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Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:17 pm
by Orlor
The issue of there not being data loss was in our last update. Please check here for all of those updates.

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:21 pm
by Strahd11
Thank you Orlor, for your patience with us. I know you're probably banging your bucket helmet against the wall, what with all the whining and crying. Appreciate all your hard work.

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:46 am
by Maximus654321
This is insane and ridiculous. Really reflects the the scale of efficiency, level of resources and quality of expertise running the show, after whom, half of the real world is going mad. In the first few post there were hopes of providing an ETA, now that is also out of question. I am sure we all need ETA of going live, may that be a day, a month or maybe an year so we can go on with our lives and not die in anxiety.

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:24 am
by Kingaddis
Maximus654321 wrote:This is insane and ridiculous. Really reflects the the scale of efficiency, level of resources and quality of expertise running the show, after whom, half of the real world is going mad. In the first few post there were hopes of providing an ETA, now that is also out of question. I am sure we all need ETA of going live, may that be a day, a month or maybe an year so we can go on with our lives and not die in anxiety.

Minimum information is killing us. And embarrassing on quark's behalf

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:46 am
by ProblemChild
Orlor wrote:The issue of there not being data loss was in our last update. Please check here for all of those updates.

With all due respect I don't believe you. The updates so far have been useless and if you are on A9 then the hardware aspect was resolved more than a day ago. This means there is a software issue that really has gone horribly wrong. So either you are not norking on any CVS and are rebuilding the code or the database has issues which also should have been resolved if it were a relativley minor issue. In any case the updates and information given so far are wholly inadquete. You could be telling us how you walk your dog and that update is as helpful as anything we have been told so far. I have experience with these kinds of issues and every single time when a company has been skittish with information the customers have turned on us. When I have been with companies who have explained the issue in enough detail for the customer base to understand the challanges associated with a lenghty outage I have experience a vastly appreciative set of users.

To tell us our data is not in danger while not expressing any helpful information is like Cominal Ali saying the American advance has been halted while bombs are going off just behind him. Why should we believe this statement when no credible information has been presented to us to indicate that Quark even knows what is actually happening?

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:52 am
by Kingaddis
ProblemChild wrote:With all due respect I don't believe you. The updates so far have been useless and if you are on A9 then the hardware aspect was resolved more than a day ago. This means there is a software issue that really has gone horribly wrong. So either you are not norking on any CVS and are rebuilding the code or the database has issues which also should have been resolved if it were a relativley minor issue. In any case the updates and information given so far are wholly inadquete. You could be telling us how you walk your dog and that update is as helpful as anything we have been told so far. I have experience with these kinds of issues and every single time when a company has been skittish with information the customers have turned on us. When I have been with companies who have explained the issue in enough detail for the customer base to understand the challanges associated with a lenghty outage I have experience a vastly appreciative set of users.

To tell us our data is not in danger while not expressing any helpful information is like Cominal Ali saying the American advance has been halted while bombs are going off just behind him. Why should we believe this statement when no credible information has been presented to us to indicate that Quark even knows what is actually happening?

Bang on the money!
The information provided is not good enought, if thre is no information bc you guys ain't got a clue, then let us know.
Give us something.

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:08 am
by LordFirefall
Kingaddis wrote:Bang on the money!
The information provided is not good enought, if thre is no information bc you guys ain't got a clue, then let us know.
Give us something.

If they posted another update that said they were working it, but had no ETA, there would be a string of posters complaining about that. Orlor has given us the updates he has, as well as commenting on some of the more outlandish rumors.

It's like the little kid who keeps asking, "Are we there yet?".

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:18 am
by Kingaddis
LordFirefall wrote:If they posted another update that said they were working it, but had no ETA, there would be a string of posters complaining about that. Orlor has given us the updates he has, as well as commenting on some of the more outlandish rumors.

It's like the little kid who keeps asking, "Are we there yet?".

I understand that.
They could do more with comms, maybe Orlor is not getting the info himself, I don't know, but surely someone would know what happened,
If anyone out there know if a game similar to valor, then let us know, but I don't think there is, so quark has got us by our nuts

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:37 am
by ThatValorPlayer
The longer quark is down, the more "players" (addicts :P) will wake up to the RL they've forgotten..

Alot of the serious player, while most won't admit it, spend more time on valor than on RL. I guess that's why the impatience is so obvious. Alot of us are waiting and checking every 10-20mins. If we had some kind of timeframe, we wouldn't be wasting so much time with false hopes.

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:48 am
by LordFirefall
ThatValorPlayer wrote:The longer quark is down, the more "players" (addicts :P) will wake up to the RL they've forgotten..

Alot of the serious player, while most won't admit it, spend more time on valor than on RL. I guess that's why the impatience is so obvious. Alot of us are waiting and checking every 10-20mins. If we had some kind of timeframe, we wouldn't be wasting so much time with false hopes.

Even if they gave us an ETA, you know people would still check every 10-20 in the hopes of being first in and gaining and advantage over others.