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Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:38 pm
by TheHeartlessKiller
I guess I'm just saying that it isn't fair for the little guy.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:38 pm
by TheHeartlessKiller
And wow this is an old post why is it all of a sudden up on the front page again?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:43 pm
by LordFirefall
TheHeartlessKiller wrote:I guess I'm just saying that it isn't fair for the little guy.

No one said it was. However, Quark has to make money to keep the game going.

As far as putting this post on the main page, that happened when Pinsonmp replied.

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:46 pm
by TheHeartlessKiller
Ok I see your point now Firefall and oh that's why

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:47 pm
by McMorris
The one thing about a truce you must realize is the fact that it only lasts 24 hours and there is a cool down period. It isn't the ultimate protection for rich kids. Also you don't need truces or chaos to win. Strategy and teamwork are far superior to them. I've never played with chaos myself but I can see why it was removed. As for truces it just prolongs the pain for the rich people. In 109 there was a player that would have been capped out within 2 days but because of the use of truces he lasted about two weeks. All he accomplished was handing over more money to Quark. The truce didn't help him one bit. People can complain about it all they want but if you know how to play a strategy game it only serves to make your enemies death all the more painful for him/her.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 5:51 pm
by Imya
PwnLaw wrote:...We even tried paying them in Magic: The Gathering cards, but they wouldn't budge...

Wait a minute do you play MTG PawLaw? If you ever want to play a Type 1 game let me know, I haven't played in years but I still have my cards :)

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2013 7:58 pm
by Poppie
I liked chaos I used it for offensive reasons also. As for chaos vs truce. Have you ever had a city in a 2+ day chaos? Have a buddy send 40 sch, that was sweet

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 12:04 am
by Powerbang
I was one entirely in favor of removing chaos. I nearly quit after world 68 due to the complete care bear nature of chaos, and the fact it wasn't only widespread, it was a MANDATORY defense tactic.

Guilds completely relied on putting rally points in chaos as a crutch both offensively and defensively.

My guild could put a player in chaos within 2 minutes of attacks beginning, every time without fail.

The fact that this could happen took out a HUGE layer of strategy and skill from this game. Gone were the days of timing attacks, and instead you just try to fire off troops from as many cities as possible while still making sure to get 5 scholars off before getting "There is chaos on the battlefield."

More often than not, attacks were sniped, or only 3 scholars were able to be sent in time.


Removing this capability was the best thing to ever happen to this game. Because of the change I joined world 75 and have been playing since.

NOW, guilds are forced to actually play defense if they want to be successful at hanging on to their cities.

Wait, what!?! DEFENSE? Wow what a novel concept...

This truly gives great players a chance to utilize their skill sets, and it gives guilds an opportunity to elevate their gameplay above that of their peers... Sniping, countering, recaps all enter the realm of possibility, adding a new dynamic and challenging gaming experience, and it also raises the skill cap of the game.

Regarding the complaints of "Truce" putting players that don't spend gold at a disadvantage... This is just a lame excuse from players who either don't take the game as seriously as those willing to spend a minimal amount of money on gold for a truce, or a lack of experience displayed from those very same people that complain about it.

Every single target my guild attacks truces. EVERY ONE.

This is not a bad thing, in fact, we celebrate a truce. This guarantees that in 24 hours time or sooner, there is no refuge from our relentless assault, and there is no opportunity to load up support while truce is active. A truce in my eyes nearly GUARANTEES the player utilizing it a swift and immediate exit from the world.

Having played several worlds with no chaos, My opinion regarding the chaos changes and truce remains unchanged and in my eyes validated by the game play I've experienced.

Bravo Quark/Playmesh

Here's to another good year of gaming ;)

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 7:49 pm
by TheHeartlessKiller
Agreed on the last part. And yeah you have a great point actually now I think of it chaos isn't good sometimes.