Negative Scholars

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Postby LordFirefall » Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:43 am

AceDragon wrote:I think they should leave this alone and leave the negative scholars the way it was.
Reason being is if someone wants to sit around with two or more accounts and make one account their main, then so be it. The player took the time of their own to do this. It's an aspect of the game that has always been there and it's not cheating or exploiting.
If its something that has to be changed then it should only be for new and future worlds.

Just to get a little perspective, what worlds are you in? I'm currently active in W95 and only a small handful are using it. I would prefer not to see my world ruined by that handful who don't feel they should have to purchase scholarships for the scholars they have.
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Postby AceDragon » Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:58 am

I play in world 3 and really only in world 3 but also a little in world A7 for android. But in world 3 I have around 1120 cities so it can take a long time to scroll threw cities just to get a scholar. So yes I do have another account that I play with to make scholars for me, if I didn't it would make the game a lot less enjoyable for me. I let my main account do the attacking while the other takes the city till I need it.

I mean why scroll thru all the cities if I don't really have to.

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Postby AceDragon » Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:14 am

And I should say. I did not use this feature in the game until way later once the world slowed down. I would say around a year and a half after the world opened. So I didn't start "exploiting" this feature in the beginning.

Maybe they can make a way so you can have negative scholars but only a max, say 10, until you get to a certain amount of cities then the max is lifted.

Think about it this way, in say real war if you take someone over they may have "scholars" that are out of the city you take, you bring them back by force, interrogate them and they work for you.

At first it's harder to get them to work for you so you are able to make "scholarships" for these "negative scholars" but as the more cities you get, the more powerful you become, the interrogations become easier and they just work for you.

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:38 am

AceDragon – They are working on a way to help us – mass scholarship purchasing. As far as constructing a framework that allows you to go negative, I disagree with that. In a way, I believe it is intended to be hard when you get to 1000+ cities. Look at all the large empires in history; they typically fell apart after a while. As far as interrogating scholars, think of it this way, scholars are zealots and help convert the local populace to your side. Ever try to convert a zealot? Doesn’t work. General troops don’t care who’s side they fight on, but hardcore ones do. That’s why its fitting they should die when a city changes hands. All the hardcore loyalists are typically put to the sword by the conquering army.

I get that old worlds are tedious and everyone is using negative scholars to compete with the others using negative scholars. What I don’t get, is why everyone who is using it seems to want to screw over all the newer worlds by keeping them. We need this fixed in worlds beyond 20-30, to ensure the worlds up to 12X don’t end up like those.
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Postby AceDragon » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:29 pm

Lordfirefall - I do get why negative scholars are not good. But like you said old worlds like mine, it's just how it is now and is needed.

I just don't want them to change anything for the old worlds like world 3, just leave us alone. The newer worlds, say 100 and up, go ahead and fix the issue.

I do believe the older worlds for this game are not coded the same as newer worlds (this is why I can't transfer my world 3 to an android device) so they should be able to leave older worlds alone.

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Postby TheHeartlessKiller » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:42 pm

Kingjason666 wrote:I have novels to write on this topic as KA is right this is wrong to change the rules now. We have been playing this way for 2 years and now it's going to change cause it's all of a sudden decided that what the game allowed us to do is wrong.

I have debated this point with Pwnlaw and Orlor in the guildmasters room and unfortunately they don't want to change their mind on this.
I think for all new worlds past w122 is should be stopped their is no need for it in a 1-5k world.
But in old worlds it is part of the game just like chaos is. And chaos was left behind in ib's worlds and I think so should negative scholars. Like KA I have a massive 60-70mill KSA and a 100mill ksd. I fought in the trenches and came out the other side a winner with my guild. We worked together to win. We never hacked the game or broke the law we just did what the game allowed us to do. And no where until lately has it been said that scholar building is cheating. KA nfl quote is spot on. Quark u gave us the ability to choose the cleets on our boots now with 1min to go in the game we as told we cheated. That's wrong.

KA is also right. A neg scholar player may have scholars but their is a lot of per negatives as well that make us super vulnerable. And if for some miricle justice prevails and we get to keep our scholars. I will teach u all have to destroy a negative scholar player easy.

If scholars are being taken away close these old worlds with chaos in them. No one spends gold in them much anymore and nothing like the gold spending rate needed in a new world. Declare all guilds ranked 1 the winner in worlds with chaos and lets move on without neg scholars in new worlds.

I call on everyone that wants to keep their scholars to post here and voice your opinion. The forums saved chaos and can save our scholars too. As I know a lot of players that will simply delete valor if their scholars go.

Sorry Pwnlaw and Orlor but as I said in guildmasters room I am a great warlord that looks after its guild and best thing for my guild is the rules as they are and I will do what is needed to try and save that.

For once I actually agree with you KingJason :P. Oh let me introduce myself as you might not know me anymore. The username changed. My old name was Deathhawk01392. But anyways, I agree. I started in world 31, and now even that is dead. Worlds 1-40 are dead and have been for a while. So close them down after declaring the top guild or guilds the winner.

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Postby LordFirefall » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:45 pm

AceDragon wrote:Lordfirefall - I do get why negative scholars are not good. But like you said old worlds like mine, it's just how it is now and is needed.

I just don't want them to change anything for the old worlds like world 3, just leave us alone. The newer worlds, say 100 and up, go ahead and fix the issue.

I do believe the older worlds for this game are not coded the same as newer worlds (this is why I can't transfer my world 3 to an android device) so they should be able to leave older worlds alone.

Not sure whether that is the case. However, I can say I think it should be changed for worlds below 100. My natural cutoff is the chaos/non chaos worlds after 75. I don't want to see negative scholars ruin W95, so I'd like to see them go away there.
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Postby Imya » Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:06 pm

LordFirefall wrote:Not sure whether that is the case. However, I can say I think it should be changed for worlds below 100. My natural cutoff is the chaos/non chaos worlds after 75. I don't want to see negative scholars ruin W95, so I'd like to see them go away there.

I would agree that the chaos cut off would be a good point for this too. I'm glad they are fixing the issue but I'm not glad that it may affect older worlds. Based on what I've read they are only killing off scholars which is much nicer than say barbing out cities, which was joked about or considered in one forum post a while back.

It would be nice to see an official post spelling out what will be happening, if its fully decided on.

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Postby Jodamann » Wed Feb 06, 2013 8:36 pm

Well, lord firefly, if you analyze this objectively, negative scholars can be created by anyone in any guild. How can that be cheating? It is a level playing field by definition. You and others bemoan it because you cant work together - as a guild - employing the kill or be killed nature of the game and create negative scholars. Those that bemoan it simply havent the organization skills to deploy it in a guild.

I wrote of my grievances regarding valors name calling this as an exploit.

I could bemoan any gold purchase as an exploit.

I could bemoan coordinated attacks as an exploit.

I could bemoan ballista someones farm to zero over and over as an exploit.

I could bemoan two or three or four devices as abusive.

I could bemoan the chaos techniques (still around, boys).

I could bemoan speed world gang ups.

I could bemoan all sorts of things. The fact is the software permits it. Everyone can do it. The playing field is level. Kill or be killed. (translation: exploit it ALL).

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Postby LordFirefall » Thu Feb 07, 2013 9:59 am

You could actually debate the points brought up in this thread.

You claim those of us that don't exploit negative scholars are unorganized. It doesn't take a lot of organization to do this - pick a city within reasonable distance, stock it with resources, hand the city over, train scholars, and hand it back. Nor does it take a lot of skill. I picked up a brand new player a few weeks ago who was doing it with a second account. She's back to a normal scholarship balance today, with the help of the guild.

I would submit to you that guilds who refrain from using this exploit do so because they don't want to mess with second accounts, they don't want to force one of their guild members to be a scholar farm, or they believe it is not keeping with the spirit of the game. I happen to be in the latter category.
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