W125 - Really?!?!?!

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Postby An0n1mus » Thu Jan 17, 2013 12:16 pm

hello, sorry if my English is not very good. I am currently a crown in W125 in the last surviving guild

I think as fly, 3 weeks ago we eliminated all our enemies and keep playing, but this is eternal and boring

Personally I love this game, but the best thing is to play in the team to conquer other guilds, but also avoid elimination, meaning that this game has no enemies, I do not go to sleep thinking if someone tried to conquer my cities, they can not , that would be boring.

Another problem is Start Over, for what? if I have a city of 20k points (3 weeks playing), and another player caps it, START ANOTHER WORLD, who really thinks will win this type of 1k world starting again? after three weeks I will be the same, but my enemies will be much more severe. Doesn't make sense.

Its only my opinion, but i think a lot of players who are in this situation as fly says think same, thx, an0n1mus.

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Postby PhoenixEdge » Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:03 pm

I've been playing Valor since world 33. To be honest I was thinking of quitting Valor, because I was getting bored of the game. There just didn't seem to be a point, and it was the same thing every world I played in. When Trial By Sword worlds starting coming out, I was really excited. The new barb city mechanics really make things more exciting, but what I was really excited about were the win conditions. I finally felt like there would be a point to winning a world. But after learning what the rewards are for winning, I honestly don't think I'll even bother to stick around to collect my reward after "winning" a world. What's the point of playing for a month, then having to endure another month of a pointless slog to cap all the remaining tiny inactive Lord cities, especially if the rewards are essentially meaningless? I don't care about a medal or title or anything. Give me gold, or make the medals actually do something like a small resource production in all worlds or a bonus to luck in all worlds or something (and you can't say that wouldn't be fair - most MMO games reward players in ways that give them an edge over other players, such as leveling up)- then I would feel like there was a point to winning a world. But the way things are now, I don't have any motivation to continue playing Valor, and certainly not enough motivation to spend a month of my time mopping up endless inactive lord cities...

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Postby Sirboland » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:20 pm

My guild isn't really upset about the rewards.. When I told them they were sad for a sec. But no one complains. We are all just looking forward to playing. If you don't enjoy the game... Why waste your time? If you enjoy it than great
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Postby FlyingHigh » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:24 pm

LOL - boland - that is not what Phoenix said - he said he DID enjoy the game - that is until he learned about the victory conditions and the prize... The point is that we ALL love this game and were really excited about this new format. And it WAS exciting at first until we wiped everyone out. ...then... I won't repeat myself. So reread the thread. It's great you guys are having fun.

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Postby Powerbang » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:37 pm

I will attempt to sum up the issue, the root cause and perhaps even suggest a solution that would appease everyone here:

Herein lies the basic problem with TBS worlds:

The new changes that have been applied have little to no effect on the actual win condition.

The only way the new rules help, is the world size is small enough to be legitimately conquered by one guild in a semi-reasonable amount of time.

If a win condition is simply to "capture all of the cities (including 1085's and unguided), then it was quite possibly to win worlds prior to 111.

The solution needs to be determined by finding a mathematical formula that calculates and determines victory when a world has a guild with a lead so insurmountable it is nearly impossible to recover from...

The keyword here is NEARLY.

If you require EVERY city to be captured, you can throw the win condition right out the window, as it has no value... Only "fluff" for marketing purposes.

As it sits now, Quark staff have acknowledged a bug exists now that requires attacks be sent at inactives to actually make them disappear. Given that their inactivity script is not functioning as intended, I am of the opinion that a manual review of worlds should be done by staff to investigate whether a win condition has been reached.

It is not difficult to log into a world and look at the map and realize 98% of it belongs to one guild.

If its a "bug" that's the root cause of the issue, it should either be

A.) fixed
B.) manually overridden until it is corrected

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Postby FlyingHigh » Thu Jan 17, 2013 3:39 pm

Well said Powerbang.

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Postby PhoenixEdge » Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:54 pm

Powerbang, good post. I should also suggest this: In lieu of win conditions, why can't Quark employees just look at the individual worlds? It should be pretty obvious when someone has won a world - can't Quark employees just manually declare a guild as a winner, after the guild submits a request? Would be easier than coding in new win conditions, too...

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:03 pm

PhoenixEdge wrote:Powerbang, good post. I should also suggest this: In lieu of win conditions, why can't Quark employees just look at the individual worlds? It should be pretty obvious when someone has won a world - can't Quark employees just manually declare a guild as a winner, after the guild submits a request? Would be easier than coding in new win conditions, too...

Actually, PwnLaw addressed that, in part, earlier:

"More importantly, if we attempted to do manual checks, we would need to hire another person purely for this purpose and then there would be endless disputes and debates as to whether or not a particular world was ended appropriately."

Granted, if it were based on guild request, it would take less time. However, it could still be open to dispute.

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Postby FlyingHigh » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:04 pm

...employee of the month....

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Jan 17, 2013 7:12 pm

FlyingHigh wrote:...employee of the month....

Nope. Just know how to read up.

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