Changes to Chaos on Worlds opened on/after June 6th

General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby Oncecrazy » Wed May 30, 2012 9:35 pm

Even with these changes you can still chaos it just takes 125 attacks. So all you cowards that use this stupid tactic stop complaining. Also W2 started chaos then it was taken away and 25 commanders was installed. You players just need to fight fair and stop crying 😭😭😭

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Postby Duke24 » Wed May 30, 2012 9:39 pm

I think it is a pretty stupid thing to do to focus on an "issue" that has been part of the game since it started when you have numerous worlds and numerous bugs. The bugs are what kill the game, not a thing like chaos. Sure, people exploit it. I play old-fashioned, where there were only a few helpful tactics. I didn't even know what chaos was until I was at least 4-5 months into the game. At that point there were only 9 worlds. I think your fundamental problem is too many worlds. You ask for suggestions and bug reports but rarely do we see that fixed. The last update gave a new way for inviting people to the guild. It seemed kind of random amidst the complaints of map issues and other things. I reported a map issue on here. Nothing happened. I didn't even get a reply. I also reported a portal issue that has been around since March 2012. No reply.

In short I see you biting off more than you can chew. You are swamped with things to fix yet you ignore the small things and go straight to the top. This thread was posted a few hours ago and has generated a huge response. Up to 7 pages in a few hours. I read some of it and I see people indifferent to chaos but complaining about other things.

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Postby Bodeen » Wed May 30, 2012 9:43 pm

I got no prob with you getting rid of chaos. But at least give allies the ability to support each other. If i take a city that cost heavy troops and with no chance to defend it, i might as well just farm, the whats the point of playng the game. Al
East i could call on an ally for support until i can send troops from pther locations. As far as i can tell, you are not going to see too many 60 hr scholar trips anymore.

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Postby Jeal » Wed May 30, 2012 9:47 pm

Y am I still getting the maximum amount of simultaneous attack reached MSG??!!
Change for the future worlds not the current ones!

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Postby Stuckmojo » Wed May 30, 2012 9:49 pm

No people that use chaos need to leave valor altogether if you can't handle it. I had to sit and watch chaos get thrown into my worlds when I didn't want it. This is life deal with it. Again thank you playmesh. I'll gladly pay every cent you lose from these babies.

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Postby Fobungas » Wed May 30, 2012 9:53 pm

The lack of chaos doesn't bother me. I rarely use it myself. What does intrigue me is that you can have 7-10 enemy guilds attacking u at once. But you can only get support from your main guild, not your whole alliance. Are there measures in place to fix this? Or should we just constantly jump from guild to guild to aquire the required defense troops?

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Postby Oncecrazy » Wed May 30, 2012 9:54 pm

I agree the allies supporting each other needs to come back!

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Postby Infusion » Wed May 30, 2012 9:56 pm

Ladies and Gents.

On behalf of playmesh.. Let me explain a few things.

I have played since the beggining and have seen all the changes Playmesh has done.

It was discovered in World 2 that launching a hellfire attack on a player caused his device to not allow them to log in. I think with over 400+ attacks or so.

This was a huge exploit that needed immediate attention.
Therefore chaos was put in place to prevent such an occurance.

In the computer world a server is only capable of handling a certain level of processes at a time. Either due to internet limitations or processing power.
But in this case above Your mobile device i believe is that limitation not the servers.

So what to do?

Either way has an exploit. Therefore playmesh has to put in a limit somewhere.
My suggestion is this. Limit the number of troop commanders from a single city to 6.

1 TC for an attack
5 to send scholars shortly after.

If a guild is caught trying to replicate the initial reason Chaos was put in place in the first place... Turn any player involved in sending the attacks immediately into Barb cities.

If they know thenconsequences of trying to exercise the exploit... They wont do it.
Idk... What do ya do. I did however enjoy the game themost when we did have epic battles in W2 and yes our front lines clashed heavy with the enemy. We take 5. They'd take 4 back.. They'd take 6. We'd take 10 back.

Those who played world 2 in either UGBOW or Professional CO knows what I am talking about. After 6 months we said forget the war between each other... Shook hands and started kicking butt in W16 together instead.

I think this is truly the results of the game that Playmesh truly intended to create. And then they brought in reveal and instant spy... These 2 enhancements are bad for the game.

Make it so we can support any city. (including spiking barb cities)
Make it so our troops that conquor stay
Make it so our troops have the freedom that William Wallace gave his life for.

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Postby Jeal » Wed May 30, 2012 9:56 pm

I can't send anymore troops in b'cos of the hiccup and 30k guards have gone in so far. Troops are are going in and I can't send new ones in. That needs to be fixed now!

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Postby Stuckmojo » Wed May 30, 2012 9:56 pm

One crazy. Would join you in any world.
I'm making a guild to fight coalitions if your interested.

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