split into 192 different screens (1 for each troop for each city) and needing to press recruit 72 times (1 for each unit). Given about 4 seconds for a screen to 'load' and 2 seconds for a command to 'register' we're going from about 2.5 minutes of loading time to about 15 minutes of loading time. So it takes me 8x as much time to train my troops? Next thing will be swiping side to side to build buildings in the city hall!! I'd have preferred more like the graphical construction mode, a graphical training mode right from your town map (floating window, sliders, train buttons, all in one place, with the same status bar you get when you click on the city hall appearing above your barracks etc, when you click on them).

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Postby MidevilMonk » Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:10 am

Brendone wrote:Obviously you've never rebuilt 500 rams, 1000 knights and 2500 beserkers (at the same time) from 2 dozen attacking cities at the same time then?

I always get a kick out of these comments :) .

However, I should expand on my post.

I like the changes that they made, however there would be 4 nice additions that should be made.

1. The biggest complaint seems to be the fact that to recruit zerks and rams at the same time, you have to swipe more times that you used to. The tabs could always be put back above the pictures where the current building you are in is located allowing for quicker navigation.
2. When entering into the Barracks it would be nice if the Sentry was the active unit instead of the Lancer (Knight for the Stable instead of Scout). I would like to see this because if I want to check the number of units I have, I would be able to see all the units I have right when I enter. This should also work when switching tabs from the suggestion I made in #1.
3. Default the number of troops you are recruiting back to 0 and allow us to recruit multiple unit types at once. This shouldn't be a major change considering this was how it was done previously. This also means that when we want to put in a custom number we only have to enter it instead of deleting the current number and entering in the custom number.
4. Improve the slider. I am not sure if there is a way to do it (possibly limitations based on the language/tools) but it would be wonderful if it worked more like the resolution slider that you see on a Windows PC. That is it only works for certain numbers. If you have the abilty to recruit 50 troops, you should be able to select 5,10,15...50 troops using the slider. Then make that scalable so that when you have the ability to create 500 troops you can select 50,100,150...500 troops using the slider. I would love this because right now the only time I use the slider is in the Academy when buying scholarships and I don't want the max number.

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Postby DS32 » Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:36 am

I think you should be able to turn it off, because personally i like it but i think when i get back to 100 citys i wold like the less graphic version of it, but i do think you should update the old way of recruiting but make it alot easier, but other than that i think it is really cool looking and i like using it....... for now

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Postby ThatValorPlayer » Thu Oct 25, 2012 5:36 am

1. Option to turn off.
2. Small boxes with each unit to enable switching between much quicker.


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Postby Ikier » Thu Oct 25, 2012 1:56 pm

For me it is not only recruiting several units at once - it is that too! But if I want to recruit both lancers and sents I need to type in xxx lancers; recruit; swipe; type xxx sents; recruit; then swipe for next units.

Old style - press the number field on lancers, type in xxx; then press number field for sent; type in xxx (keyboard remains visible).

This is much faster.

Actually - I would prefer it worked as a form, so I could type in xxx lancers; press next; then type in xxx sents.

Same feature would be great when launching troops / selecting which troops to launch.

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