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Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:40 am
by gemini0019
Why keep the side bar when they can just add a search function to the portal page?
And really, no refresh button in the city view? I just don't understand why your programmers would have done this. To waste our time, to make us quit, to loss money?
These all seem like viable options to large players now. I, along with many others, am awaiting W100. Not so sure if I will continue to play at all now. It already takes over an hour to get thru all my cities, you just doubled my time. Especially when just buying scholarships. Please revert to the previous update and suspend this one immediately. Then work out the bugs in your Wednesday meeting.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:58 am
by Divinus
I'm going to try to be nice, but I'm not sure it's going to work because I am so utterly frustrated by this new version. Do you guys actually talk to players before you make thse upgrades? I have 365 cities. The most frustrating, tedious, and timely part of the game is scholarships. This new upgrade makes it nearly impossible if I cannot scroll from city to city. I don't understand why you would make this game more time consuming on stuff that everyone hates. We want to blast people and conquer cities, not spend 10 hrs a week doing a mindless task. Also, there is no refresh button, and no farm capaicty, all of which help save me time. I love this game but it just became unplayable for anyone who does not have half their week to play Valor. Your revenues are going to plummet if you don't downgrade to the previous version. This is a monumental mistake. PLEASE figure out some way to discuss changes with players before they happen. 4 out of the last 5 updates have been steps back in game play while this one is a nail in the coffin. I love this game. Can't believe you just killed it.

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:01 am
by QEW
You have blown it big time play mesh, what were you thinking, and you still haven't fixed it. What a brain dead upgrade, please fix this game back to where it was 24 hrs ago, give me a restore version option. This game sucks big time now ,

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:13 am
by RockNRoll
The cities in the sidebar is a nifty feature, but its exactly the same as using the portal screen. You guys should have made the side bar different by showing troop levels (with each type) and how many resources in warehouse. Otherwise you just made it harder for me to cycle through cities to get scholarships for nothing. It took me a half hour longer than normal (typically an hour) to buy my scholarships. No bueno

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:26 am
by BlitzSonne
Does anyone of playmesh play her own game with more than 10 cities? After this update it is no more possible to manage my >90 cities. Sure you want pay gold but premium gamers find the place where they can buy it. Indpendent where this feature is. But please not so big in the main screen and delete therefore the possibility to scroll thru the cities. Now it is impossible to handle such a lot cities. Can't buy scholarships in an acceptable time. Bring back the arrows for switching fast thru my cities. That i missed most. All other points written from the other users are also right but no possibility to switch fast from city to city suck. Fix it as fast as possible.

Edit: It is no more possible to recognize which city I am working on. Why do you no more show the complete ctiy name?
X Cityname 1
X Cityname 2
X Cityname 3
are always shown as
X Citynam...

So how should I know what is the real city name????? Is there nobody looking at your rubbish before you deliver it to the world? Do you need so long time to count your earned money that you need your complete stuff for that instead of making a working UI? Who designed such UI in your house? Your caretaker?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:26 am
by Kingarthur3
Based on the feedback I'm seeing so far, I am so GLAD I haven't attempted the update and I won't until things are corrected.
Looks like everyone is running into some major issues that need to be corrected in order for us to continue playing a game we have become addicted to. While it's nice to get a "new" shiny toy, if its just a turd polished what's the point!
I'm sure you guys will do e right thing, probably already are, and get people on top of these issues to fix.

Btw, can I get some gold for posting my thoughts here?!? Figure I took time out of my work schedule to help you do your job, I should probably get something in return...hahaha

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:28 am
by Skidmaster
Not a fan of update. Gotta have an option to scroll through cities please. Is this a sneaky attempt to extract more gold spending from us Valor addicts?

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:05 am
by MsTris
I initially thought "Love the new sidebar!!! Makes scrolling through my cities so much easier when I want to find a particular city."
Please gives us back the navigation arrows so we can flip from city to city while we are in the academy or barracks or forge, etc...
Harvesting scholarships takes longer now... You guys already knew that we wanted a 'mass harvest scholarship' function, so why make it even harder on us?*
The game crashes when you try to use the map. I shouldn't have to upgrade/ switch to the HD version.
Fix it! Fix it! Fix it!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:18 am
by Jonathan7947
Yea, i personaly liked the regular Valor, i did not want to upgrade to Valor HD it hurts my eyes 😔

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 8:38 am
by lordJecco
Not good enough, you have to send out a downgrade quickly