Valor 2.1.3 worst version ever

General topics and discussion on Valor.
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Postby elchemor » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:12 am

While browsing the forums through the in-game browser clicking on refresh does nothing but crash the game, or is it only me ?

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Postby Biwin » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:20 am

Forums crash for me when I do anything. They also tend to lock up so I can't scroll through or reply to a post I've already made.

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Postby Juditha » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:43 am

17:00 valor time: now it goes nothing. can not go to city from the new scroll list , error messages

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Postby gemini0019 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:50 am

Orlor, do you have any idea as to what will happen? Is really be interested to know what you think about all theses rants and negative fees back.

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Location: Take a wild guess.

Disappointing... Ughh.

Postby DarthBamf666 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 11:52 am

First off, I agree totally with KingJason666. He's right on every point. Now, to business...

Playmesh this isn't the first time this kind of crap has happened. I remember when an old update caused crashing in rally point. Every time we turn around we get a change that fixes 1 thing and screws up things that were working fine. That is complete and utter bullsh*t. Lots of us have worked so hard in Valor to get where we are the least you could do is check your update, test run it before releasing it. Don't release an update that you didn't test and is bound to screw up something. I've run thin on patience with Valor because of this sh*t. I'm not expecting perfection but give me a break and update wisely.

You wanna know the one thing you've NEVER fixed since it first came up? Crashing, every damm time my phone screen turns off while in W14 or I exit to another app while in W14 and come back Valor crashes and I forced to restart it. I've sat and hoped that would be fixed and it never has gotten fixed.

Anyway bottom line is this update is another grand screw-up and one of many. And that map glitch better be fixed because I'm not downloading Valor HD to try and get around it. I rest my case.

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Postby FlyingHigh » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:22 pm

...wait until Wednesday meeting? FFS, Playmesh, you need to treat this for what it really is - a complete & utter disaster that needs to be rescinded immediately! ...back to Haypi Kingdom if you can't give this the emergency status it deserves. I have 520+ cities in one world - thought this latest update would fix the issues for us bigger players. Instead you went 10 steps backwards... Bye, bye!

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Postby Stefan0 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:36 pm

I don't like this update too... I miss the left and right scroll buttons, the update button and the old presentation of the farm.
Can PlayMesh add an option in the settings to choose the old display ?

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Postby Tig » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:46 pm

Fix city scrolling as this is a deal breaker.
Fix resources so I know the limit for that cities farm level
Why is the buy gold section taking up so much real estate? Even if I use it daily it doesn't deserve that much space
City names need to be fully visible
Every time I close and reopen the app it shows my cities as they were 2 days ago rather than their current state, even if I viewed and refreshed them an hour ago.
Would be nice if incoming attacks actually appeared in the portal screen without me having to refresh each of the 22 pages to find out which cities are being attacked.

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Postby Queentoots1 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 12:54 pm

What was the point of this update. Adding a new side bar to see your list of cities and still keeping the portal which is exactly the same? An update is supposed to be an improvement so why couldn't the side bar list of cities show troop count and farm levels at a glance instead of total city points which isn't needed as its already in portal. And of course all the other issues which have already been raised need to be sorted asap - there are a lot of gold paying disgruntled players in here, me included.

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New valor update

Postby Roki101 » Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:02 pm

I totally agree with other threads on the forum, this new update of valor is a disaster! Switching between your cities is very slow, especially since it is not easy to go from one city to the next one (alfabetically).

If it stays like this, i will have to quit playing is so slow and tedious to find where i have to build troops, or which city i have used in attacks.

Please make the topbar loke it used to be....

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