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Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 8:46 pm
by cattiebrie
I like to look at it as all of yesterday they kept saying no eta as of yet, no eta has been established. We're working on the issue. Still trying to resolve the issue. Now they say stay tuned. And they will be posting in the forums and other areas that members can can get their updates. Plus it is the longest message they have written yet. Everything else was very vague. I find this to be a good sign. I may be optimistic. But it's better then crying about it like others have been.

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:31 pm
by ProblemChild
This could be a couple of days more. First difficulty I see is that California is development HQ and the servers are in North Carolina so any work going in with the hardware is nothing they are in control of. I also expect this to be an A9 shared platform so they would have never had access to the hardware. Most likely this is a virtual server. Since this is not a general A9 outage and it has already taken this long the likely core issue is player data. Bringing virtual or hardware servers with the running code would have happened long ago so the tie up must be on dynamic data. Likely there are insufficient backups or issues with the backup sets. An outage of this length makes perfect sense if they are trying to retrieve the most current data from the old disks or find a good backup set and update it to the most recent available user information. If this is the case we might see several more days of an outage and/or have game data reverted to a period where we have lost several days or weeks of gameplay. The last extended outages were caused by extended A9 infrastructure issues that affected many clients but this one looks limited to Valor only so the only reason for an extended outage is potential data loss. Right now I do not see this boding well for Quark or the players.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:08 am
by Yournextex
Kingjason666 wrote:U do sleep slurrrp from 5-8vt then wake up for a P. see how many city's we took from you then go back to sleep till 12vt

Bragging bout taking someones cities isnt nice especially when we took you and all your guilds cities on w100

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 12:15 am
by mclueppers2
cattiebrie wrote:I like to look at it as all of yesterday they kept saying no eta as of yet, no eta has been established. We're working on the issue. Still trying to resolve the issue. Now they say stay tuned. And they will be posting in the forums and other areas that members can can get their updates. Plus it is the longest message they have written yet. Everything else was very vague. I find this to be a good sign. I may be optimistic. But it's better then crying about it like others have been.

This means absolutely nothing. I think they try to play fair and put this official announcement just in case authorities/Apple do a check why they're offline.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:29 am
by BazzzzR
We put men on the moon but cannot get a game back running under 24hrs. Sorry not good enough Valor, fail safes should be in place. G***.

Give a break

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 3:32 am
by angelinathe3rd
Hi valorians

We all love this game. It's not the first time valor it's down but many forget this is a free app. And not all players donate money (everytime you buy gold). How many players are login in every day????how much that cost??? I've read some stuff in kakao and here and... Guys please. The game it's freezed, no one will attack... Some lost troops, we lost troops so many times in bad moves.... What's the difference???? Complain about it doesn't help. I know all tec support are doing everything to get us back. Just give them a break. And be patient, I am impatient too but we need to stay calm! ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:05 am
by mclueppers2
angelinathe3rd wrote:Hi valorians

We all love this game. It's not the first time valor it's down but many forget this is a free app. And not all players donate money (everytime you buy gold). How many players are login in every day????how much that cost??? I've read some stuff in kakao and here and... Guys please. The game it's freezed, no one will attack... Some lost troops, we lost troops so many times in bad moves.... What's the difference???? Complain about it doesn't help. I know all tec support are doing everything to get us back. Just give them a break. And be patient, I am impatient too but we need to stay calm! ;)

And now what about all of us that pay real money for this game so that it's still free for the rest and continuously developed? How would you feel if you just cashed in $100 in gold and the server goes down? For me it's a fraud - I do not get any value from the money I spent.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:23 am
by LordFirefall
mclueppers2 wrote:And now what about all of us that pay real money for this game so that it's still free for the rest and continuously developed? How would you feel if you just cashed in $100 in gold and the server goes down? For me it's a fraud - I do not get any value from the money I spent.

No one is currently getting value for the money they've spent. If some could get in, and others couldn't, there would be a case to pursue, but everyone is down. You'll get value for the money you spent, when the servers are fixed.


Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:25 am
by angelinathe3rd
mclueppers2 wrote:And now what about all of us that pay real money for this game so that it's still free for the rest and continuously developed? How would you feel if you just cashed in $100 in gold and the server goes down? For me it's a fraud - I do not get any value from the money I spent.

I spend money too. Because I wanted not because it's an obligation. It's annoying been for almost 2days without the game. But nothing it's lost. You will get any extender or boost you had... So Why a fraud???? Accidents and breakdowns happenes.... That's my opinion.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:39 am
by Slowuk
hi all not here to complain as we all know things go wrong time to time.
i would just ask for a little more info thats all mybe six hour updates good look fixing the problem.